This page is obsolate and is left here for legacy sake. Go here for our updated Rogue Leveling guide, fully updated for Shadowlands and beyond.
Important Note: Patch 5 (Mists of Pandaria) is live.
- While this page is updated for the latest Cataclysm patches, it will not be updated further. For the most recent updates see our new Rogue leveling guide page . That page is the one that will be updated for all future patches and expansions. If you have a link to this page please change it to the new page.
- This page will probably be left up for awhile and will probably be redirected to the new one when M of P launches. Changes are coming with Mists of Pandaria. See our Rogues in M of P post for more info.
Now we return you to your regularly scheduled guide:
Rogue Leveling Guide: Contents
Other Rogue Guides
Introduction to Rogues
Updated for Cataclysm patch 4.34
Rogues, like hunters, have a really easy time leveling; you could
even say it’s in the class's pixilated blood. Running through monsters
like a meat-grinder and hitting with enough force to bash even warriors
down, the Rogue poses one of the greatest leveling threats of all.
However, it’s not only pure burst-DPS, also known as smashing power, that gives
Rogues their immense advantage over all others, it’s cooldowns. Cooldowns that
include everything from vanish, blind, cloak of shadows and much more.
These give
Rogues a great deal of vertsitility and generally allow the Rogue to set up their
attack in a more calculating manner than most.
Buffs and Nerfs: Any time any expansion is released
the class balance goes all to heck. One day a given spec is "God
and the next it's "Doormat." Rogues are in generally good
shape all around. We haven't been in God
Mode (contrary to what some wags might say,) but with even a bit of skill we're far from being doormats. As
for leveling? Rogues are a blast.
Mists of Pandaria will likely change the balance equation, but Rogues should still be in a pretty good place.
This is the green starter set, iLevel 372, purchased from the vendor in Mists of Pandaria Beta =>
Quick Info For Rogue Leveling
This is the "quick and dirty" section. See the sections
below this part for a lot more info.
Which race?
Whichever one you like. Orcs and Trolls can do more damage with their
specials, Humans and Undead have nice escapes. All the others offer
something that's useful. Even Pandarens. More here.
Which Rogue spec to pick?
- All Rogue specs are great for any leveling, since all Rogues do is damage and lots of it. Pick whichever spec works
for you.
- Subtlety is the most fun. Shadowstep to Ambush just rules. Best
PvP spec.
- Combat is the best for multiple targets. Very nice for Dungeon leveling.
- Assassination makes great use of poisons. Nice for Dungeons and PvP, no slouch at regular leveling.
All Rogues - Gear & Stats:
- Wear Leather only - you will get an ability at level
50 that makes leather wearing better.
- Stack Stamina until you are confortable
with your survivability.
- Agility - Once survival isn't an issue stack Agility.
- At higher levels Haste
is a good stat for all Rogue specs.
Subtlety likes crit more, but Haste
is still good. )
- Resilience: Worthless outside of PvP. Don't worry
about it until level 85 PvP.
- Weapons: Generally slow main hand weapon, fast off
hand weapon.
- Poisons: (Wound Poison is improved in patch 4.3)
- Crippling on thrown weapon in all cases. (To slow down the runners.
- Quest Leveling - Instant on both weapons.
- Dungeon Leveling - Instant on main, Deadly on off-hand.
- PvP Leveling - Wound on main, Crippling on off.
- More info
Rogue Enchants, Gems, Glyphs:
- Enchants: Skip unless you have the cash or can find
them for cheap.
Go for Agility > Attack Power > Stam
- Got Heirlooms? Get the best enchants you can that
work with Item Level 1 items.
Here's a good example: Enchant
Weapon - Agility
- Gems: Skip gems until you have a piece of gear that you're going to
be keeping for awhile. If you do install gems then go
for these.
- Glyphs: See the builds below for glyph recommendations.
- Professions: Pick two from Herbalism, Mining, and
- More
Very basic Rotations:
- Sub: Shadowstep > Ambush > build combo points
> Eviscerate
- Combat: Ambush/Gouge/Cheapshot > Sinister Strike to
build CPs > Eviscerate
- Assassination: Mutilate/Garrote > Mut. to build CPs
> Eviscerate (Use envonom when you get it at 54.)
If you need to blast to 85 as fast as possible then check out our favorite
leveling guide.
Goto >> Top - Info - Race -
Combat - Assassination - Subtlety - Gear -
Tips - Level
Which Race?
So which races can be Rogues? Most of them, even Pandarens. the only exceptions are the Tauren and Draenei.
Which is the best race? Whichever works for you.
The racial abilities aren't that important
unless you're really looking for every last drop of
efficiency. The best that you get from any racial is a 1% improvement
in something, which just isn't that much. So play what you like, especially
if you're an RPer. It doesn't matter if one race is a tiny bit better
in one area than another class, if that class just doesn't work for you.
For PvP?
Humans, Gnomes, and Undead might be "best" due to their escape abilities
and Blood Elves get an extra silence effect. Orcs and Trolls have berserk
type abilities that can increase damage on demand. Worgen have a +1%
crit, which is small, but nice, and Goblins have a 1% attack speed increase,
which is also nice.
For PvE? 
- Alliance: Humans, Gnomes, and Dwarves get a bit of extra weapon expertise.
Worgen have a slightly increased crit chance.
- Horde: Orcs can Enrage and have weapon expertise. Trolls can go berserk,
increasing attack speed. Blood Elves look good while stabbling you
in the back and Goblins will sell your stuff for you (for a hefty cut,
of course.)
Pandarens can be either Horde or Alliance.
- They're "bouncy" so take less falling damage.
- They get improved benefits from food buffs
- Their rest XP lasts longer
- Skilled with Cooking
- Can put enemeis to sleep with a touch of their paw.
- Human
- Increased rep gains - This is nice if you have any interest
in gaining rep with any of the bazillion factions in WoW. The
new Cataclysm factions have some nice stuff well worth working
for and this will save you a bit of grinding. Mists of Pandaria will likely bring many more factions.
- Mace & Sword expertise - Of some use at the high end of
the game, unless you're Assassination (daggers only.)
- Escape - Very nice for PvP, useful here and there at other
times. Allows you to use two regular trinkets in PvP and get
those extra stats.
- Increased Spirit is useless to Rogues.
- Gnome
- Escape - Very nice for PvP, useful here and there at other
- Good with daggers and small swords (increased expertise) which
is good for Assassination, maybe not so hot for Subtlety, and
less so for combat.
- Skilled with Engineering
- Resistance to Arcane damage helps a bit in end-game content
- Dwarf
- Good with maces (increased expertise,) but that's best if you're
combat, but not so good otherwise.
- Stone form erases certain effects and decreases
damage by 10% - Very nice for
PvP, useful here and there at other times.
