This page has moved
All the information below is rather old and will not be updated. It is left here for legacy's sake. For the newer hunter pages, use these links:
Hunter Class Guide
Other Hunter Guides
The Hunter
When I think of hunter, I think Beastmaster. No, not the
actual talent build I mean the
movie, it's just that instead of commanding a pair of ferrets we get our
pick of a few slightly larger and more powerful specimens. This makes them
useful for killing yes, but they lack the inherent likability of ferrets,
leaving us instead with lean, mean, destruction machines – A
regrettable downgrade.
However, pets provide us with an amazing synergy between what is the
greatest non-player tank
and what may be the highest solo DPS class in the game. A Hunter and
his pet being almost the equivalent of a priest/warrior leveling team,
just packed into a single class. And then again, some pets can tank.
With proper mastery of their capabilities Hunters become one of the most powerful classes
in the game, possessing numerous abilities dedicated to keep us both alive and continually
capable of retaliating in any number of PvP and PvE situations.
Being as effective as they are some might argue that Hunters have it
all "too easy." Your Hunter might have to work
a bit to set herself apart from the vast flock of players more aptly
named “Huntards” by
the majority of players.
The good news is that if you truly are a Hunter of exceptional skills it’ll
be easily visible within, at most, a fight or two. This is due to difference between
good and bad hunters being so dramatic as to divide them into almost entirely different
classes, namely the huntards who bring ‘leet
melee dps’ and those who actually take the time to lay traps and stick to their
proper field of ranged combat, if at all possible. says:
These expert marksmen drop foes dead in their tracks with flawless
shots from a bow or rifle. With the ability to wield two weapons
simultaneously, hunters can unleash a flurry of blows against anyone
unfortunate enough to stumble into close combat with them.
The art of survival is central to the isolated life of a hunter.
Hunters track beasts with ease and enhance their own abilities by
attuning themselves to the feral aspects of various creatures. Hunters
are known for the lifelong bonds they form with animals of the wild,
training great hawks, cats, bears, and many other beasts to fight
alongside them.
The "Buffs and Nerfs " Game
Class "balance" has always been something that the WoW developers
strive for, but sometimes it's a hit and miss thing. Especially after
an expansion or big patch the balance between classes, or even builds
within the same class may become a little iffy.
With the 4.0 patch this was certainly the case. With everything supposedly
"balanced" at level 85 the balance at other levels became...
interesting. Once day class A is in god mode, the next day
it's in the dog house. For example, today, Survival is the
top DPS tree. Next week it may be different.
The point is that we're not going to play a "flavor of the moment
game here. We'll present info that will make you a better Hunter and
we'll leave the balance dance to Blizzard and the FOTM game to the
Hunter Races
With Catalclysm Gnomes are the only race that cannot be hunters. Probably
because they're too busy repairing their city or they're too short
to use a bow. Actually, they probably let the Dwarves do the hunting
and just trade with them.
The best racial choice for a Hunter is one that you enjoy playing.
It doesn't matter if one race has no special abilities if you like
playing that race more than others. None of the racial abilities make that
much of a difference. Your skills will far outshadow any racials.
Draenei - I suppose it's reasonable that space
squids that crashed their spaceship should pick up crossbows and
start hunting the local game, right?
To begin with we’ll check out the Draenei, an all round good hunter race to choose
due to a couple reasons. First
would be the presence of a small HoT, Gift of the Naaru, giving you a viable
method of reducing downtime/surviving tough battles if need be.
Second, and far more useful, especially for raiding at higher levels,
is the +1% hit racial.
This ability was once an aura that effected the entire team/raid,
but with 4.0 it's self-only.
They also have an increase to Jewelcrafting skill, which will get get
a Draenei jeweler into those nice self-only gems that much
Night Elves - If that attack came out of nowhere
then it was probably a Nelf.
The Nelf Shadowmeld racial coming in handy for
ambushing unsuspecting players in both world PvP, Battlegrounds,
and Arena. Additionally
it can be used for hiding from higher levels/gank squads while leveling.
