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Protection Paladin Guide
Other Paladin Guides
The Protection Paladin
Paladins can play many roles and one or another pally build can be effective in almost any situation. The Protection paladin has a primary role as a raid tank, but they can also be used in certain PvP situations. Guarding a flag comes to mind, since they are so hard to take down.
Damage? You want to do damage??? Go to the Retribution page. Prot pallies don't do damage, they soak it. For this reason you probably won't want to level with a Protection build. Come raid time, however, Protection makes for excellent tankage.
Actually, you can level as Protection, but you'll probably
want to be in a team all the way, running the various dungeons. By
the time you hit 80-85 you'll be an awesome tank. Check out Dugi's
Guide for the fastest way to do just that.
Buffage, Nerfage, and the "Flavor of the Minute"
Expansions, patches, hotfixes, and updates. Here you think you know
your class then an expansion hits and not only trashes your builds,
but adds a new mechanic. Holy Power. Then,just when youi start to get
a handle on it a hotfix changes things just enough to be annoying.
Then the next patch does it again.
Any given patch will buff/nerf a few or many abilities of various
classes. At any given point in time any given class might be in "god
mode" or "doormat mode." We'll take our best shot at providing solid
info here, and we won't be playing the "flavor of the minute" game.
Protection Paladin Race Choices
Might be the best Pally race for raiding, due to:- Increased chance to hit: a 1% increased chance to hit
doesn't sound like much, but is useful in raids and somewhat
in PvP. Since 4.0 this is a self-only ability.
- Stone Form: Nice against bleeds and, as such, is useful
for PvP, but rarely elsewhere. The 10% damage reduction might
be useful for those "Uh oh..." moments.
- Increased expertise with Maces: Nice enough, if you're
using maces and they're the best weapons available. Expertise
is an important tanking stat.
- May be the best Pally race for PvP.
- Bonus to Rep gains: Nice if you intend to gain faction
with any of the many factions in the game. In the
long run this may save you many hours of faction grinding.
- Increased Expertise with Swords/Maces: Of small use
in all areas, if these are the best weapons. Expertise is a ncie
tanking stat.
- Escape: Very nice for PvP, occasionally useful elsewhere.
Allows the use of two "non-escape" trinkets in PvP and can break
the occasional PvE mechanic.
Blood Elf: Now the 2nd best Horde race for Paladins
- Arcane Torrent: Provides both an A of E silence,
nice for PvP, occasionally useful elsewhere; and
also regains a small amount of mana, occasionally of small use.
Tauren (Cataclysm only)
- Best Horde Pally race
- War Stomp stuns nearby opponents - great for general usage and
- Increased Health - Always useful
- Hebalism skill and speed increased - The heal obtained from
herbalism also adds Haste, which is generallt useful.
- Target of a wide variety of bovine jokes.

Protection Paladin Talents
At level 10 you pick your spec, you will then need to spend 31 points
in that spec before you can branch out in Ret or Holy, should you want
to do so. All of these abilities, along with your other abilities and
weapon skills, scale with your level. You now longer have to buy ranks
in any given skill.
- Avenger's
Shield - throw your shield at, up to, three opponents, damaging
and silencing them.
- Touched
by the Light (Passive) - Increases your total Stamina by 15%,
increases your spell hit by 8%, and increases your spell power
by an amount equal to 60% of your Strength.
- Vengeance
(Passive) - Each time you take damage, you gain 5% of the damage
taken as attack power, up to a maximum of 10% of your health.
- Judgements
of the Wise (Passive) - Your Judgement grants you 30% of your
base mana over 10 sec.
- Divine
Bulwark (Mastery) - Increases your chance to block melee attacks.
Additional Mastery increases your block chance.
Cataclysm Protection Paladin Tanking Spec (0/34/7)
This build is oriented towards single target threat. Variations will
be necessary depending on your gear, your team, the particular boss,
phase of the moon, etc. Youi can view this build here.
Protection (34 Points)
- Divinity - Rank 3/3 -
Increases all healing done by you and all healing effects on you
by 6%.
- Seals of the Pure - Rank 2/2 -
Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness, Seal of
Truth, and Seal of Justice by 12%.
- Eternal Glory - Rank 2/2 -
Your Word of Glory has a 30% chance not to consume Holy Power.
- Judgements of the Just - Rank 2/2 -
Your Judgement reduces the melee and ranged attack speed of the
target by 20% for 20 sec. In addition, increases the duration of
your Seal of Justice effect by 1 sec.