- Skilled with Archeology
- Increased crit with guns isn't interesting to Rogues (and in Mists Rogues are unable to equip ranged weapons.)
- Night Elf
- Extra stealth while standing still. Nice while lurking in
wait, either for AFKing or ambushing.
- They have a bit more agility and are a bit harder to hit, which
is nice for any rogue.
- Nelves are also slightly faster in stealth than other races.
- Worgen
- Can occasionally move quickly - extra speed is always good.
- Increased crit chance is generally useful to any Rogue.
- Reduced duration of curses and diseases - pretty situational
- Skinning skill and speed increased
- Resistant to Nature and Shadow damage.
- Draenei - Nope, still can't be rogues. They're much too proud.
- Orc
- Enrage to increase damage - generally useful and quite nice
for leveling.
- Good with axes (increased expertise,) but only if an axe is
the best weapon available and if you're not Assassination.
- Resistant to stuns - Especially useful in PvP, but also nice
at times while leveling/raiding.
- Troll
- Berserk to increase attack speed by 20% - Generally useful,
especially for leveling.
- Regeneration increased - trivial for leveling, less useful
- Damage Increase Vs Beasts (More for leveling, some PvE value)
- Increase crit chance with thrown weapons - Zzzzz.....
- Reduced duration of movement impairing effects - This is generally
nice, especially for PvP.
- Blood Elf
- Area effect silence effect also restores some energy , nice
when fighting anything that casts spells as it interrupts Player
and NPC (but not Boss) spellcasting.
- They look good while stabbing you in the back
- Resistant to Arcane damage
- Good with Enchanting.
- Undead
- Remove Fear, sleep, charm which is useful in PvP and of occasional
use elsewhere.
- Underwater breathing is nice for all those underwater quests,
especially in Outlands.
- Cannibalism is a nice "in your face" for PvP and eliminates
the need to use a bag slot for food.
- Resistant to Shadow damage
- Goblin
- Can rocket jump forward, or away, so is a bit like
the Mage spell Blink. It breaks your Stealth, so it's
not another Shadowstep.
- Can launch rockets at enemies. This is more of a "bottle rocket" than
an ICBM. Probably good for pulling mobs.
- Receives vendor discounts.
- Can periodically summon a personal bank
- Attack speed increase is always nice.
- Alchemy skill and potion healing increased.
- Utility belt - pretty much just a plot device, no general use.
- Tauren: What? You think a 9' tall man-cow thing can be sneaky?
Though War Stomp out of stealth would be fun, it's not happening
at this time.
Goto >> Top - Info - Race - Combat - Assassination - Subtlety - Gear - Tips - Level
Talents for Cataclysm
Rogues haven't changed much coming into 4.0 and Cataclysm, or since.
Except for some new abilities, from 80 to 85, they're much the same as
before. The main changes are the same as for every class and that's the
new talent system and a shuffling of abilities.
In Mists of Pandaria the mechanics will be much the same, even though talents and abilities are going to move around a lot (eg: Only Sub. Rogues willbe able to use Backstab.)
At level ten you get access to the talent system. When you spend the
first point in whichever tree you pick you will be locked into that tree
until you have spent at least 31 talent points. You do not need to get
the top tier talent, you just need to spend the 31 points to then open
up the other trees.
After that you can go into the other trees or buy more combat talents.
You will only get a total of 41 points at level 85 (as opposed to the
previous 71 points at level 80.)
In Mists of Pandaria the talent system will change greatly.
- All specs will have a set of core abilities, much like they do now.
- Each spec will have another 6 unique abilities
- All Rogues will share common abilities, as the do now (eg: Evasion.)
- There will be six tiers of talents (at levels 15, 30, 45, 60,75, and 90,) with three possible choices in each. Pick one of the three and you will have six talents at level 90. Any Rogue can pick from any of these talents.
- For all talents and abilities you either have it or you don't, there are no points to spend in each talent. In the Cataclysm system, of course, you can spend up to three points in each. Not in Mists.
Buy the Dual Talent ability from your trainer (at 30) if you want to
work with two specs.
In return for having to stick with one tree you get certain abilities
unique to that tree. Shadowstep, for example. You get it when
you enter the Subtlety tree and no Combat or Assassination rogue will
be able to get it.
Mastery is an ability you will be able to get from your trainer
at level 80. It gives you an extra bonus to your abilities, such as extra
attacks in Combat. Cataclysm gear will frequently have Mastery
Rating, but whether stacking Mastery has any value, as compared
to hit or crit or whatever, depends on your build.
Note on leveling: Nowadays we have three (or four)
ways of gathering our XP. All are fast.
It used to be that going level 1 to 60 in 6 days in-game time was pretty
fast. These days? Dugi's +
heirlooms + questing + Recruit a Friend + charging
as hard as you can can get you to 85 in under three days
(in-game time.)
- Questing and or Grinding - low stress and you'll level fast enough.
The in-game quest helper is fine, but Dugi's is much better. Questing
is, overall, about as fast as dungeon or PvP leveling.
- Dungeoning -
via the Dungeon Finder tool: DPS classes are a dime a dozen
so the wait times to get into the dungeons can be a few minutes, but
this can result in fast XP and better gear than you'll get from questing.
Just go questiing while you're waiting for the dungeon queue. Dungeron
leveling isn't much faster than questing (mostly due to the sometimes long wait times for a group,) but it's different and you
get the nicer gear.
In Cataclysm those dungeons will
be immediately open to you when you pass level 80. By that time you should have
your flying mount. You can see our cataclysm
dungeon list to fly around and discover them, if you like. It's actually
useful to know where they are, like when you die and appear outside of
the dungeon and need to get back in.
- PvP leveling - Battleground weekends can result in seriously fast
XP if your side wins. Since winning doesn't seem to be a priority
these days, for either faction, it might be best to do this with a
well-oiled team. Even if it's not the BG weekend, wins still
result in very nice XP gains. XP while losing is about the
same as questing XP and is more frustrating (to me, anyway.)
The leveling builds below assume that you're questing/grinding, but
there are notes for the other methods of XP acquisition. All the trees
are good for leveling, but have different feels.
Assassination - Somewhat energy starved in the beginning,
requires daggers, but can pump out some consistent, and nice, damage.
End game? This might be the best tree, overall, for level 85 raiding
and is Ok in PvP. Energy regen comes from one of the top tier talents.
Combat - The most "in your face" if the trees. Starts
out with good energy regeneration and is the only Rogue build with any "hit
two or more at once" skills. Very competitive with Assassination for PvE content. Ok for PvP if you have mad skillz.