Night Elf hunters also gain the benefit of a 2% dodge chance increase,
another bonus to stack with Aspect of the Monkey when forced
into melee. More often times this’ll
happen in PvP, as opposed to PvE.
Dwarves - Yes, short, rock munchers like to hunt, too.
Dwarf hunters might be considered by many to be the best
overall alliance race choice due to gun
increasing the chance to critically strike with all guns by 1%.
Additionally the stone form ability is icing on the cake, highly
useful against rogues (and various other classes) in PvP. Rogues are something
of our mortal enemy in many battlegrounds. With 4.06 this ability decreases
damage by 10%.
Archeology skills and frost resistance have their
uses, but there's nothing there specifically for the Hunter.
Human - They should have been Hunters since day
With Cataclysm Humans will finally get to be hunters (it's never
made sense that they couldn't be Hunters.) They have nothing that's
specifically useful for Hunters, though their escpae ability is quite
nice and their diplomacy skill will help with the rep gains with
the many factions of Azeroth, the Outlands, and the new Cataclysm
Humans used to have an increased perception, or "stealth detection,"
but that's been removed.
Worgen - One word: Fleas
It certainly makes sense that were-wolf type critters could be Hunters,
what with their legendary sense of smell, not that said sense appears
in-game. They have a general 1% increased chance to crit, which
is nice and which puts them right up their with the Dwarves, and
they can "periodically
move more quickly," which
definitely has it's uses.
Their increased skinning skill and speed is a nice convenience.
Skinning & Leatherworking is a nice combo for Hunters.
Horde Races
Blood Elves - Best hair of any Hunter race.
Of the horde races we’ll begin with the Blood Elves,
a rather "meh..." race, as far as Hunters are concerned.
Their big ability is
Arcane Torrent, which can be used as
an AoE silence/interruption when forced into melee
range, with, for example, Paladins and Death Knights. Ideally
Hunters want to avoid "melee range" like
the plague.
But, at least they look good.
Tauren - Big, fuzzy, lovable.
Tauren are yet another generally PvP viable Hunter race, gaining
a 5% bonus to health that is always valuable in the realm of massive
PvP burst damage, where every point
counts. Unfortunately, it doesn't scale well at high level.
also gain the benefit of Warstomp, an AoE stun that may allow
you to gain range from melee classes, but like the Blood Elves, you don't
want to be in melee, so War Stomp isn't as useful as it if for a Warrior
or other melee class.
Herbalism provides a nice little heal and a Haste effect, both of
which are nice for Hunters and the Tauren's increased Herbalism skill
will get you into that heal just that much faster.
Trolls - Winners of the "Best Tusk" competition.
Trolls are probably the best of all the races for Hunters. Trolls
possess the Berserking racial, a potent DPS increase for
sustained DPS. Trolls
also get Bow Specialization, a 1% increase
to critical chance with all bows
Their best ability, for leveling, is the
+5% damage to beasts. Given the number of beasts in the game this
makes a small, but nice, increase to killing efficiency whicle
leveling and in some raiding situations.
A somewhat useful PvP ability
is the reduced duration Trolls get from movement reducing effects.
Orcs - Like dwarves, but not short. And they're
Orcs, on the
other hand gain, are also a contender for "best Hunter race." They
get the benefit of Blood Fury, another great DPS increaser, as
well as 5% more pet damage
via Command,
and a 15% resistance to all stuns with Hardiness,
useful in PvP situations due to the prevalence of Rogues and other
classes with stuns.
Undead (Cataclysm) - Well... Sylvanis is a Hunter
(Ranger,) so why not?
Naturally the Undead start with a giant spider as a pet. They have
no special Hunter abilities, but their "Will of the Forsaken" can
wipe off sleeps, charms, etc., a nice abilitiy to have, especially
in PvP.
Goblin (Cataclysm) - These guys obviously mush
have bribed their way into the Hunters guild...