- Toughness - Rank 3/3 -
Increases your armor value from items by 10%.
- Sanctuary - Rank 3/3 -
Reduces the chance you'll be critically hit by melee attacks by
6% and reduces all damage taken by 10%. In addition when you block
or dodge a melee attack you gain 3% of maximum mana.
- Hammer of the Righteous - Rank 1/1 -
Hammer the current target for 30% weapon damage, causing a wave
of light that hits all targets within 8 yards for 583 to 873 Holy
damage. Grants a charge of Holy Power.
- Wrath of the Lightbringer - Rank 2/2 -
Increases the damage of your Crusader Strike and Judgement abilities
by 100%, and increases the critical strike chance of your Holy
Wrath and Hammer of Wrath spells by 30%.
- Reckoning - Rank 2/2 -
You have a 20% chance after blocking an attack for your next 4
weapon swings within 8 sec to generate an additional attack.
- Shield of the Righteous - Rank 1/1 -
Slam the target with your shield, causing Holy damage. Consumes
all charges of Holy Power to determine damage dealt.
- Grand Crusader - Rank 2/2 -
When your Crusader Strike or Hammer of the Righteous deal damage
to your primary target, they have a 20% chance of refreshing the
cooldown on your next Avenger's Shield and causing it to generate
a charge of Holy Power if used within 6 sec.
- Vindication - Rank 1/1 -
Your Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous reduce physical
damage done by their primary targets by 10% for 30 sec.
- Holy Shield - Rank 1/1 -
Using Shield of the Righteous or Inquisition increases the amount
your shield blocks by an additional 10% for 20 sec.
- Guarded by the Light - Rank 2/2 -
Increases your Word of Glory by 10% when used to heal yourself,
and allows your Word of Glory to grant Holy Shield. In addition,
any overhealing will create a protective shield equal to the amount
of overhealing that lasts for 6 sec.
- Divine Guardian - Rank 1/1 -
All party or raid members within 30 yards, excluding the Paladin,
take 20% reduced damage for 6 sec.
- Sacred Duty - Rank 2/2 -
Your Judgement and Avenger's Shield have a 50% chance of making
your next Shield of the Righteous a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec.
- Shield of the Templar - Rank 3/3 -
Reduces the cooldown of Avenging Wrath by 60 sec and Guardian of
Ancient Kings by 120 sec. In addition, your Divine Plea will generate
3 Holy Power.
- Ardent Defender - Rank 1/1 -
Reduce damage taken by 20% for 10 sec. While Ardent Defender is
active, the next attack that would otherwise kill you will instead
cause you to be healed for 15% of your maximum health. Very nice
if you can predict that next burst of massive incoming damage.
Retribution (7 Points)
- Crusade - Rank 3/3 -
Increases the damage of your Crusader Strike, Hammer of the Righteous,
and Templar's Verdict by 30%, and the damage and healing of your
Holy Shock by 30%. In addition, for 15 sec after you kill an enemy
that yields experience or honor, your next Holy Light heals for
an additional 300%.
- Improved Judgement - Rank 2/2 -
Increases the range of your Judgement by 20 yards.
- Pursuit of Justice - Rank 2/2 -
You have a 100% chance to gain a charge of Holy Power when struck
by a Stun, Fear or Immobilize effect. In addition, increases your
movement and mounted movement speed by 15%. This effect does not
stack with other movement speed increasing effects.
- Glyph of Seal of Truth (Prime Glyph) -
Your Seal of Truth also grants 10 expertise while active.
- Glyph of Shield of the Righteous (Prime Glyph) -
Increases the damage of Shield of the Righteous by 10%.
- Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous (Prime Glyph) -
Increases the damage of both the physical and Holy components of Hammer
of the Righteous by 10%.
- Glyph of the Ascetic Crusader (Major Glyph) -
Reduces the mana cost of your Crusader Strike by 30%.
- Glyph of Holy Wrath (Major Glyph) -
Your Holy Wrath now also stuns Elementals and Dragonkin.
- Glyph of Lay on Hands (Major Glyph) -
Reduces the cooldown of your Lay on Hands spell by 3 min.
- Glyph of Blessing of Might (Minor Glyph) -
Reduces the mana cost of your Blessing of Might by 50%.
- Glyph of Blessing of Kings (Minor Glyph) -
Reduces the mana cost of Blessing of Kings by 50%.
