Important Notes:
- While this page is updated for the latest Cataclysm patches, it will not be updated further.
- For the most recent updates, including into Mists of Pandaria and beyond, see our new Warlock leveling guide. That's the page that will be updated for all future patches and expansions. If you have a link to this page please change it to the new page.
- Changes are coming with Mists of Pandaria and that guide will be updated appropriately.
- This page will probably be left up for legacy sake.
Now we return you to your regularly scheduled guide: Contents
Warlock Leveling Guide
Other Warlock Guides
Introduction to the Warlock
Warlocks are one of the greatest powerhouse classes of the game,
they have high damage, high survivability, a pet that offers support (and complaints) through
damage, tanking, crowd control, etc. Above all, the Warlock offers efficiency.
well played warlock past the level of 20 or 30 will likely never run
out of mana and will be a leveling machine.
The Warlock is a fun class to play as well. You have
the ability to solo quests that normally require groups. You have fear,
death coil, and soul stones for a self resurrection should you die
out in the wilderness while questing – All of these contribute
to making the class a great choice for anyone.
Read on and find out how to keep your warlock on the path to maximum
efficiency as one of the games fastest levelers.
Buffs and nerfs: With the release of the 4.0 patch
Warlocks became devastating. Some would even say way overpowered.
Then the nerfs hit. That's pretty much the way of things after big
patches. Because of that we won't comment here about the "flavor
of the week" and instead concentrate on Warlock basics.
You can likely plan for similar ups and downs in Mists of Pandaria and whatever follows that expansion.
The Short Warlock Leveling Guide
Race: Play what you like, the racial differences aren't that great.
If you have to be efficient, though:
- Alliance: Gnome for the mana pool and escape; or Human for the rep gains and
the escape.
- Horde: Orc for the pet and personal damage increases, troll for "Berserking" and
extra damage to beasts.
- Pandarens cannot be Warlocks.
The Build: Demonology
The Pet: for most situations, just use the Felguard.
- Stack Stamina at lower levels until survival isn't an issue
- Then stack Int. for the rest of your leveling and end-game experience.
- Secondary stats: Hit (to 17% cap) > Mastery (Lev 80+) > Haste > Crit
- Just say no to Str, Agility, Spirit.
- More about gear, stats, demons, etc.
- Int and Stam all the way.
- If you're Ok with PvP do some so that at 70 you can buy the epic PvP gear from
the Legacy Arena Vendors. 1,500 or so honor should get you a nearly full set.
- If you have Heirlooms, lose them at 77 and buy Cataclysm gear. Keep the Guild
heirlooms (Helm & Cloak) and send the others to alts.
- 81+ put the heirloom Helm and Cloak back on till 85. Send them away when you enter Mists.
- More about gear, stats, demons, etc.
Gems slots are very uncommon while leveling unless you're in higher level
dungeons. There are a few pieces that will pop up, though. If you want to bother
gemming (it's far from essential while leveling) then go for the "Brilliant" gems,
for the Int. No others, unless you need the Stam.
Enchants - Some useful enchants can often be found on the Auction
House for very little gold. Grab them if you
like. Every little bit makes your leveling a bit faster. Pick enchants in this
- Stamina (if you need more,) then Int > Spellpower > Haste
- Always log out in an Inn to get the rest XP when you come back.
- Join a level 6+ guild for the XP
bonus and other perks.
- Carry the biggest bags you can afford
- Stock up on healing & mana potions
- Keep some buffing potions or scrolls.
- Always push yourself to see how much you
can handle.
- Get a speed
leveling guide to go even faster.
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Gear, Tips - Level Faster
Warlock Races:
Unless you're going for every last drop of efficiency then the choice
of race doesn't matter much. Go for the weird (Gnomes) or pretty (Orcs)
or whatever.
Pandarens, from Mists of Pandaria, cannot be warlocks.
Human or Gnome?
If you have to be efficient and Alliance, go Gnome. You'll never go
back. ;)
- Human: Outside of PvP Humans have no abilites
that would improve their being a Warlock. For PvP though, the Escape
ability is very nice. Increased rep gain is nice if you will be faction
- Dwarf: Stone Form washes away bleeds and
such and also reduces damage by 10% for a few seconds. Just the thing
for when that Rogue Garrotes you.