Rocket Jump has definite uses at times, especially as "gain
range" ability in PvP. An increase to Haste is generaly useful and
an increase in Alchemy skill, along with a greater effect from your
own healing potions, is also nice.
My recommendation for tradeskills/professions is to pick any
two of skinning, herbalism, or mining, allowing you to
make decent amounts of cash.
Generally, crafting skills should be avoided unless you have that excess
cash, since they are very expensive to level.
- Leatherworking -
for the gear , but it's expensive to level. Very nice bracer enchant
at high level.
- Skinning -
to make money and support your leatherworking skill. Skinning also
adds to your crit rating.
- Mining and Herbalism are
great cash grinding skills. Mining will add to your Stamina and Herbalism
will give you a small heal and a haste buff.
- Inscription used
to be a great skill to make money, but has too much competition
now. You can still make some money with it, but it takes some work.
If you just want your glyphs then, on most servers, it's way cheaper
to buy them than to level this profession. Very nice shoulder enchant
at high level.
- First
aid is essential. Keep it maxed at all times.
- Cooking is
useful as many of the foods you create will have interesting buffs,
as well as allowing you to regain health and mana.
- Alchemy has lots of useful potions and you get more effect from your
own potions.
For those who have the cash, and/or want to level a prof while leveling,
each of the professions has at least one interesting item. Leatherworking
is clearly the best for Hunters, and jewelcrafting or inscription might
be next.
For the min-maxxers:
- Leatherworking provides an improved bracer enchant
for 130 Agility. This lets you replace an enchant that would otherwise
be haste or crit with pure agility.
- Jewelcrafting can provide three self-only gems that are
better than other gems
- Blacksmithing can provide two extra self-only gem slots
to hold those nice +67 agility gems that you can make with...
- Engineering has a number of engie toys that are also useful.
- Alchemy allows you to receive greater benefit from your own potions
than the other guys' potions.
- Enchanting provides two 40 Gility enchants to your own rings for
a potential 80 Ag gain.
- Inscription: A self-only shoulder enchant for an 80 Agi gain over
anything found from the rep vendors.
- Tailoring: swordguard embroidery cloak enchant procs for 400 AP for
15 sec
- Herbalism: The lifeblood heal, mentioned
above, has a 2 minute cooldown and gives you 240 haste rating for
20 sec.
- Skinning provides 80 crit rating at max skill
- Mining: 120 stamina at max skill

Hunter Abilities, Pets, and Leveling
Hunter abilities are distributed about 2/3’s into our own powers
and such with the remaining 1/3 being the slew of pet specific talents
such as mend pet, revive, etc. This number of pet abilities increases
should you specialize into Beast Mastery.
Properly using a Hunter, of course, depends on the efficient usage of our pet,
whether that be for tanking, as beast mastery, additional DPS as marksman, due
to declining threat gain without talent tree buffs, or simply a distraction, as
Survival in PvP.
Of course it’ll be slightly annoying constantly taming and training new pets
for the period of time required to learn new skills to train your own, but it’s
worth it in the end for the increased DPS and tanking abilities. Hunters can
train more exotic pets, such as the T Rex's wandering around Ungoro Crater.
Nowadays pets gain levels more quickly than ever before and their
Happiness is much easier to maintain.
With Cataclysm the Hunter now uses Focus instead of Mana,
which makes sense since they were never spell casters. Focus is regenerated
through several talents and works very much like a Rogue or Druid's Energy.
New (Level 81+)
Hunter Abilities
Shot at level 81: A new shot that deals Nature
damage instead of Physical damage. This ability shares a
cooldown with Steady
This will give hunters an alternative to Steady Shot on heavily-armored
targets, and we will have talent incentives in the Beast Mastery
tree to make this a signature shot. Does damage, refreshes Serpent
Sting, and generates 9 focus.