Subtlety - Are you seeing Rogues
appearing from nowhere, behind the target, and putting down a nice initial
burst? That's the Subtlety spec
and Shadowstep is the ability. Nice initial burst,
but energy starved until Energetic Recovery is obtained. Not
so good for longer fights until both that and Slaughter from the
Shadows are obtained. This is the spec for PvP.
Goto >> Top - Info - Race - Combat - Assassination - Subtlety - Gear - Tips - Level
Level 85 Combat Rogue Leveling Build (9/31/1)
Starting off here with a Combat spec, since that's been the
traditional Rogue leveling build. It's also the easiest to use and has
the quickest Energy regeneration until level 60 or so.
In your face swashbuckling using whichever weapons you pick. If you
like fast sword play then this is your build. Combat is less
reliant than the others on burst or poisons and it doesn't require, or
even recommend, daggers or any particular weapons, so use the best weapons you can get at any given level.
Your initial attack might do less damage than Subtlety, but it will be easier to keep
up consistent damage when fighitng multiple opponents.
- Blade
Flurry is your level 10 special ability. BF attacks one
additional opponent. It's great against two opponents, but useless
Vs just one. It's a toggle. Keep it up when fighting more than
one mob, turn it off when hitting singles.
- Ambidexterity -
gives 75% extra damage to your off-hand and throwing weapons. This
is a pretty nice damage increase.
- Vitality increases
your Energy regeneration rate by 25% and your attack power by 25%
- Mastery:
Main Gauche - (A main guache is the off-hand weapon
used by fencers, usually a form of dagger) This gives your offhand
weapon a chance for extra strikes, based off your main-hand weapon
With combat you use your raw combat effectiveness to go toe to toe with
the opposition. This build is going for Killing Spree ASAP and
assumes that you're not doing a lot of PvP. The talents are listed in the
order that you should take them.
Weapon speed - This question has been asked for
as long as anyone has been dual wielding their weapons. Until
you get Combat potency it doesn't matter. Once there you'll
want a slow main-hand weapon and a fast off-hand weapon
due to Combat Potency procs (see #8, below.)
Weapon Choice - A fast dagger is your best choice
for an off-hand weapon. With 4.0 you can use any one-handed weapon
and there are no weapon specializations. So grab the best weapon
main hand weapon you can and try to put a fast dagger in that off-hand.
For example: A Sword with a 2.8 speed in the
main hand and a dagger with 1.4 speed in the off-hand.
With Mastery granting extra weapon attacks from main-hand
attacks an argument can be made for a fast main-hand. A fast main-hand
will gimp your Sinister Strike and Eviscerate abilities
and that will likely cost a lot more damage than you'll gain from
a couple of off-hand weapon swings. Given that info I'm going to
stick with Slow Main, Fast off.
below for rotations, notes on abilities, gear, and so on.
Combat Rogue Leveling Spec
Just take the talents in the order listed.
this build)
Combat (31 Points)
- Improved Sinister Strike - Rank 3/3 - Increases the damage dealt by your Sinister Strike ability by 30% and reduces its Energy cost by 6.
- Precision - Rank 2/3 - Increases your chance to hit with weapon and poison attacks by 6%. This is especially useful towards the end-game raids.
- Aggression - Rank 3/3 - Increases the damage of your Sinister Strike, Backstab, and Eviscerate abilities by 20%.
- Improved Slice and Dice - Rank 2/2 - Increases the duration of your Slice and Dice ability by 50%. Especially nice for longer fights or multiple opponents.
- Revealing Strike - Rank 1/1 - An instant strike that causes 125% of your normal weapon damage and increases the effectiveness of your next offensive finishing move on that target by 20% for 15 sec. Awards 1 combo point.
- Lightning Reflexes - Rank 3/3 - Increases your chance to dodge enemy attacks by 9% and your attack speed by 6%.
- Reinforced Leather - Rank 1/2 - Increases your armor contribution from cloth (cloth???) and leather items by 50%. Cloth is bad, use leather in all slots, always.
- Combat Potency - Rank 3/3 - Gives your successful off-hand melee attacks a 20% chance to generate 15 Energy. This is why you want a fast off-hand weapon.
- Precision - Rank 3/3 (finishing this off)
- Improved Recuperate - Rank 1/2 - Causes your Recuperate ability to restore an additional 2% of your maximum health and reduces all damage taken by 6% while your Recuperate ability is active.
- Adrenaline Rush - Rank 1/1 - Increases your Energy regeneration rate by 100% and your melee attack speed by 20% for 15 sec.
- Savage Combat - Rank 2/2 - Increases your total attack power by 4% and all physical damage caused to enemies you have poisoned is increased by 4%.
- Improved Recuperate - Rank 2/2 (finishing this off)
- Reinforced Leather - Rank 2/2 (finishing this off)
- Bandit's Guile - Rank 3/3 - Your Sinister Strike and Revealing Strike abilities have a 100% chance to grant you an evolving insight into an opponent's defenses, increasing damage to that target by up to 30%. Opponents can adapt over time, negating this benefit, and Striking a different opponent will begin the cycle anew.
- Restless Blades - Rank 2/2 - Your damaging finishing moves reduce the cooldown of your Adrenaline Rush, Killing Spree, and Sprint abilities by 2 sec per combo point.
- Killing Spree - Rank 1/1 - Step through the shadows from enemy to enemy within 10 yards, attacking an enemy every .5 secs with both weapons until 5 assaults are made, and increasing all damage done by 20% for the duration. Can hit the same target multiple times. Cannot hit invisible or stealthed targets.
You can now move into the other trees.
Assassination (9 Points)
- Lethality - Rank 3/3 - Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Backstab, Mutilate and Hemorrhage abilities by 30%.
- Coup de Grace - Rank 2/3 - Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate and Envenom abilities by 14%.
- Gratz on level 80
- (level 81, 82) Quickening - Rank 2/2 - All healing effects on you are increased by 20% and your movement speed is increased by 15%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.
- (level 83, 84) Deadly Momentum - Rank 2/2
After killing an opponent that yields experience or honor, the critical strike chance of your next attack within 10 sec is increased by 40% and your Slice and Dice and Recuperate abilities are refreshed to their original duration.
Subtlety (1 point)
- (level 85) Relentless Strikes - Rank 1/3
Your finishing moves have a 7% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy.
You'll get one glyph slot for Prime, Major, and Minor glyphs at level 25 and then one more of each at levels 50 and 75.
Glyphs are learned, not installed like gems, and can be swapped. Learn 'em all and swap them as the need arises.
Up to level 80 you will need one dose of Vanishing Powder to make one swap, from level 81 you will need one dose of Dust of Disappearance to make one swap, from level 86 to 90 you will need a Tome of the Clear Mind." All can be found from your Inscription supplies vendor.
Glyph of Adrenaline Rush - Increases the duration of Adrenaline Rush by 5 sec.