- Glyph of Truth (Minor Glyph) -
Reduces the mana cost of Seal of Truth by 50%.
Option #1: More efficient A of E tanking
- Drop 2/2 in Enternal Glory
- Drop Divine Guardian
- Drop 2/2 Pursuit of Justice
- Add 2/2 Hallowed Ground for better Consecrations
- Add 3/3 Rule of Law increases the crit effect chance of Crusader
Strike, Word of Glory, and Hammer of the Rightous.
Option #2: Pick talents according to your game, how
much healing you are, or are not, doing, etc.
- If Consecration is important to your tanking routine
then grab 2/2 Hallowed Ground
- Do you have another movement buff? Then drop the 2/2 Pursuit
of Justice
Protection Paladin Rotations
- With 4.0 you will need to juggle Holy Power along with your other
- The Pull:
- Reckoning, Excorcism, Judgement, or Glyphed Avenger's Shield
for single targets
- Regular Avenger's Shield for up to three targets
- Most basic routine: Pull > Judgement > Crusader Strike x
3 > Shield of the Righteous

Tankadin Abilities
A large part of what creates the
paladin’s overall tanking
capabilities is the sheer number of abilities in his arsenal, at
any given time you can have holy shield going, mana returning via Spiritual
Attunement/Heals, and be busting out a judgement on one of the targets.
With that in mind let’s cover the core abilities of a paladin tank:
Holy Power (HoPo)
This is a new resource mechanic similar to Rogue combo points. Depending on talent
build and ability usage this gauge will fill or empty (you'll find it under your
Mana/HP bars.) The amount of HoPo in the gauge can boost the effects of spells
and other abilities.
Blessings have been cut down with WoW 4.0. There are two blessings: Kings and Might.
Both blessings now last an hour and now it only takes a single cast to bless
your entire party/raid.
- Kings (level 22) functions similarly as before
though it now also increases base resistance by a percentage based
on level.
- Might (level 56) increases attack power as a percentage
but it also increases mana regeneration.
Mastery effectively provides additional "block rating" for
Protection Paladins. In sum more Mastery means more blocking. For Paladins
a block is a straight 30% damage reduction on the attack and increased
rating increases your chance to block.
Avenging Wrath
(Level 72) Increases all damage and healing caused by 20% for 20 secs,
this is great for massively boosting your starting threat levels.
Righteous Defense
(Level 36) Righteous defense is a slightly tweaked taunt ability, if acts on the
same mechanics of bringing your threat to the exact level of the currently aggroed
player, however this is useable from a range, allowing you to hold position and force
the loose monsters to return to you as opposed to chasing them down.
(Level 34) Nothing better than a tank who can cleanse himself, it removes a lot of
the hassle when healers are busy… healing, and you’re left to deal with
the debuffs yourself.
(Level 24) Consecration is one of our primary threat sources when
dealing with mob packs, throw it down and watch the threat build as
it ticks away, the only problem is that it’s something of a high mana cost spell – Fortunately
it benefits enough to +spell damage to even this factor out.
Seals present yet another method of build threat, restoring mana,
health, and numerous other effects that can all directly benefit both
you, the tank, and the rest of the party as well – This enhances
our utility dramatically.
Seal of Righteousness
Your level 3 seal. A straight-up damage increase.
Seal of Insight
Your strikes will heal you for a small amount and restore mana. Judging
it damages the enemy and restores 15% of base mana.
Seal of Truth
A damage seal, adds stacking DoTs. When 5 stacks are on the target then the weapon
strikes do more damage. Judging Truth adds damage, which increases with the number
of stacks on the target.
Seal or Justice
Is your opponent running too much? This Seal does damage and slows
your opponent for 5 seconds. Judging it adds damage.
This is the last piece of the puzzle concerning our viability as tanks, less important than the above abilities but still another buff on top of an already immense spell library.
Devotion Aura
Fairly weak, especially at the higher end tanking
situations, but it can’t
hurt to have slightly more armor in some fights and difficult situations.
Retribution Aura
Damages any oppopnent that strikes
a raid or party member within 40 years. This one dramatically improves
AoE threat generation and damage, the great thing about it being
that so long as the mobs beat on you and you alone you’re
gaining free threat constantly, somewhat like a secondary passive
consecration effect.
Concentration Aura
This reduces the time that party casters lose when casting spells
while being attacked.
Crusader Aura
20% increased mount speed for party/raid members within 40 yards.