- Gnome: Gnomes have
increased mana pool. Their Escape ability
is useful in PvP and occasionally elsewhere.
- Worgen: Their Sprint-like ability is generally useful
and their 1% increased chance to crit is a nice, overall DPS increase.
- Nogo: Draenei - Squids can't be warlocks.
- Nogo: Night Elves - The shadowy forces behind the
Warlocks have conspired to keep Nelves out of their ranks.
Orc, Undead, or Blood Elf?
If you have to be efficient and Horde? Orc. Arguably Undead for PvP.
- Orc: Damage by your pets is increased. In PvP
you have some resistance to stuns. Blood Fury increases your spell
damage and is great for those times when you need some extra burst damage.
- Undead: No special Walock abilities, though their
corpse consumption and underwater breathing have situational use. The
ability to remove far, sleep, and charm has some PvP use and situational
use otherwise.
- Blood Elves: the Belves don't have any special Warlock
abilities either, though Arcane Torrent can restore some mana.
Being a 'lock you will probably never need to use it.
- Trolls: Berserk increases casting speed.
Your damage Vs beasts is nice while leveling. Reduced duration of movement
impairing effects is good in PvP and has its uses elsewhere.
- Goblins: Fear and Rocket Jump,
a pretty nice match. Rocket jump is a nice escape from those pesky
melee types.
- Nogo: Tauren: apparently being fuzzy disqualifies
one from being a Warlock. Or maybe it's the horns, since the Draenei
can't be 'locks either and Nelf ears certainly qualify as horns.
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Gear, Tips - Level Faster
Warlock Talents for Cataclysm
The world changed with WoW 4.0 (and it will again in Mists of Pandaria) and all previous builds were wiped
out in a instant. Warlock mechanics didn't change much, unlike Hunters
and Paladins, but all the spells and talents got quite the overhaul.
Abilities no longer come in ranks, rather they scale with your level.
So your Spell of Dot Destruction no longer has 12 ranks, just
the one, and it increases in power as you level.
At level 10 you get to pick your first talent. Pick wisely, though,
for once you pick that talent you are locked into that specialization
until you have spent 31 talent points. After that
point you can branch out into the other trees.
Note that you do not
have to buy whichever talent is at the end of the tree, you just
have to spend the 31 points. Hate Matamorphosis (you fool!)?
Then skip it, spend a point in something else. Then buy something in
affilication/destruction, if it suits you.
Mastery is a trainable ability you learn at level 80. It
adds a bonus to whichever tree you are specializing in at the time.
See our individual class spec pages for more details on that and other
material appropriate to end-game play.
Mists of Pandaria will be totally revising the talent system. You will pick your spec normally and each spec will give you ten or so specific abilities, in addition to all the class abilities. For talents, you get six tiers of three talents each. You can pick one from each tier, for six talents total at level 90.
The talents can be taken by any Warlock spec. To sum up:
- You will have your Warlock class abilities
- You will have ten or so abilities specific to whichever specialization you pick
- You will, eventually, pick six talents out of 18 possibilities.
- Talents are abilities no longer have ranks, in the same way that spells no longer have ranks. You pick a talent and you have the whole thing, rather than having to spend up to three points in the thing.
Demonology Leveling Spec
Demonology is the spec that we recommend as your leveling spec. Not
that Affliction or Destruction are by any means bad, it's just that
Demonology is faster and easier than the others.
Your basic abilities for having the Wisdom to pick Demonology are:
- Summon Felguard - Summon a big, gnarly, battle-axe wielding thing to
do your dirty work.
- Demonic Knowledge - 15% more fire and shadow damage
- Mastery: Master Demonologist - Your demon's damage is increased, as is your while you are in demon form.
Demology Warlock Leveling
Spec for Cataclysm
this build)
- Demonic Embrace - Rank 3/3 - Increases your total
Stamina by 10%.
- Fel Synergy - Rank 2/2 - You have a 100% chance
to heal your pet for 15% of the amount of spell damage done
by you.
- Mana Feed - Rank 2/2 - When your summoned demon
critically hits with its Basic Attack, you instantly gain
4% total mana. When you gain mana from Life Tap, your summoned
demon gains 60% of the mana you gain.