Launcher at level
83: When used, the next trap can be shot to a location within
40 yards. This provides the current Freezing
Arrow treatment to all traps and, as a result, we will
be removing the current ability Freezing Arrow. 1-minute cooldown.
No global cooldown.
Camouflage at
level 85: The hunter enters an obscured state that prevents him
or her from taking ranged damage. The character would still be subject
to melee or area-of-effect attacks, and dealing or taking damage
will break the Camouflage effect. The hunter can move and set traps
when under Camouflage, and will receive a damage bonus when attacking
while under Camouflage (which will then break the effect).
Your Pets
Pets come into the game with three overall "builds/specs:"
- Ferocity is
for DPS pets. Cats and dogs and raptors and wolves, and so on. They
can tank a couple of mobs just fine, but their main job is damage.
Generally, in raids, your pet will be Ferocity. Past level
60 or so they don't hold aggro as well as they do at earlier levels.
- Tenacity is
the build that your tanking pets (bears, rhinos, turtles, etc.) will
have. These pets will keep the attentions of several mobs, and survive,
while you burn them down. Some Hunters even tank dungeons with these
pets and then make the boss into a pet,
such as with King
Dred. Generally, the Tenacity pets don't bring enough in damage
or buffs to make them interesting for raids, but that depends on your
exact group and duffs/debuffs that will be available.
- Cunning pets
have certain special abilities that are useful in particular situations,
such as the Monkey's Bad
Manners ability for PvP. Some cunning pets may have specials
that are particularly useful in certain raids or encounters.
Under each of these classes there are a number of pet families. Each
family will have certain special abilities and will cover a number
of similar citters, such as "bears."
Which one is "best?" That depends on you and how you like to play.
As you level you will gain the ability to train additional pets, which
you can swap as necessary. Additional pets can be kept in the stables.
Pretend they're Pokemon and catch 'em all.
Petopia has lots of info on Hunter pets.
Your pet's happiness directly determines the damage that
it does. Keep it well fed will keep that Hapiness meter maxed. Certain
talents and abilities will increase Hapiness to varying degrees. Unhappy
pets just aren't as effective as happy ones. Happiness is easier to
maintain since 4.0.
Different pets require different foods. Some want veggies, some want
meat, and you get to provide the food. (Sorry, but other players
don't count as "meat.") You'll have to either kill stuff, go fishing,
or buy the food from the various vendors (such as fruit or meat sellers.)
See the links above for pet lists and which foods they require.
Pet notes:
- Pets inherit 100% of the Hunter's hit, haste, and crit, and scale
considerably from AP. All 3 pet types inherit the same AP scaling,
so differences in DPS come from the pet's basic abilities and their
- Pets inherit nothing from your Strength
- Pet consumables are no longer available.
- If you're Draenei your pet will inherit your hit racial.
Leveling as a hunter,
when done right, can be compared to the pleasure of slowly sipping
down a nice glass of (insert cold beverage of choice here) on a hot summer day, pleasurable
and luxuriously easy – Just the way I like it to be when I level.
Of course not all players take it the right way, many over emphasize equipment, others
forget to train pet skills, but all of this takes away more time in the long run than you
might gain from skipping it temporarily.
Thankfully, all three styles of Hunter builds are viable for leveling,
catering to those who prefer to snipe from a long range, sick enraged
cats on people, and the smaller, yet equally capable crowd, that likes
the tactical challenge of survival from 1-85.
This section is only an overview of hunter leveling, check out our Hunter
Leveling Guide for more information, talent builds, and stuff. If
you need a step-by-step guide to go from 1 to 85 (or from any level to
85) then check out our recommended leveling guide, below.
The marksmanship tree is comprised of all our ranged
special attacks, basically being the namesake tree for hunters, due
to the spec's emphasis on ranged combat. In this spec the pet is
an accessory, not as much of a partner or tank as it is with Beastmastery.
With enough points into this tree you gain the benefit of a fierce arsenal of
shot types, everything from aimed shot, for a massive opening damage critical,
to steady shot for consistent DPS and arcane shot.