Glyph of Slice and Dice - Increases the duration of Slice and Dice by 6 sec.
Glyph of Eviscerate -
Increases the critical strike chance of Eviscerate by 10%.
Glyph of Blind - Your Blind ability also removes all damage over time effects from the target.
Glyph of Blade Flurry - Reduces the penalty to energy generation while Blade Flurry is active by 50%.
Glyph of Cloak of Shadows - While Cloak of Shadows is active, you take 40% less physical damage.
Glyph of Lockpicking - Instant lockpicking.
Glyph of Safe Fall - Increases the distance your Safe Fall ability allows you to fall without taking damage.
Glyph of Blurred Speed - Enables you to walk on water while your Sprint ability is active. |
Generally, if you PvP a lot you will want to go with Subtlety.
But if you stick with Combat:
- If you PvP a lot you will want 2/2 Improved Sprint for
the escape ability.
- Improved Kick, for the silence, is a useful PvP ability
- Blade Twisting is another useful talent for PvP,
but it overlaps with your Crippling Poison.
- Throwing Specialization is a useful interrupt if you're
constantly fighting casters. Your timing needs to be pretty
good to use it effectively.
- Nightstalker has its uses if you like/need the faster
Stealth cooldown and movement.
Click here to get to 85, fast
Combat Rogue Rotation for leveling
CP = Combo Point
SS = Sinister Strike
Note: For short fights Slice and Dice has
little value. If you're fighting several mobs in a row or are fighting
mobs that take awhile (dungeon mobs) then it's very nice.
- Before 8: Just run up and smash.
- Level 8+: Open with Ambush, then SS, then Eviscerate.
If you can't easily get behind the opposition then just open
with SS.
- At Level 12 you get Recuperate which is a great place
to spend any left over CPs. Mob dies, hit Recup to use up your
left over CPs, and downtime becomes minor.
- At level 16 you get Gouge. You can run up, unstealthed,
Gouge, and kill. Or Gouge > Hop behind the mob, and Backstab
(if you have a main hand dagger.)
- At level 22, you get Slice and Dice. If the fight
is a bit longer, such as in a dungeon/raid, build up four CPs
then hit Slice and Dice. Try to keep SnD up at all times.
- Cheap Shot is at level 26 and stuns your opponent for a short
- Garrote is at level 40 and causes your opponent to bleed.
- Rupture is level 46
- Bleed 'em till they die! Stealth to Garrote,
then Sinister Strike until 5 CP, then Rupture. This one keeps
attacking Rogues from stealthing. Of course, it'll work against you,
too. Bleeds are also great when fighting mobs that will run away.
They will run and die.
Goto >> Top - Info - Race - Combat - Assassination - Subtlety - Gear - Tips - Level
Level 85 Assassination Rogue Leveling Build (31/3/7)
Does being the "poison using assassin" appeal to you? Then this
is your specialization. It's probably the best spec for raiding
and is good for PvP. It's a little low on Energy until you get
into the Venomous Wounds talent, at 61, so some people
start with Combat and then switch at level 61.
This spec requires daggers. If you don't like daggers
than go elsewhere.
Always remember to have your weapons poisoned, instant on the
main hand, deadly on the off-hand. A lot of your damage comes from
the poisons, far more than from Combat or Sub, and if you forget
to poison your blades you will gimp yourself.
- Mutilate becomes
the "bread and butter" strike at level 10.
- Assassin's
Resolve is a sweet ability, combining a higher energy
cap and extra damage when using daggers.
- Improved
Poisons increases the chance of successfully hitting
with Instant and Deadly poisons.
- Mastery:
Potent Poisons increases poison damage, Each point of Mastery from
your gear and buffs will add to the bonus poison damage of
this ability.
In this build we're going for our 31 points (and Vendetta)
ASAP to get you into the option of taking talents from the other
trees. This build is built around questing, though I'll add notes
for if you're PvPing or dungeoning. Just take the talents in order.
Weapon speed - Slow in the main-hand, fast in the off-hand. Poisons:
Instant in the main-hand, deadly in the off-hand for long fights
(eg. bosses.) Heck, deadly on the off-hand for all fights.
this build)
Assassination (31 Points)
- Deadly Momentum - Rank 2/2 - After killing an opponent
that yields experience or honor, the critical strike chance of
your next attack within 10 sec is increased by 40% and your Slice
and Dice and Recuperate abilities are refreshed to their original
- Coup de Grace - Rank 3/3 - Increases the damage done
by your Eviscerate and Envenom abilities by 20%.
- Puncturing Wounds - Rank 3/3 - Increases the critical
strike chance of your Backstab ability by 30%, and the critical
strike chance of your Mutilate ability by 15%.
- Quickening - Rank 2/2 - All healing effects on you are
increased by 20% and your movement speed is increased by 15%.
This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.
- Cold Blood - Rank 1/1 - When activated, generates 25
Energy and increases the critical strike chance of your next
non-periodic offensive ability by 100%.
- Deadly Brew - Rank 2/2 - When you apply Instant, Wound,
or Mind-Numbing Poison to a target, you have a 100% chance to
apply Crippling Poison (which is quite nice for PvP.)
- Vile Poisons - Rank 2/3 - Increases
the damage dealt by your poisons by 20% and gives you 100% of
the normal chance of applying poisons from your equipped melee
weapons when you use the Fan of Knives ability.
- Seal Fate - Rank 2/2 - Your critical strikes from abilities
that add combo points have a 100% chance to add an additional
combo point.
- Vile Poisons - Rank 3/3 - finishing
this off
- Lethality - Rank 2/3 - Increases the
critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Backstab,
Mutilate and Hemorrhage abilities by 30%.
- Overkill - Rank 1/1 - While stealthed, and for 20 seconds
after breaking stealth, you regenerate 30% additional energy.
- Murderous Intent - Rank 2/2 - When you Backstab an
enemy that is below 35% health, you instantly recover 30 Energy.
- Master Poisoner - Rank 1/1 - Increases the spell damage
taken by any target you have poisoned by 8%, causes your Envenom
ability to no longer consume Deadly Poison, and reduces the duration
of all Poison effects applied to you by 50%.
- Lethality - Rank 3/3 - finishing this
- Venomous Wounds - Rank 2/2 - Each time your Rupture
or Garrote deals damage to an enemy that you have poisoned, you
have a 60% chance to deal 675 additional Nature damage and to
regain 10 Energy. If an enemy dies while afflicted by your Rupture,
you regain energy proportional to the remaining Rupture duration.
- Cut to the Chase - Rank 3/3 - Your Eviscerate and Envenom
abilities have a 100% chance to refresh your Slice and Dice duration
to its 5 combo point maximum.