- Demonic Aegis - Rank 2/2 - Increases the amount
of health generated through spells and effects granted by
your Demon Armor by an additional 10%, and increases the
amount of health returned by your Fel Armor by 100%.
- Demonic Rebirth - Rank 1/2 - If
your summoned demon dies, you gain the Demonic Rebirth effect
reducing the cast time of your next summon demon spell by
50%. Lasts for 10 sec. This effect has a 2 min cooldown.
- Demonic Empowerment - Rank 1/1 - Grants the Warlock's
summoned demon Empowerment.
- Imp - Instantly heals the Imp for 30% of its total
- Voidwalker - Increases the Voidwalker's health by
20%, and its threat generated from spells and attacks
by 20% for 20 sec.
- Succubus - Instantly vanishes, causing the Succubus
to go into an improved Invisibility state. The vanish
effect removes all stuns, snares and movement impairing
effects from the Succubus.
- Felhunter - Dispels all magical effects from the
- Felguard - Instantly removes all stun, snare, fear,
banish, or horror and movement impairing effects from
your Felguard and makes your Felguard immune to them
for 15 sec.
- Improved Health Funnel - Rank 2/2
Increases the amount of Health transferred by your Health Funnel spell
by 20% and reduces the health cost by 20%. In addition, your summoned
demon takes 30% less damage while under the effect of your Health Funnel.
- Impending Doom - Rank 2/3 - Increases
the chance for your Bane of Doom to summon a demon by 20%
when it deals damage. Also grants your Shadow Bolt, Hand
of Gul'dan, and Incinerate spells a 10% chance to reduce
the cooldown of your Demon Form by 15 sec. (This one will
be finished later.)
- Hand of Gul'dan - Rank 1/1 - Summons a falling meteor
down upon the enemy target, dealing 1406 to 1660 Shadowflame
damage and erupts an aura of magic within 4 yards, causing
all targets within it to have a 10% increased chance to be
critically hit by any Warlock demons. The aura lasts for
15 sec.
- Aura of Foreboding - Rank 2/2 - When your Hand of
Gul'dan lands, all enemies within 4 yards will be rooted
for 3 sec and stunned for the same duration if they are still
within the Curse of Gul'dan aura 6 sec afterward.
- Molten Core - Rank 2/3 - You have
a 4% chance to gain the Molten Core effect when your Immolate
deals damage. The Molten Core effect empowers your next 3
Incinerate spells cast within 15 sec, increasing damage done
by 12% and reduces cast time by 20%. (This one will be finished
- Inferno - Rank 1/1 - Enables you to channel Hellfire
while moving, and increases the duration of your Immolate
by 6 sec.
- Ancient Grimoire - Rank 2/2 - Increases the duration
of your Infernal and Doomguard summons by 20 sec.
- Decimation - Rank 2/2 - When you Shadowbolt, Incinerate
or Soul Fire a target that is at or below 25% health, the
cast time of your Soul Fire spell is reduced by 40% for 10
- Cremation - Rank 2/2 - Increases the damage done
by your Hellfire by 30%, and your Hand of Gul'dan has a 100%
chance to refresh the duration of your Immolate on the target.
- Demonic Pact - Rank 1/1 - Increases your spell damage
by 2%, and your summoned demon grants the Demonic Pact effect
to all nearby friendly party and raid members. The Demonic
Pact effect increases spell power by 10%.
- Impending Doom - Rank 3/3 - Increases
the chance for your Bane of Doom to summon a demon by 30%
when it deals damage.
- Molten Core - Rank 3/3 - You have
a 6% chance to gain the Molten Core effect when your Immolate
deals damage. The Molten Core effect empowers your next 3
Incinerate spells cast within 15 sec, increasing damage done
by 18% and reduces cast time by 30%.
- Metamorphosis - Rank 1/1 - You transform into a
Demon for 30 sec. This form increases your armor by 600%,
damage by 20%, reduces the chance you'll be critically hit
by melee attacks by 6% and reduces the duration of stun and
snare effects by 50%. You gain some unique demon abilities
in addition to your normal abilities. 3 minute cooldown.
- You are now level 69 and can branch out.