Almost all of the damage efficiency of marksmanship comes from maintaining a picture
perfect shot rotation. This
applies to both PvP and PvE, with PvP of course being slightly more hectic and thus
more difficult to gain the maximum benefit of the marksmanship tree, except when ambushing
When you pick Marksmanship as your spec you get the following
- Aimed Shot, A powerful shot.
- Artisan Quiver -
Ranged auto-attack damage increased by 15%.
- Mastery: Wild Quiver -
Grants a 14.4% chance for your ranged attacks to also instantly fire
an additional ranged shot. Each point of Mastery increases the chance
by an additional 1.8%.
Marksmanship Hunter Leveling
Marksmanship leveling follows the much loved style of nuking the opposition
form orbit (or at least a fairly large distance,) as it’s really the only way to
be sure of victory. To make things even better, you’ll likely kill your target
before it even reaches you, making it fairly easy to continually pull mobs without a
single second of downtime.
Aimed shot, Concussion shot, Viper Sting, etc. The
combination of this overwhelming firepower is too much for any monster, within around
3-4 levels of your own, to resist succumbing to the damage output a Hunter is capable
of. Your effectiveness only increases with your level.
I found it extremely easy to take an undergeared and perpetually
broke hunter from 1-85 without ever taking a trip into town, aside
from every 10 or so levels to train skills, even skipping the auction
house entirely in favor of quested gear.
So, if that’s not enough to convince you, Marksman is both entertaining and easy. Try
it if the image of a lone-gunman suits your playstyle. Of course, that kind of ranged damage will make
you a valuable team member, as well.
See our Marksman
Hunter guide for more info on this build.
Beast Mastery
Beastmastery fulfills yet another crucial
role in the hunter class, the improvement of our pets. These talents
will take the pet from being just an assitant to something far greater.
Abilities such as Bestial Wrath and Intimidation help youir pet
to become a capable Tank. Most non-beast mastery Hunters will find that the pet
declines in aggro holding capabilities, becoming mostly a pure-DPS, almost DoT,
pet at 60+.
However, not only does this tree maintain the pet's effectiveness at tanking, but also brings massive
amounts of improvement in DPS, regeneration, and a variety of other abilities - via multiple talents
that apply increases to both the Hunter and the Pet, notably The Beast Within.
Your special abilities as a Beastmastery Hunter are:
- Inimidation - Stuns your opponent and greatly increases
threat. A very nice tanking ability.
- Animal Handler - Attack power is increased by 15%
- Mastery: Master of Beasts (trainable at 80) increases the
damage of your pet. Each 1% of additional Mastery rating increases
it further.
Beast Mastery Hunter Leveling
Despite all praises I may have for Marksman as a method of leveling, Beast
Mastery somehow manages to surpass even this, setting a new bar for soloing capabilities only matched
by Demonologist
Warlocks with a Felguard in tow.
The majority of Beast Mastery's overwhelming leveling speed comes from the fact that many
Beast Mastery talents not only improve the pet, but the Hunter himself (to a lesser extent.) More
pet damage equals more Hunter damage, not equaling the level of marksmanship necessarily, but still
more than enough to make you an even greater killing machine than ever before.
Finally the pet’s tanking ability becomes almost unstoppable
with beastial wrath and intimidation,
allowing you to run from fight to fight, even with elites, without ever taking
a scratch and wasting barely ten seconds healing the pet from any
damage taken. Having the pet as your tank eliminates the potential
for mistakes and helps to make the pair of you into a very efficient
killing machine.
See our Beast
Mastery and Hunter
Leveling Guides for more on this build.

Click here to level fast
Often times you’ll find that survival tree acts as something of a side-dish
tree of abilities in PvE, only becoming a fully viable and required tree once you begin
to hit the battlegrounds and discover just how hard it can be to survive in the face
of overwhelming opposition bent on seeing you die.