- Vendetta - Rank 1/1 - Marks an enemy for death, increasing
all damage you deal to the target by 20% and granting you unerring
vision of your target, regardless of concealments such as stealth
and invisibility. Lasts 30 sec.
Combat (3 Points)
- Precision - Rank 2/3 - Increases your
chance to hit with weapon and poison attacks by 4%.
Subtlety (7 Points)
- Relentless Strikes - Rank 3/3 - Your finishing moves
have a 20% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy.
- Nightstalker - Rank 2/2 - Increases your speed while
stealthed by 15% and reduces the cooldown of your Stealth ability
by 6 sec.
- Opportunity - Rank 3/3
Increases the damage dealt with your Backstab, Mutilate, Garrote and Ambush abilities
by 20%.
You'll get one glyph slot for Prime, Major, and Minor glyphs at
level 25 and then one more of each at levels 50 and 75. Glyphs
are learned, not installed (like gems,) and can be swapped. Learn
'em all and swap them as the need arises. Up to level 80 you will
need one dose of Vanishing Dust to make one swap, from
level 81 you will need one dose of Dust of Disappearance to
make one swap.
Glyph of Mutilate Reduces the cost of Mutilate
by 5 energy.
Glyphs of Slice and Dice Increases
SnD time by 6 seconds.
Glyph of Rupture - Increases the duration
of Rupture by 4 sec.
Glyph of Evasion - Increases the duration
of Evasion by 5 seconds.
Glyph of Sprint - Increases the movement speed of your
Sprint ability by an additional 30%.
PvP? Glyph of Garrote - Your Garrote silence effect
is increased by 1.5 seconds.
Glyph of Safe Fall - Increases the distance your
Safe Fall ability allows you to fall without taking damage.
Glyph of Pick Lock - Reduces the cast
time of your Pick Lock ability by 100%.
Glyph of Pick Pocket - Increases the range of your Pick
Pocket ability by 5 yards.
PvP? Glyph of Poisons - Change your poisons
faster. |
- At 85 you can respec to whatever, obviously. ;)
- If you drop Deadly Momentum and 1 pt from Deadly
Brew and put those three points into Ruthlessness then
you have a fine DPS build.
- Low level: Open with Gouge, hop behind and backstab, SS to
2 or 3 combo points, Eviscerate.
- Level 8+: Open with Ambush, then Sinister Strike until
4 or 5 combo points (CP) are reached, then Eviscerate.
Frequently you will have only 1 or 2 CPs before you eviscerate.
- Level 10+: same, but use Mutilate instead of Sinister
- If the fight is a bit longer, such as in a dungeon/raid, build
up four CPs then hit Slice and Dice. Try to keep SnD
up at all times.
- Cheap Shot is at level 26
- Garrote is at level 40
- Rupture is level 46
- Bleed 'em till they die! Open with Garrote,
then Mutilate, then Rupture. This one keeps attacking Rogues
from stealthing. Of course, it'll work against you,
too. At higher levels you will want to have at least one of your
bleeds up at all times, since a chunk of your Energy regen comes
from the bleeds (Venomous Wounds.)
Click here to get to 85, fast
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Level 85 Subtlety Rogue leveling Build
Like the shadows? Feel that a Rogue should be sneaky, attack from
stealth with a brutal Ambush, and then disappear back into the
shadows? Then Subtlety is your specialization. This is very much
a burst spec and isn't quite so hot for long fights. With
4.0 Ambush is brutal and Sub seems to be much
more desireable than before. Many times you will be able to Shadowstep > Ambush > Eviscerate > next
This tree is somewhat energy starved until points are spent in Energetic
Recovery. For this reason many people will level as Combat
until 35-40, when they can pick up the Energetic Recovery talent.
Shadowstep is a short range teleport that puts you right
behind your opponent, in perfect position for that brutal ambush.
It's also good for getting up on ledges when your opponent is otherwise
Weapon choice: Note that Ambush no longer
requires daggers, but a dagger in the main-hand is required for Backstab. Using
anything other than a dagger in the main-hand will decrease your
ambush damage, but your Eviscerate and Hemos will
hit harder. Overall damage between dagger in the main or a sword/mace/axe
seems to be close enough.
Whether or not you use daggers, slow in the main-hand is good,
fast in the off-hand is probably best and, for the moment, this
means a dagger.
Sap is useful for getting into position for a proper Ambush if Shadowstep is
on cooldown.
- Shadowstep is
your level 10 ability. Appear behind your opponents in position
for a brutal Ambush.
- Master
of Subtlety - attacks from Stealth, and shortly
after, do more damage.
- Sinister
Calling - 25% more Agility and more damage from
Backstab and Hemorrhage.
- Mastery:
Executioner - Increases damage (and effects) from finishing
strikes. Additional Mastery Rating increases this.
Daggers are recommended, since you get better Ambushes with
them, but they aren't required. If you like to Backstab a
lot then you need a dagger in the main hand. This build, like the
others, gets to the top talent Shadowdance as quickly
as possible.
Cataclysm Subtlety Rogue (7/2/32)
Subtlety (32 Points)
- Improved Ambush - Rank 3/3 - Increases the critical
strike chance of your Ambush ability by 60% and its damage by
- Relentless Strikes - Rank 2/3 - Your
finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to restore
25 energy.
- Opportunity - Rank 3/3- Increases the damage dealt with
your Backstab, Mutilate, Garrote and Ambush abilities by 30%.
- Initiative - Rank 2/2 - Gives you a 100% chance to
add an additional combo point to your target when using your
Ambush, Garrote, or Cheap Shot ability.
- Hemorrhage - Rank 1/1 - An instant strike that deals
110% weapon damage (159.5% if a dagger is equipped) and causes
the target to take 30% additional damage from bleed effects for
1 min. Awards 1 combo point.
- Energetic Recovery - Rank 3/3 - Empowers your Recuperate
ability, causing its periodic effect to also restore 8 Energy.
- Find Weakness - Rank 2/2 - Your Ambush, Garrote, and
Cheap Shot abilities reveal a flaw in your target's defenses,
causing all your attacks to bypass 50% of that enemy's armor
for 10 sec.
- Premeditation - Rank 1/1 - When used, adds 2 combo points
to your target. You must add to or use those combo points within
20 sec or the combo points are lost.
- Honor Among Thieves - Rank 3/3 - Increases the critical
strike chance of all party and raid members by 5%. When any player
in your party or raid critically hits with a spell or ability,
you have a 100% chance to gain a combo point on your current
target. This effect cannot occur more than once every 2 seconds.
- Relentless Strikes - Rank 3/3
- Preparation - Rank 1/1 - When activated, this ability
immediately finishes the cooldown on your Evasion, Sprint, Vanish,
and Shadowstep abilities.