Destruction (5 Points)
- Shadow and Flame - Rank 3/3 - Increases the damage
done by your Shadow Bolt and Incinerate spells by 12%, and
your Shadow Bolt and Incinerate have a 100% chance to cause
the Shadow and Flame effect to the target. The Shadow and
Flame effect causes the target to be vulnerable to spell
damage, increasing spell critical strike chance against that
target by 5% for 30 sec.
- Improved Immolate - Rank 2/2 - Increases the damage
done by your Immolate spell by 20%.
Affliction (5 Points)
- Improved Corruption - Rank 3/3 - Increases the damage
done by your Corruption by 12%.
- Improved Life Tap - Rank 2/2 - Increases the amount
of Mana awarded by your Life Tap spell by 20%.
Glyphs will depend on exactly what your game is. You will
probably want different glyph sets depending on whether you're
questing, dungeoning, or PvPing. If you have the gold then
buy all of your glyphs and swap them back and forth with Vanishing
Powder. You 'll be swapping some or all of them out when
you get your full demonology
spec anyway.
Prime Glyphs
- Glyph of Corruption -
Your Corruption spell has a 4% chance to cause you to enter
a Shadow Trance state after damaging the opponent. The
Shadow Trance state reduces the casting time of your next
Shadow Bolt spell by 100%.
- Glyph of Felguard -
Increases the damage done by your Felguard's Legion Strike
by 5%.
- Glyph of Metamorphosis -
Increases the duration of your Metamorphosis by 6 sec.
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Shadow Bolt -
Reduces the mana cost of your Shadow Bolt by 15%.
- Glyph of Fear -
Your Fear causes the target to tremble in place instead
of fleeing in fear, but now causes Fear to have a 5 sec
- Glyph of Healthstone -
You receive 30% more healing from using a healthstone.
Minor Glyphs
- Glyph of Health Funnel -
Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while
channeling your Health Funnel spell by 100%.
- Glyph of Enslave Demon -
Reduces the cast time of your Enslave Demon spell by 50%.
- Glyph of Ritual of Souls -
Reduces the mana cost of your Ritual of Souls spell by

Get leveled,
fast! |
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Affliction Warlock
You're a master of shadowmagic and have an assortment of Fears, Drains,
and DoTs (Damage over Time spells.) Traditionally Drain Tanking has
been a feature of this specialization. You and your pet work in close
synergy to bring down the opposition.
- Unstable
Affliction - This is a DoT which,
when dispelled, damages and silences the dispeller.
- Shadow
Mastery - increases shadow damage.
- Mastery: Potent Afflictions: (obtainable at level 80) increases
your periodic damage. Stacking Mastery Rating will increase
this effect.
Affliction Warlock Leveling Spec for Cataclysm
Note: This build skips talents that are obviously just for PvP or
groups and assumes that most of your leveling will be solo. Some remarks
have been added in case you are doing a lot of groups. Also, this build
is intended to get to Haunt ASAP.
While leveling you take the talents in this order. To see the final
build, click
- 3/3 Corruption - Boosts Corruption damage
- 2/2 Improved Life Tap - More mana from your Life
- 2/2 Soul Siphon - Increases the amount drained by Drain
Life and Drain Souls depending on the number
of Affliction spells on your target, up to 18% increase.
- 2/2 Siphon Life - Chance for a small heal from your Corruption damage.
- 1/2 Doom and Gloom - Increased crit chance for Bane
of Agony and Bane of Doom
- 3/3 Eradication - Corruption damage has
a chance to increase casting speed.
- Curse of Exhaustion - Slows a target for 30 seconds.
- 2/2 Doom and Gloom
- 3/3 Shadowy Embrace - Shadow Bolt and Haunt apply
this effect which increases your Shadow periodic damage on the
- Soul Swap - Pull your Shadow DoTs off of Target A
and put them onto B.
- 1/2 Improved fear - Filler talent. A feared mob runs
back to you a bit more slowly.
- 2/2 Nightfall - Your Corruption and Drain
Life spells have a small chance to make your next Shadow
Bolt instant.
- 3/3 Death's Embrace - More damage to low health targets.
Your Drain Lifeheals you for a bit more when you are
at low health.