Wingclip is a favorite from this tree, a reliable snare that comes in handy nigh every
fight should you be required to kite at all, which is more likely in the case of Marksmanship Hunters
as opposed to Beast Mastery.
Of course this tree also holds one key element of the entire class, traps. Improvements
to traps result in a massive
increase of our survivability, making it much more likely that you’ll prevent a multiple
mob pull from getting out of hand. Ssome of the latter talents making you almost tank-like
due to HP increases and dodge.
All in all a fun tree to experiment with, although more-so in PvP than PvE.
Survival Hunter Leveling
Survival, unlike marksmanship or beast mastery, seems more apt for providing a fun distraction
from the usual grind of leveling while still maintaining speeds generally unreachable by
any aside from Rogues or Fury Warriors.
The concept of spending more time on the tactical approach to combat via traps, as
opposed to a run n’ gun style of play, appeals to both myself and many others,
despite its relative slowness compared to the other styles of hunter leveling.
I’d recommend the Survival Tree for players picking up a Hunter to level for
perhaps the second or third time. It provides a reasonable change in combat and overall playstyle and
is a refreshing experience without becoming truly tedious at any time.
See our page on the Survival
Hunter for more.

Hunter PvP
Stay out of melee - While Hunters can dish out enough melee damage to
function for leveling it doesn't work so well for PvP. Any other melee class will lock
you up and shut you down. Use your abilites to get out of melee ASAP and get back
to your strength, ranged devastation.
Hunters can be very effective at PvP, but like any other class they have to play
to their stengths and minimize their weaknesses. Hone the skills that keep the opposition
controlled and away from you. Learn the skills that apply the highest burst damage
for those times when you can just blast away.
While your pet will be completely unable to tank another player it
can be a very valuable DPS addition. It can also initiate an attack,
allowing you to get several shots in before the other player finds
and targets you. Some pets, such as those with large wing spans, can
obscure the vision of the other player. Other pets have special abilities
which can also be useful. Monkeys (rude manners) and Spiders (webs)
come to mind.
Traps laid down in bottleneck areas, such as the tunnels in Warsong
Gulch, or the entries to either base in Atarac Valley, or right next
to (or on top of) a flag can be very valuable. Crowd Control abilities can be every bit
as useful as raw damage.
Arena - There are plenty of Hunters in the top ranked 5s bracket, a few in the 3s, and
a very few in the 2s. This probably means that Hunters are best in a group PvP situation.
Get a team and communicate with each other. This doesn't mean that there's no chance in
2s or any other form of PvP, just that the job might be a bit tougher. Hunter/Druid (Balance
or Resto) seems to be a good 2x2 combo.
Hunter PvP Gear
- Bloodied Dragonscale gear - this is youir entry level PvP set,
made with Leatherworking or bought off the AH.
- Bloodthirsty Gladiator
gear and weapons, bought with Honor.
- Vicious Gladiator stuff, bought with Conquest
You can find various Hunter PvP builds and more info on these pages:
Gear, Stats, and Numbers
Focus is the new "resource" that Hunters (and their
pets) use for all of their attacks. It works very much like a Rogue's Energy and
it makes resource management more of an issue than before. Every attack,
that isn't an "auto-attack," will require X amount of focus. Various
talents will either restore Focus or increase its regenration speed,
for both you and your pet.
This also means that Intelligence no longer has any value
for Hunters. Agility is it and Stam only has value for situations where
you will be getting hit (such as PvP.)
Due to the change in Hunter machanics (mana becoming focus) the exact
value of some stats is somewhat up in the air, but more or less in
order of priority:
- Agility - Your #1 stat. Adds to your ranged DPS, your crit chance,
and your dodge.
Agi is, by far, your most important stats for DPS.
- How much? 1 Agi = 2 Attack power. About 325 Agil = 1% crit
(at level 85.)
- Survival Hunters get 10% more "bang for
the buck" (their Into the Wilderness ability) for
every point of Ag than other hunters, and this includes socket
bonuses, gems, and set bonuses.