Resistance Aura
This brings solid
amounts of damage reduction when fighting elemental-damage
heavy trash and bosses that appear throughout the raid dungeons. It’s
almost like carrying around a few pieces of +resist gear for the entire
team, just without the lost inventory space.
Cataclysm Protection Paladin PvP Build (0/31/10)
See above for Protection Paladin abilities. See he section right below
the PvP glyphs for notes on abilities, talents, glyphs, etc. Gems and
enchants and gear will be in the section following that one.
View the full build here.
Protection (31 Points)
- Divinity - Rank 3/3 -
Increases all healing done by you and all healing effects on you
by 6%.
- Seals of the Pure - Rank 2/2 -
Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness, Seal of
Truth, and Seal of Justice by 12%.
- Eternal Glory - Rank 2/2 -
Your Word of Glory has a 30% chance not to consume Holy Power.
- Judgements of the Just - Rank 2/2 -
Your Judgement reduces the melee and ranged attack speed of the
target by 20% for 20 sec. In addition, increases the duration of
your Seal of Justice effect by 1 sec.
- Improved Hammer of Justice - Rank 2/2 -
Decreases the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice spell by 20 sec.
- Sanctuary - Rank 3/3 -
Reduces the chance you'll be critically hit by melee attacks by
6% and reduces all damage taken by 10%. In addition when you block
or dodge a melee attack you gain 3% of maximum mana.
- Hammer of the Righteous - Rank 1/1 -
Hammer the current target for 30% weapon damage, causing a wave
of light that hits all targets within 8 yards for 583 to 873 Holy
damage. Grants a charge of Holy Power.
- Wrath of the Lightbringer - Rank 2/2 -
Increases the damage of your Crusader Strike and Judgement abilities
by 100%, and increases the critical strike chance of your Holy
Wrath and Hammer of Wrath spells by 30%.
- Shield of the Righteous - Rank 1/1 -
Slam the target with your shield, causing Holy damage. Consumes
all available charges of Holy Power to determine damage dealt.
- Grand Crusader - Rank 2/2 -
When your Crusader Strike or Hammer of the Righteous deal damage
to your primary target, they have a 20% chance of refreshing the
cooldown on your next Avenger's Shield and causing it to generate
a charge of Holy Power if used within 6 sec.
- Vindication - Rank 1/1 -
Your Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous reduce physical
damage done by their primary targets by 10% for 30 sec.
- Holy Shield - Rank 1/1 -
Using Shield of the Righteous or Inquisition increases the amount
your shield blocks by an additional 10% for 20 sec.
- Guarded by the Light - Rank 2/2 -
Increases your Word of Glory by 10% when used to heal yourself,
and allows your Word of Glory to grant Holy Shield. In addition,
any overhealing will create a protective shield equal to the amount
of overhealing that lasts for 6 sec.
- Divine Guardian - Rank 1/1 -
All party or raid members within 30 yards, excluding the
Paladin, take 20% reduced damage for 6 sec.
- Sacred Duty - Rank 2/2 -
Your Judgement and Avenger's Shield have a 50% chance of making
your next Shield of the Righteous a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec.
- Shield of the Templar - Rank 3/3 -
Reduces the cooldown of Avenging Wrath by 60 sec and Guardian of
Ancient Kings by 120 sec. In addition, your Divine Plea will generate
3 Holy Power.
- Ardent Defender - Rank 1/1 -
Reduce damage taken by 20% for 10 sec. While Ardent Defender is
active, the next attack that would otherwise kill you will instead
cause you to be healed for 15% of your maximum health.
Retribution (10 Points)
- Crusade - Rank 3/3 -
Increases the damage of your Crusader Strike, Hammer of the Righteous,
and Templar's Verdict by 30%, and the damage and healing of your
Holy Shock by 30%. In addition, for 15 sec after you kill an enemy
that yields experience or honor, your next Holy Light heals for
an additional 300%.
- Improved Judgement - Rank 2/2 -
Increases the range of your Judgement by 20 yards.
- Rule of Law - Rank 3/3 -
Increases the critical effect chance of your Crusader Strike, Hammer
of the Righteous and Word of Glory by 15%.
- Pursuit of Justice - Rank 2/2 -
You have a 100% chance to gain a charge of Holy Power when struck
by a Stun, Fear or Immobilize effect. In addition, increases your
movement and mounted movement speed by 15%. This effect does not
stack with other movement speed increasing effects.