- Sanguinary Vein - Rank 2/2 - Increases your damage dealt
to targets who are afflicted with a Bleed effect by 10%.
- Elusiveness - Rank 2/2 - Reduces the cooldown of your
Vanish and Blind abilities by 60 sec and your Cloak of Shadows
ability by 30 sec.
- Slaughter from the Shadows - Rank 3/3 - Reduces the
energy cost of your Backstab and Ambush abilities by 20, and
the energy cost of your Hemorrhage and Fan of Knives abilities
by 6.
- Serrated Blades - Rank 2/2 - Your Eviscerate has a
20% chance per combo point to refresh your Rupture on the target
to its original duration.
- Shadow Dance - Rank 1/1 - Enter the Shadow Dance for
6 sec, allowing the use of Sap, Garrote, Ambush, Cheap Shot,
Premeditation, Pickpocket and Disarm Trap regardless of being
Assassination (7 Points)
- Lethality - Rank 3/3 - Increases the critical strike
damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Backstab, Mutilate and
Hemorrhage abilities by 30%.
- Coup de Grace - Rank 2/3 - Increases the damage done
by your Eviscerate and Envenom abilities by 14%.
- Quickening - Rank 2/2 - All healing effects on you
are increased by 20% and your movement speed is increased by
15%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing
Combat (2 Points)
- Precision - Rank 2/3
Increases your chance to hit with weapon and poison attacks by 4%.
You'll get one glyph slot for Prime, Major, and Minor glyphs at
level 25 and then one more of each at levels 50 and 75. Glyphs
are learned, not installed (like gems,) and can be swapped. Learn
'em all and swap them as the need arises. Up to level 80 you will
need one dose of Vanishing Dust to make one swap, from
level 81 you will need one dose of Dust of Disappearance to
make one swap.
Glyph of Eviscerate- Increases the critical strike
chance of Eviscerate by 10%.
Glyph of Hemorrhage - Your Hemorrhage
ability also causes the target to bleed, dealing
40% of the direct strike's damage over 24 sec.
Glyph of Slice and Dice - Increases
the duration of Slice and Dice by 6
sec. |
Glyph of Sprint - Increases the movement speed
of your Sprint ability by an additional 30%.
Glyph of Ambush - Increases the range
on Ambush by 5 yards.
Glyph of Cloak of Shadows -
While Cloak of Shadows is active, you
take 40% less physical damage.
Glyph of Blind: Removes all Damage
over Time effects from the opponent. |
Glyph of Safe Fall - Increases the distance your
Safe Fall ability allows you to fall without taking damage.
Glyph of Pick Lock - Reduces the cast
time of your Pick Lock ability by 100%.
Glyph of Pick Pocket - Increases
the range of your Pick Pocket ability
by 5 yards. |
- Nightstalker reduces stealth cooldowns and increases
stealthed speed.
- Waylay is pretty much a PvP talent.
- Cheat Death is a nice PvP talent
- There's an ongoing argument on Backstab Vs Hemorrhage.
If you're always at the opponent's back (which you should be
in raids & dungeons) then Backstab does more damage overall.
For leveling and PvP Hemo is much better since you don't
have the positioning issues and the energy usage is less
and you can use harder hitting weapons. Glyph of Hemo also
adds a bleed effect which has its uses while leveling and is
great Vs stealthy types in PvP.
- Glyph of Blind (major) has definite uses in PvP and
groups because it wipes effects which will break the blind, such
as bleeds. Otherwise your Garrotes and Ruptures (or the other
guy's) will break your Blind.
Leveling with Subtlety is nice, especially with the buffed damage,
and it gets faster as you level. Leveling with a PvP build works
well enough, especially once you're up a few levels. Supplementing
your questing with some PvP leveling can be interesting and this
way you do't have to switch builds.
Click here to get to 85, fast
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Gear, Stats, Etc.
So which stats?
- Agility is, by far, the best for any of the trees, especially
at higher levels, and most expecially for Subtlety with their
Sinister Calling ability. Your Leather
specialization (at lev 50) adds more Ag.
- Stamina should be stacked at lower levels until survival is
not an issue.
- Strength has no use and should be skipped.
- Spirit and Int are useless to all Rogues.
- You should wear Leather Armor in all slots. Your Leather
specialization (at 50) gives even more reason for that.
Other Stats:
- Hit Rating - Precision will help a lot here. For leveling
and PvP (Vs same level mobs & players) 5% Hit
rating is enough
to make sure you hit with your main attacks. Once you start Raiding
you will need 8% for your specials and 17% for your poisons
(they count as spells.)
- Haste Rating - Good for all Rogues. Mobs die too fast while
Quest leveling for this to be a lot of use. Raiding and PvP are
another story.
- Crit Rating - The more the merrier. Always. This is the best
secondary stat for Sub.
- Mastery rating - obtained at level 80. Great for Assassination,
fair for Combat, and poor for Subtlety.
- Attack Power - Great for all Rogues.
- Resilience is essential for PvP, Useless otherwise.
- At lower levels stack Stamina. With First Aid,
enough Stamina, the new Recuperate ability
and the 4.0 damage you should be able to level quickly and have
very little downtime.
- Past the lowest levels Agility is the all important stat.
It adds to your damage and your defenses. It's the most important
stat for any flavor of Rogue.
- Stamina is very important for questing/PvP, less important
for dungeoning since the other guy is taking all the
damage. Otherwise, since you will be face to face (or back) to
the opposition 100% of the time, and since you have little in
the way of heals, you need to have enough health to survive.
Gearing a rogue is, like with most other melee classes during
the leveling process, all about maximizing damage while leaving
just enough stamina for a reasonable health. In this case your
primary statistics will be agility, Haste, +critical, and +hit.
- ...of the monkey gear is perfect for Rogues. "...of
the bandit," once you hit your 60s, is better. Cataclysm gear
is obtainable at 77 and is a whole lot better than any
other non-cata gear you'll get without PvP or level 80 raiding.
- At
low level, when gear has only a point or two
of this or that stat, stick to stamina. You get a lot more
bang for the buck with stam gear, at low level, than the way
over-priced agility gear. A couple of points of Agility will
do nothing for you, while a couple of points of Stam may mean
avoiding a corpse run.
- After the late teens, what
comes first is agility. It combines all the damage stats and improvements
desired rolled up into a single stat choice, and even shows
up on 90% of leather armor to boot. Increasing +critical,
dodge, and attack power are second to agility.
- If you're
doing too many corpse runs then you're either fighting stuff
that's too high, doing a lot of PvP, need to practice some skills,
and/or need to get more Stamina.
- Second comes the individual stats such as +hit
and +critical. Often you’ll find these in greater amounts on items
with higher numbers of stamina or other single stats – Whether
this makes them worthwhile to equip or not is up to you.
