Other Gold Pages
Auctioneer is the main addon to use. It adds several function to the Auction House interface and make research, buying, and selling stuff easier.
Auctionator – Makes shopping lists, makes buying stuff easier, has a sell tab which is better than the default. Simpler than Auctioneer and less of a learning curve.
Mail Mod – this one opens a window with all your mail listed, up to 50 items at a time. You can grab all the items, just the cash, or pick and choose. Very nice and makes it much easier to get your mail, especially when you’re running a lot of auctions.
It’s even nicer when you’ve made a lot of sales and you see all those pretty gold sales, waiting to leap into your pockets.
Bag Mod – OneBag3: This merges all of your bags into one. You can configure size, rows, columns, and several other options. It takes a bit of getting used to, at first, but I like it alot. There are other bog mods that offer similar features.
Titan Panel – It comes with several features and then can add many more through various modules. Several of these will be of use to farmers and gatherers.
TradeskillMaster – TradeSkillMaster (TSM) is an addon suite designed to help both players new to the gold making scene as well as experienced auction house goblins streamline their gold-making processes including everything from crafting things to buying mats to snatch (dealfinding) lists to creating and canceling auctions.