- Glyph of Shield of the Righteous (Prime Glyph) -
Increases the damage of Shield of the Righteous by 10%.
- Glyph of Crusader Strike (Prime Glyph) -
Increases the critical strike chance of Crusader Strike by 5%.
- Glyph of Word of Glory (Prime Glyph) -
Increases the healing done by Word of Glory by 10%.
- Glyph of Focused Shield (Major Glyph) -
Your Avenger's Shield hits 2 fewer targets, but for 30% more damage.
- Glyph of Dazing Shield (Major Glyph) -
Your Avenger's Shield now also dazes targets.
- Glyph of Hammer of Justice (Major Glyph) -
Increases your Hammer of Justice range by 5 yards.
- Glyph of Truth (Minor Glyph)
- Reduces the mana cost of Seal of Truth by 50%.
- Glyph of Blessing of Kings (Minor Glyph) -
Reduces the mana cost of Blessing of Kings by 50%.
- Glyph of Blessing of Might (Minor Glyph) -
Reduces the mana cost of your Blessing of Might by 50%.
PvP Notes:
- Blocking, while still valuable, is much less so than in PvE. Stacking
Mastery is excellent in PvE, but doesn't help against the mage or
- Vengence decays too quickly to be really valuable. In PvE
you have constant damage raining down upon you, not quite so much in
PvP. Smart players will let your vengence decay as part of their strategy.
- Resilience is a better stat to stack than stam as
it scales better at high levels.
- Haste is not an important stat due to Prot mechanics
(eg, lots of instant spells.)

Stats, Gems, Etc. for
Protection Paladins
How much does it all cost? Let us count the ways...
- Buy your gear, repairs, gems, enchants, enhancements, and consumables.
- Do the same for your alts.
- Do the same for your buddies
- Collect a second gear set for your Ret/Holy build.
- Buy your PvP set, at least the starting one.
- Collect mounts and pets.
- Throw gold at beggars and those Gnome or Undead dancers in the taverns.
- Got enough gold? If not, check
out the Tycoon addon.
Primary Stats
- Strength -According to Blizzard
Str now provides parry rating. It remains the primary (and so far
only) source of raw AP and spell power for all Paladins.
Note that your "Touched by the Light" passive abilitiy
now increases your spell power by an amount equal to 60% of your
Strength. Strength no longer adds to Block Rating.
- Stamina -
Stamina, of course, remains important in providing for a large
health pool. Note that the AP bonus
provided by Vengeance is
regulated by maximum health additional hit points indirectly translate to
additional AP and thus threat. Vengence is actually a very powerful
threat stat.
- Agility - This stat provides a bit of dodge and
has little, if any, other value for the Protection Pallie. Skip it,
unless the piece is a big upgrade over youir older gear.
- Int - Spell casting is not your main thing, so skip
- Spirit - useless. Your various abilities will regen
mana fast enough that you won't need spirit.
Secondary Stats
- Dodge and Parry -
Rating still exists on gear. Note that Str now increases Parry
- Hit Rating - The vast majority of Protection
Paladin abilities are based of the melee hit table, not the
spell hit table. As such Prot. Paladins are interested in
only reaching the 8% melee hit cap. Any hit over the
cap can be considered wasted.
Note that your Touched by the Light ability adds 8% Spell Hit,
so only go for the melee cap. Level 85: 8% requires
961 Hit rating / 841 for Draenei
- Expertise - Exp. and Hit are your best threat stats
(you can't aggro what you don't hit.) 26 points minimum is recommended
(which means the boss can't dodge your strikes,) but higher is still
good, up till 55.
- Haste, Mastery, and Crit are weak threat stats.
- Mastery, while useless for threat, is excellent
for mitigation. You'll want a lot of it.
- Blocking - ultimately you want to get to 102.4%
block, which means that all boss strikes will have to go through
a block and will do reduced damage. To be clear, the 102,.4% combines
the boss's base miss chance, your dodge and parry, and your block.
- Armor has nothing to do with hit chances, it's strictly
mitigation for after you've been hit.
Mitigation strategy for tanking
- Mitigation makes life easier for your healers if your threat is
- Vengence is a pretty powerful threat ability, so maxing out Hit & Expertise
isn't as necessary as before.
- Mastery should be as high as possible to maximize blocking.
- Reforge haste, then crit into Mastery
- Next, reforge Expertise and Hit into Mastery.