- 3/3 Everlasting Affliction - Increases crit chance
of Affliction, Unstable Affliction, and Seed of Corruption. Your
Dran Life, Drain Soul, and Haunt spells will reset the durration
of Corruption to full.
- 2/2 Pandemic - Slightly reduces the cooldowns of Banes
and Curses. Your Drain Soul refreshes the duration of Unstable
Affliction on low health targets.
- Haunt - Increases Shadow damage to the target and
heals you when its duration ends. This damage is increased in
the 4.1 patch.
- You're level 69 and can spend your next point(s) in
a different tree.
- 3/3 Demonic Embrace - Increases your total Stamina
- 2/2 Fel Synergy - You will heal your pet for a percentage
of the damage that you do.
- 3/3 Shadow and Flame - More damage to your Shadowbolt and
increases susequent spell damage to that target.
2/2 Demonic Rebirth - If your demon
dies then your casting time to bring it back (or a different
one) is reduced by 100%
Glyphs are enhancements to your abilities and you can have up
to three Prime, Major, and Minor glyphs active at any one time.
One each at levels 25, 50, and 75. Even though you can only have
a few active you can still learn them all and then swap
them in and out as you desire. You will need to use Vanishing
Dust (Available at your Inscription Supply store) to do
Level 25:
- Glyph of Corruption (Prime Glyph) - Your Corruption
spell has a 4% chance to cause you to enter a Shadow Trance
state after damaging the opponent. The Shadow Trance state
reduces the casting time of your next Shadow Bolt spell by
- Glyph of Shadow Bolt (Major Glyph) - Reduces the mana
cost of your Shadow Bolt by 15%.
- Glyph of Drain Soul (Minor Glyph) - Your Drain Soul
restores 10% of your total mana after you kill a target that
yields experience or honor.
Level 50:
- Glyph of Bane of Agony (Prime Glyph) - Increases the
duration of your Bane of Agony by 4 sec.
- Glyph of Soul Swap (Major Glyph) - Your Soul Swap
leaves your damage-over-time spells behind on the target you
Soul Swapped from, but gives Soul Swap a 10 sec cooldown.
- Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion (Minor Glyph) - Increases
the range of your Curse of Exhaustion spell by 5 yards.
Level 75:
- Glyph of Haunt (Prime Glyph) - The bonus damage granted
by your Haunt spell is increased by an additional 3%.
- Glyph of Fear (Major Glyph) - Your Fear causes the
target to tremble in place instead of fleeing in fear, but
now causes Fear to have a 5 sec cooldown. With the target staying
in place you can blow it away without having it run to attract
- Glyph of Health Funnel (Minor Glyph) - Reduces the
pushback suffered from damaging attacks while channeling your
Health Funnel spell by 100%.
Click here to get to 85, fast
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Gear, Tips - Level Faster
Demons, Gear, Buffs, Etc.
At level 1 all Warlocks will get an Imp as their pet. At level 10
the Demonology spec will
get the Felguard. At level 10 you also get the ability to actually
control your pets.
Your Demon |
Level |
info |
Summon Imp |
1 |
Throws fireballs, complains. |
Summon Voidwalker |
8 |
Tank, but not a dungeon tank. |
Summon Succubus |
20 |
DPS, and crowd control |
Summon Felhunter |
30 |
Group mana buff, eats spells, casts
silence |
Summon Infernal |
50 |
Lasts 45 sec., attacks target of your
Bane of Agony/Doom spells |
Summon Doomguard |
58 |
Same as Infernal |
Gear wise you should find things quite simple, the
stat that Warlocks need is: stamina, in
massive amounts. Stamina is far more important than any other stat
as it increases survivability as well as providing mana due to lifetap.
Secondly, having achieved massive amounts of stamina,
+Int becomes important.
Mastery doesn't appear on gear until level 77. Don't worry about it
until the end-game, at which time it may or may not be useful, depending
on your spec.
At level 77 drop all of your old gear and buy yourself the Cataclysm
gear. It's much better. When you hit level 80 Dugi's guide will
help you blast through the Cataclysm zones.
- Intellect - 1st in importance. With 4.0 Int is
your spellpower now, in addition to mana pool and a tiny
bit of crit.
- Stamina - get all that you can. Always.
- Resilienceis only useful if you're PvPing. If
you are, then it's right up there with the first two stats.