- Hit rating - You won't need much for leveling
or PvP, but it is more important for raiding. Try to hit at least
5-6% for PvP and 8% for raiding. The 8% hit cap is not hard to reach.
- Attack Power - Directly increases your damage, but only appears
with certain enchants.
- Crit rating - Just as important as Attack Power
- Haste - The affects both the speed of your shots,
cooldown timers, and focus regenration.
- Mastery - this new ability is trainable at level
80. Its value will vary with your build and gear.
- Expertise - Ranged attacks can't be dodged or parried, so this is of little use.
- Intelligence - with 4.0 & Cataclysm Hunters
have no need for brains. Hunter attacks are now based off of "Focus."
- Strength - You don't need strength as it doesn't help with your
ranged attacks and very little with your melee attacks. Pets inherit
nothing from your Str.
- Spirit - Useless
- Stamina - Keeps you alive . You need more for PvP than either Raiding
or Leveling.
- Resilience - Very important for PvP, completely
useless outside of PvP. If you're PvPing then get as much as you can
without gimping your other stats.
So, in general, you want to look for...
- Agility >> Hit to 8% > AP/Crit/Haste/Mastery > Expertise
- This means you should consider reforging Expertise into better
stats, such as Hit and Crit
- Stamina and Resilience as needed.
Which gear?
- At level 40 you get to wear mail armor and you
will notice that among your abilities is a bonus if you have mail
armor in all appropriate slots (recevied at level 50. )
- You can use any ranged weapon and most melee weapons.
- You should pick melee weapons for their DPS and stats (Agility, etc.)
not for their damage range. A faster weapon, in some cases, might proc
special abilities more often, but generally the higher the DPS value
the better the weapon.
Gems and enchants
Less expensive enchants are also included. If you can't afford it
then check out the massive
gold post.
- Head:
- Shoulders:
- Cloak:
- Chest:
- Bracers:
- Gloves:
- Legs:
- Boots:
- Belt
- Rings
- Melee Weapons
- Ranged Weapon
By not putting a red gem into a blue/yellow slot you will
lose 20 Agility. Therefore the socket bonus for putting the correct
color gem has to be at least 20 Ag to be worthwhile. Yes, Agility,
at least at the high end, is that much better.
- Red
- Yellow
- Blue
- Meta
- If the gems requirements are changed then the first two of
these will be the best choices.
- Chaotic
Shadowspirit Diamond - +54 Crit and 3% Increased Crit
Damage. Currently requires more blue than red gems. This
requirement may be broken and so may be fixed, or not, at
some point in time.
- Relentless
Earthsiege Diamond - +21 Agility and 3% Increased
Crit Damage, Requires more Blue gems than Red gems and at
least 1 Yellow gem. This requirement may also be fixed, or
not, at some point in time.
- Destructive
Shadowspirit Diamond - +54 Crit and 1% Spell Reflect,
Requires at least 2 Red gems
- Practice your rotations on a practice dummy, using a DPS meter
like Recount.
Make sure youi maintain your routine for at least a few minutes on
the dummy. This averages out the high and low spikes in your damage
and gives you a better number.
- If you're PvPing then you should mix in any abilities that might
help in PvP even though they don't increase damage, such as Concussive
- If you're clicking your buttons, rather than using hotkeys, you're
at a disadvantage.

For Cataclysm:
Normal questing/dungeon gear will get you into the random dungeons
at level 85. Heroics require an overall average item level of 329.
Gear can be obtained through reputation, dungeon drops, trading in
Valor points obtained in the dungeons, crafted, or bought through the
Auction House.
Raiding Gear
Level 80 Gear List - left here for those who might want to do that
content and/or who have not yet upgraded to Cataclysm.