- Next, reforge Dodge and Parry into Mastery, but try
to keep the values of the pair nearly equal.
- Once the 102.4% coverage is reached then reforge into dodge and parry.
- If you are having threat issues, then keep hit & expertise
at the cap until you get better gear.
Gems for both strategies, and for PvP, are shown.
- Strategy 1: Gem for Stam, which increases threat via Vengence.
- Strategy 2: Gem for Mastery, which increases block and helps get
closer to the 102.4% cap.
- Meta - above about 35% avoidance and 50% block
these two gems will be roughly equal. Below that the Armor gem will
be the better choice.
- Red
- Blue
- Yellow
- Purple gems
- Green gems
- Orange gems
Gems for both strategies, and for PvP, are shown.
- Strategy 1: Enchant for threat and Stam, which increases threat
via Vengence.
- Strategy 2: Enchant for Mitigation and Mastery, which increases
block and helps get closer to the 102.4% cap.
- PvP: Enchants are more offensive in nature.
- Head
- Shoulders
- Back
- Chest
- Tank - Enchant Chest - Greater
Stamina = 75 Stam
- Both - Enchant
Chest - Peerless
Stats = +20 to all stats, useful if you're dual building with
one set of gear. The +15 Stats enchant is much cheaper.
- PvP - Enchant
Chest - Mighty
Resilience = +40 Resilience
- Wrist
- Hands
- Tank - Enchant Gloves - Greater Mastery =
+65 Mastery rating
- Tank - Enchant Gloves - Greater Expertise =
+50 Expertise
- PvP - Enchant Gloves - Mighty Strength =
+50 Str
- Both - Socket =
Add another gem, self-only Blascksmithing 400
- Waist/Belt
- Both - Ebonsteel Belt Buckle - adds a gem slot
- Ring
- Tank - Enchant Ring - Greater Stamina =
+60 Stam, Enchanters Only, 475
- PvP - Enchant Ring Str =
+40 Str
- Legs
- Feet
- Weapon
- Tank - Enchant Weapon - Windwalk =
Sometimes your melee strikes will increase Dodge by 600 and Movement
speed by 15% for 10 seconds.
- Both - Enchant
Weapon - Avalanche = often hit for an additional ~ 500 nature
damage. A bit more threat than windwalk, much less expensive.
- PvP - Enchant
Weapon - Landslide - Sometimes provide 1000 AP for 15 sec.
Very expensive.
- PvP - Pyrium
Weapon Chain = 60% Disarm reduction, +40 Hit rating
- Shield
- Tank - Enchant Shield - Mastery = +50 Mastery rating
- Tank - Enchant Shield - Protection =
+160 Armor
- PvP - Titanium Plating = 60% reduction is Disarm duration, 26 Dodge
Consumables for the Paladin Tank
- Food - Most of the available high end buffing
foods offer 90 Stamina anyway, so what kind of side order do you
want with your Stam?
- Potions & such
Professions for the Protection Paladin
- Alchemy - better tanking through chemistry. You get increased benefits
from your own potions.
- Blacksmithing - You can add a gem socket to both your bracers and
your gloves. Drop in a couple of Stam, Resilience, Mastery, or whatever
- Enchanting - Enchant your own rings.
- Engineering - You can create a very nice iLevel 359 "helm"
and add
cogwheels to
it. This is in addition to other useful Engie gadgets.
- Inscription - 195 Stam and 25 Dodge enchant for your shoulders.
- Jewelcrafting - Create three self-only gems for your gear. Adds 101
to Stam or 67 to another stat .
- Leatherworking - a 195
Stam bracer enchant is far superior to the next best, which is
a +50 Dodge or Expertise enchant.
- Tailoring - No really useful enchants, unles you need the AP
proc for your Retribution spec.
1-85 Paladin Leveling Guide
Once you have your Protection Paladin Plan the fastest way to
get leveled into that end-game iis with an automated 1-80 (85)
Paladin leveling guide. You'll never again have to ask, "Where
do I go and what do I do when I get there..." Zygor's guide
is an in-game guide that shows up as a small window on your screen.
It shows the current quest and displays an arrow pointing the
way to go, showing you the most efficient way to knock out the
most quests in the least time.
Guide is much like having a skilled partner helping you
out every step of the way. Its fully updated for Cataclysm
and the 4.x patches, including its nifty Talent Advisor.
Grab yours now and
cruise to 85. Then you can be the one
to answer the "Where do I go at level...?" questions.
Grab your copy