- Hit rating - Essential for raiding (17% needed)
and useful for leveling and PvP.
- Haste is an important
stat for any Walock. It doesn't appear until higher end gear, though.
- Crit rating is nice, but Haste is probably better
- Spirit - useless with 4.0.
- Agility provides a bit of defense, but Int and
Stam are far more useful. Skip it.
- Strength is of absolutely no use to a Warlock.
Get a wand, especially at low levels. It's much
less useful in raids or PvP, but for leveling it's fast and
easy damage with no mana cost and no ammo cost. Great for all those
times when the mobs will be running away from you. Some find it
less useful at higher levels, but still nice every now and then.
Decent wants also have Int and Stam.
Heirloom Gear for Warlocks
Have a high level character? Buy Heirlooms from your guild and/or
the Honor and Justice Point vendors.
At level 70 do some PvP and get a full set of the
Level 70 Epic PvP gear. This will keep you will geared until level
At level 77 buy your Cataclysm green gear and send most of your heirlooms
to the next alt. Keep the level 85 pieces, that you bought from your
guild, for when you hit 81.
At 81 put the head and cloak pieces back on.
Enchants: While you're leveling skip
enchants unless you're rolling in gold and/or
have gear that you will keep for awhile. If you are going to anchant
your gear then I'm sure you have already figured out your priorities:
Stamina > Int > Haste > Crit
Don't forget to enchant your
Heirloom items, if you can afford it. Get the best enchants that you
can put one a level 1 item. You may have to ask you pocket
'chanter or ask in trade.
Gems: Every once in awhile, while leveling, you will
find gear with gem sockets, especially at higher levels. If you decide
to use these then the priority is the same as for enchants.
Professions: Skip all crafting professions while
you're leveling since they're very expensive. If you do have
a ton of gold then tailoring is
a good skill to get. You can buy the enchants you need for a lot less
gold than you'll spend leveling that skill, so skip enchanting. That
said, tailoring and enchanting can work well together. You disenchant your
extra greens that you make with Tailoring and use the parts for Enchanting.
- Herbalism is
a nice gold maker and will provide mats for your Alchemy skill, if
you take it. This skill will give you a small heal over time (HoT)
spell which, with 4.0, includes a Haste effect.
- Mining and Skinning are
nice money makers, as well. Mining will also give you a Stamina bonus.
- Cooking will allow you to make some useful buffing foods, so is highly recommended.
- Fishing is a nice supplement to cooking, but takes a lot of time.
- First
Aid is essential, even with your health taps. Keep it maxed
at all times.
- Once you get your crafting skill to the 500 range...
- Alchemy will
allow you to make tons of useful potions, and yoy get added benefits
from your own potions. so that skill might be worth it.
- Tailoring 500 gets you Lightweave
Embroidery for your cloak.
- Jewelcrafting allows
you to make self-only gems that add 67 Int points, rather than the
usual 40 (or 50.)
- Enchanting allows you to put a +40 Int Enchant on each of your rings.
- Engineering will allow you to make a lot of very useful gadgets,
including Synapse
Springs, which will add 480 Int for 10 seconds, on demand.
Nice for bursts.
- Inscription - You
get some nice shoulder enchants: Inscription
of the Earth Prince adds Stam and Dodge, while Felfire
Inscription adds Int and Haste.
- Leatherworking -
Bracer enchant adds 130 Int, 80 Int over the next best enchant.
- Blacksmithing -
Can add an extra gem socket to gloves and bracers. Drop an Int gem
into those sockets.
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Gear, Tips - Level Faster
Warlock Leveling Tips
- Int, Stam, and Spellpower
- It certainly isn't essential to keep your gear 100% up to date, though
it will help. If you have a ton of gold then go for all the upgrades
that you want. Otherwise only upgrade when the new piece is a definite
improvement over the old one. Check our gold
guide if
you need gold tips.
- Whether you're questing, dungeoning, or PvPing you need to stay
- Have the biggest bags you can afford
- Keep stocked on healing & mana potions
- Buffing potions or scrolls are nice, though they don't stack
with each other.
- Some foods buff
stats. Keep a nice stack handy.
- Bandages can come in handy.