- At level 70 do enough Battleground PvP to
get your level 70 epic arena gear from the arena legacy vendors.
It doesn't take a lot of honor points to get this stuff. This
will keep you well geared for anything until level 77.
- At level 77 start grabbing Cataclysm green gear.
The damage and stats are way better than anything
else you be able to easily get. Put away your heirlooms, too. Send
your level 80 heirlooms to your alts, you won't use them anymore.
Keep the 85 stuff (eg: Cloak and Helm from your guild vendor.)
- At 81 put your level 85 Heirlooms back on.
You have a Pickpocket skill, here's an easy way to make sure you
use it. Open up your macro creater, create a new one, and add this
- #showtooltip Ambush
- /cast Premeditation (if you have it. This adds 2 combo points
before your attack)
- /cast Pickpocket
- /cast Ambush (Or use Cheap Shot or Garrote, or make one for
The above macro will pickpocket your opponent and then attack.
If it can't have its pockets picked then the macro will just
attack. The automatic pocket picking will result in several gold
over the long haul as well as a few other items, such as lockboxes
and potions.
1st Aid Macro
(change the bandage type to whatever bandage you are using)
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With 4.0 you will gain the lockpicking skill from your trainer
and you will be automatically able to pick locks up to 5x your
level. The lockpicking quests are now obsolete and you will not
be able to access them anyway. The Glyph of Pick Lock makes
the lockpicking instant.
Like spells, poisons now scale with your level. You used to have
to make them and then you used to have to buy different levels
of poisons. Now you just buy the one Instant
Poison, for example, and you do not have to buy IP 2 or
3 or 9 or whatever.
A poison quest used to be required, now you just get the skill
from your trainer. The poison quest can still be done, but it
is not necessary.
If you want to get the quest talk to the head Rogue trainer in
Orgrimmar or Stormwind.
Always have your weapons poisoned. While this is far more
important for Assassination than Combat or Sub, it's still added
damage and control for those two.
- Instant poison is your default for both weapons, get
it at level 10.
- Cripping poison (level 20+) on your off-hand weapon
is great when fighting mobs (or players) that run away or hop
around. The Deadly Brew talent from Assassination automatically
applies this.
- Deadly Poison (level 30+) is for long fights, such
as dungeon bosses or Elites that you might be soloing. I suggest
that Assassination Rogues use it when leveling (on the off-hand.)
- Wound poison (level 32+) has minor use while
leveling, but it's good if your opponent is getting healed by
someone, such as in PvP. The healing debuff on wound poison was nerfed
to the point of near uselessness, but has been restored in patch
Stunning Moves & Interrupts
Practice these all the time. Of course, if your timing is off
and/or the lag monster gets you then you aren't interrupting anything.
In general, none of these will work on boss mobs, though they will work
on most elites and players.
Sap - Level 10
- Stuns your target for some time. Great for setting up ambushes
and such. Great in dungeons when you need to hold a mob before
the fight starts.
Kick - Level 14
- Interrupts spells, but does not stun. Use this often against
casters. It will also block some of their casting for a few seconds.
Gouge - level 16
- Causes a small amount of damage, stuns the opponent for 4
seconds, and takes you out of combat. It will interrupt spells.
- Run up to mob, gouge, hop behind, and backstab.
- Spellcasting happens > Gouge
Cheap Shot - Level 26
- Opens your attack by stunning the opponent for a short time.
This gives you a bit of time to beat on the opponent in safety.
Kidney Shot - Level 30
- Stuns your opponent for a few seconds. Also interrupts casting.
- a minor stun lock is Cheap shot > strike until you have
up to 5 combo points > Kidney Shot.
Blind - level 34
- Blinds the target which causes it to wander aimlessly for a
few sconds. Interrupts spells and any damage to the target will
break the effect. Glyph of Blind will remove damage
over time effects when blinding the target which makes the
effect stick better. Examples of such DoTs are your Rupture,
Garrote, and Deadly Poison. These do need to be
removed for Blind to be effective.
Dismantle - Level 38
- Removes weapons, shields, and carried items from the opponent
for a few seconds. It is not a stun, but melee types
will be greatly inconvenienced. Using this against tougher mobs
will make them do much less damage to you.
- This top tier Subtlety talent isn't a stun by itself,
but it does allow the use of Cheap Shot (CS) while out
of stealth, so it allows more stuns.
- Shadowdance CS/Ambush > Eviscerate > Ambush ? Ambush > Kidney
Shot or Evisc.
- Distract is neither an interrupt nor a stun, but it does turn
and stop non-player opponents, for about 10 seconds,
allowing you to slip past them or set them up for an attack.
- It does not break stealth, either yours or the opponent's.
Enchants and Gems
Enchants -Unless you have lots
of extra gold don't worry about enchants. They are more useful,
even necessary, in raiding and PvP, but they are an expensive
luxury while leveling. If you have the gold then look for Agility,
Stamina, Attack Power, Hit Rating, and Stamina. More or less
in that order. Yes, Stam is listed twice.
That said, some low level Stamina enchants are available, on scrolls,
for very little cash. It's cheap HP which means better
Gems - You won't find too many
pieces of gear that require gems while leveling, but there are
a few. If you can afford it then look for Agility, Crit rating,
Hit Rating, and Stamina.
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Leveling Notes and Tips
Click here to get to 85, fast At low level Stamina is the only stat you're interested in. After
the mid/high teens Agility starts to appear in numbers high enough
to be worth stacking. Don't drop the Stam for agility though.
Gouge is your friend. Before you get Garrote,
you can run up to an opponent, Gouge, run/jump behind, and backstab.
Forget stealth, unless you're avoiding something (or someone.)
If you're in trouble then Gouge and run.
Ambush is a nice, big whack from behind.
it no longer requires daggers, but it hits for more if you're
using them, and you have to be behind the opponent.
Cheap Shot - Run up, stealthed, and whack. Use
whatever weapon you have and you don't have to be behind the opponent.
Stun-locking - The idea is to lock up your opponent
so that he/she/it is always stunned or incapacitated. One basic
routine is...
- Cheap shot (strike, strike) to Kidney shot (strike, strike)
to Gouge, jump behind and Backstab to Blind (move behind, as
necessary) & backstab.
- Cheap Shot is an opener
- Kidney shot is your finisher
- Gouge and Blind take you out of combat and stun the opponent,
but your bleeds will break both. Glyph of Blind fixes
that issue with Blind.
Picking Pockets - You might as well pick the
pockets of all humanoids you come across. The cash doesn't amount
to much, but you also find potions and the occasional odd item,
not to mention lockboxes to use to practice your lockpicking skill.