Horns of the Spurned Val'kyr Eyes of Bewilderment Plunderer's Helmet King Dred's Helm Conqueror's Scourgestalker Headpiece Coif of the Brooding Dragon
Barbed Ymirheim Choker Broach of the Wailing Night
Ancient Pendant of Arathor
Accursed Crawling Cape Cloak of the Gushing Wound Hammerhead Sharkskin Cloak
Massive Spaulders of the Jormungar Spaulders of the Abomination Valorous Cryptstalker Spaulders Epaulets of the Devourer Windrunner's Spaulders of Conquest Pauldrons of Concealed Loathing Spurned Val'kyr Shoulderguards
Hauberk of the Arcane Wraith Aviary Guardsman's Hauberk Conqueror's Scourgestalker tunic Windrunner's Tunic of Conquest Chestguard of the Ravenous Fiend Frostsworn Bone Chestpiece
Wristguards of Ceaseless Regret Gondria's Spectral Bracer Essence of Suffering Armguard of the Tower Archer Necromantic Wristguards Raging Construct Bands Interwoven Scale Bracers
Gauntlets of the Plundering Geist Hoarfrost Gauntlets Gloves of Unerring Aim Windrunner's Handguards of Conquest Grips of the Beast God Handgrips of the Savage Emissary Gloves of the Dark Exile
Vereesa's Silver Chain Belt Belt of Tasseled Lanterns Cord of Swirling Winds Belt of Merciless Cruelty Sovereign's Belt Scabrous Zombie Leather Belt Belt of Rotted Fingernails Belt of the Ardent Marksman
Valorous Cryptstalker Legguards Leggings of the Tireless Sentry Azure Ringmail Leggings Hollowed Mandible Legplates Leggings of the Stone Halls Frostsworn Bone Leggings Windrunner's Legguards of Conquest
Dragon Slayer's Sabatons Scale Boots of the Outlander Muddied Boots of Brill Spiked Toestompers Pack-Ice Striders Twin-Headed Boots
Mobius Band Band of Stained Souls Ring of Invincibility Stained-Glass Shard Ring Signet of Edward the Odd Ring of Carnelian and Bone Dexterous Brightstone Ring
Sphere of Red Dragon's Blood Banner of Victory Needle-Encrusted Scorpion Mirror of Truth Incisor Fragment Meteortie Whetstone Mark of Supremacy
The Key Greed Nighttime
Crypt Lord's Deft Blade Dagger of Betrayal The Fleshshaper Black Knight's Rondel Heartshiver Hate-Forged Cleaver Krick's Beetle Stabber Blood Weeper Seven-Fingered Claws Quel'Delar, Cunning of the Shadows Grasscutter
Marrowstrike Tower of the Mouldering Corpse Enraged Feral Staff Lightning Giant Staff Staff of Trickery Orca-Hunter's Harpoon Quel-Delar, Ferocity of the Scorned
Rimebane Rifle Titanium Compound Bow Amanitar Skullbow Drake-Mounted Crossbow Crypt Fiend Slayer True-aim Long Rifle Felglacier Bolter
1-85 Hunter Leveling Guide
For years Joana's Horde Guide and Brian's Alliance guide were
the standards for Hunter leveling, simply because Hunters were the class
of choice for both those guides. Other classes had to make due as best they
could. These guides were PDF docments and a lot of "looking stuff up" was
necessary if you didn't already know the quests.
in-game Leveling Guide is a huge step forward. It appears in your main
game window, lists the current quest, tracks where you need to go and what
you need to do, and provides a waypoint arrow that shows you where to go.
There's no more switching from game to guide, no more manually setting
waypoints, no more browsing Thottbot for tips. It's all contained within
Zygor's guide and it's all automated.
You will never wonder where to go or what to do and you will never need
to look up anything from other sites. The guide automatically updates as
you complete tasks and quests and then sets a waypoint arrow showing you
where to go next. This will have you leveling much faster than the
older guides.
Zygor's is fully updated for WoW 4.0 and Cataclysm.
Get your copy now and beat
all your pals to 85. Grab your copy of Zygor's
Guide here, or read our review. |