- If you're questing then the easiest way to go is to get a guide.
Barring that, grab all the quests in an area and use the map to group
them. Knock of all the quests over there, then hit the next batch.
- Do as many quests at one time as you can. Save the travel quests
for a time when you are going "over there" anyway.
- You can also Recruit
a friend (RaF) for 3x XP.
- Use RaF and combine it with dungeon and/or PvP leveling for blindingly
fast 1-85 times.
The fastest possible leveling? Since you're DPS (Damage)
you'll queue as that with the Random Dungeon Finder tool. Recruit a
friend for 3x XP. Use Zygor's
while questing.
What you will be doing is questing with your friend while you wait
for your dungeon queue to pop. Finish the dungeon, go back to questing,
rinse and repeat all the way to 85. At 3x XP that won't take very long.
Questing is much more efficient than grinding for
gaining XP, if you group smiliar quests together so you can do more
than one at the same time. If you can, always log out in an Inn to
earn the "rest XP bonus."
Dungeoning is great XP if you like to group and you
like the dungeons. See our dungeon
guide for more.
You can get better gear that you will be likely to get otherwise. With
most of the dungeon quest-givers now being inside the dungeon
and with the Dungeon Finder tool making travel unnecessary, it can
be an easy experience. It's not a lot faster than questing, you being
a DPS type, but it has its virtues.
The only downside is if the groups don't work for you or you don't
work for them.
Dungeon groups also tend to move pretty fast, so if you're fast and
efficient and don't mind the groups then it's a good way to go.
PvP leveling can be awesome, if your side wins, but
it's not bad even if you lose. If your side wins then it's even
faster than dungeon leveling.
- Don't fight in the middle of the battlefield.
- Do fight at the flag or at the flag carrier or at the tower or at
the tank. For example, in Eye of the Storm or Arathi Basiin, if you
look at your buff list you will see a buff that gives you more honor
for fighting at the flag.
- Don't fight in the middle of the battlefield.
- Don't cry about how much (fill in the blank) sucks.
- Do ask for help guarding/protecting/carrying whatever. Sometimes
you'll actually get it.
- Don't jump into or fight in the middle of groups by
- Don't fight in the middle of the battlefield.
- Do stay with your allies and help them out. Solo
fighters don't last long.
- If you don't know what to do then follow someone who seems to know
and stick with that person.
- Don't fight in the middle of the battlefield.
What to do while leveling:
- Tank and Spank: Let your pet hold the mob's aggro while you burn it down with spells. Only useful with Voidwalker and Felguard.
- Drain Tanking: You DoT up the mob, set your pet on it
(any pet) and use Drain Life while it beats on you. You'll
stay healthy and the mob drops. It's even better if you pet can hold
the aggro.
- Be careful of Fear spells. Mobs running around may cause other mobs to notice you and attack. If you're not careful it's easy to be overwhelmed.
- Keep an eye on your DoT timers so that you can always have your DoTs up on the things you're killing.
- Targets that are feared tend to run and collect other mobs, which
means that fear is more useful, generally, in PvP than while leveling.
Glyph of Fear helps with this.
1-90 Warlock Leveling
Ok, you have your 'lock all ready to go and now you're looking
at thousands of quests and a ginormous number of mobs to kill.
To make it all easy you should grab a full blown Warlock
leveling guide to get yourself to 85 (or 90 in Mists) as quickly as possible. Among
other things, this will let you get into all that juicy endgame stuff,
raids and the rated BGs and arenas, just that much sooner.
Dugi's is
an addon that will place a small guide window on your
main screen and which keeps track of your current quests and
tasks and also counts your kills and tasks and so on.
Start from any level and use Dugi's to blast to the finish. Heck, you can even grab a few levels in the dungeons and battleground PvP. Dugi's guide will figure out your new level and the best spot to continue your questing and youi'll be on your way.
Pick your starting point and the guide will show you where to go and what to do. It automatically updates and advances as you complete tasks and quests, sets a waypoint arrow automatically (always showing you where to go next,) and includes all the important quest info. You will probably never need to look at your quest log again, much less stop mid-play to browse some website.
Dugi's is always quickly updated for the latest patches and expansions (Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, and onward) and it makes leveling amazingly
fast and easy.
Get yours here. |