See above for the pickpocket macro.
Eviscerate - Your standard finisher. Open, strike,
strike, strike, BOOM! Keep an eye on the Mob's health, often you
won't be able to get to 5 combo points before using Eviscerate.
Gold - Making plenty of gold isn't a problem,
it just requires a bit of work. Here's our gold
guide and here's our 1k
gold in 30 days (from scratch) project.
- Skip the agility gear at low levels and buy Stamina,
instead. It's way cheaper and you get a lot more bang for the
buck. You won't notice 5 points of agility, but 5 points of Stam
will save your butt.
- Skip enchants, except maybe cheap Stam, and save for your mounts.
if you follow our guide then all your mounts should be pocket
change, even at level 20.
Professions - While leveling, unless you already
have a ton of cash, skip all of the crafting professions.
They are way too expensive. Yeah, there is some nice gear to be
had with leatherworking and tailoring is the only one
that's useless (since you don't use cloth armor,) but they're all
expensive to level up. Unless you're rich I suggest you stick
with mining, herbalism, and skinning (pick any two.) Work those
hard, sell all of your stacks of ore/herbs/skins on the Auction
House, and you will have enough gold to buy your mounts and some
decent items.
If you have to pick up crafting skills, consider:
Keep in mind that ...
- Mining adds to Stamina
- Herbalism has a small, but nice, heal and with 4.0 that heal hastes you.
- Skining adds a bit to crit rating
At top level most professions have certain self-only items
that add 80 points or so to your best stat (Agility.)
- Alchemy can
make a number of useful chemicals to consume when needed. Take
Herbalism with this, you'll save a ton of gold. You get a better
effect from potions if you make them. Your buffing pots
will add an extra 80 Ag.
- Enchanting?
Very expensive to level, but can put some pretty nice buffs on
things. Self-only ring enchants will add 80 total Agility to
your rings.
- Engineering?
If you're rich and want to ride on of those Mechano Hog Motorbike
things eventually then get this profession. Synapse
Springs is
a nice wrist gadget.
- Inscription?
It can be a nice money maker, if you work at it. Take Herbalism
with this, you'll save a ton of gold. The Inscription shoulder
enchant is great for your end-game gear.
- Jewelcrafting?
Can be a good money-maker. Take Mining to go with it. You can
make self-only gems, for your end-game gear, that will add a
total of 81 agility.
- Blacksmithing?
A couple of nice weapons and you get two extra gems slots, so
you can pop in two more +40 Agility gems.
- Tailoring? Swordguard
embroidery adds attack power
- Cooking can
make interesting foods, some of which buff Agility (such as Warp
- Fishing can provide mats for cooking.
- First
Aid is a very handy skill to have. Keep it maxed
at all times.
More Stuff
- Healing - Unless you just aren't taking damage
you should have Recuperate up at all times, especially
if you have a Sutlety build (a talent lets your Recuperate restore
- Always have the biggest bags you can afford
- Make an Auction House alt and send anything (that isn't grey)
to the alt instead of vendoring it. Vendor the grey junk.
- Questing is faster than grinding, except at the very lowest
levels, but you do have to have a plan for your questing. Get
a guide (see
below) or study the in-game quest help thing and organize
your quests to hit several at one time in the same place.
- Keep your weapons updated; the rest of your gear can fall behind
a bit.
- Killing mobs of a bit lower level gives less XP but a lot less
downtime, for a net XP per hour increase.
- Always log out at an Inn, to get the Rest XP when
you come back.
- Level with a new
friend for 3x XP. I hit level 42 in 12 hours played this
way. People who are actually trying hard will go faster. I've
seen people hit 85 in under three days with RAF, Heirlooms,
and Dugi's guide.
- Dungeons (instances) are a great source of XP (especially if
you get the associated quests ) and much better gear than you'll
find while soloing. Depending on the teams you join they may
also be a great source of irritation or fun. See our dungeon
leveling guide for more info and "how not to fail" tips.
For example:
- Only attack what the tank is attacking.
- Stay out of any goop on the floor unless your guys are creating
it (such as healing circles.)
- Stay behind the opponent at all times.
- If you get aggro then either kill the mob or Vanish.
- Keep Recovery and Slice and Dice up at all times for all
- PvP leveling (random battlegrounds) can work very well if
your team wins. If your team isn't winning then the XP
isn't so hot, though the game might be fun anyway. Honor points
can be spent on gear as low as level 18.
- How to win in the BGs?
- Warsong Gulch - the only thing that
matters is the flags. Stay in a group and grab the other
side's flag while keeping them from taking/keeping yours.
Protect your flag-carriers and kill theirs.
- Arathi Basin - If you can take and keep
three flags/bases then you will win. If you take a base
and everyone leaves to go to the next one then
you will lose that base soon. If one person stays they
can call for help when the other side comes to claim that
- Eye of the Storm - Take and keep three
bases and the flag captures won't matter (though they're
fun.) The flag is only worth while if both sides have two
bases and can't manage to take a third.
- Alterac Valley - You have to take out
the opponent's towers while protecting yours. When their towers
are gone you kill their General in their base. Some teamwork
is essential here. Big fights in the middle of the field
are great fun, but otherwise hurt your cause (which is
to win.)
- Strand of the Ancients - You will be
on both offense and defense. On offense, get into the tanks
and attack the gate, don't fight in the field. If you're
not driving then you need to protect a tank and don't fight
in the field. Defense needs to kill the tanks and not fight
in the field. The team that breaks the last gate and takes
the relic, in the least amount of time wins. Fighting in
the field doesn't help. Gathering bombs to blow up gates
does help.
- Random fighting in the field, for
any BG, does not help your team.
- The team with the best teamwork will win and winners
get far more XP and honor than losers.
Rogue 1-90 leveling Guide
Once you have decided on the right build for your Rogue consider a full blown Rogue Leveling Guide for the most effective (fastest) leveling. Why? With thousands of quests and a million mobs to grind the trip to 85 (or 90 in Mists of Pandaria) can take a while. A long while. An in-game leveling guide will (almost) automate the whole 1-90 path for your mage.
Start from any level and use Dugi's to blast to the finish. Heck, you can even grab a few levels in the dungeons and battleground PvP. Dugi's guide will figure out your new level and the best spot to continue your questing. It'll even clear out your obsolete quests.
Pick your starting point and the guide will show you where to go and what to do. It automatically updates and advances as you complete tasks and quests, sets a waypoint arrow automatically (always showing you where to go next,) and includes all the important quest info. You will probably never need to look at your quest log again, much less stop mid-play to browse some website.
Note: Dugi's is always quickly updated to the latest patches and expansions, whether it's Mists of Pandaria or wqhatever comes after that. Grab your copy now and hit that level cap ASAP. |