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Fury Warrior Class Guide
The Gotwarcraft Fury Warrior Guide,
for Cataclysm 4.3

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Fury Warrior Guide

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The Fury Warrior

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Fury Warriors rank among my top three in terms of favorite class and build, combining the awesome looks of plate armored warriors with the berserk fast-paced damage-dealing capabilities of a true death-dealer.

Dual-wield is a large part of both the Fury Warrior's image, as well as general style of play, leading a role of primarily raid DPS and, should you choose to endure the pain, PvP or even arena play. 

Basically, Fury Warriors are raging whirlwinds of destruction. Think "The Incredible Hulk," dual wielding greatswords, shouting, "Raaaahhhhrrrrgggg!"



Fury in Brief:



  • Prime, for PvE & PvP:
    • Raging Blow - more damage
    • Bloodthirst - more crit
    • Slam - more crit
  • Major, for DPS:
    • Death Wish - you no longer take damage from this
    • Colussus Smash - refreshes Sunder Armor stacks
    • Cleaving - Hit one more target
  • Major, for PvP:
    • Intercept - Increases the stun duration
    • Piercing Howl - Increases PH radius
    • pick one.
  • Minor, for both:
    • Battle - inceases shout duration
    • Bloody Healing - More healing from Bloodthirst
    • Pick one

Fury Rotation

  1. Bloodthirst - your primary strike
  2. Colossus Smash
  3. Raging Blow (If you're Titan's Gripping) or
  4. Slam (SMF, with Bloodsurge proc)
  5. Heroic Strike (as Rage permits)
  6. Execute

A of E Rotation

  1. Whirlwind – On Cooldown
  2. Cleave – Replaces Heroic Strike
  3. Inner Rage – On Cooldown


  • Strength > 8% Melee Hit > (26) Expertise > Critical > Hit (above 8%)
  • Haste and Mastery are the weak stats for both Titan's Grip and Single Minded Fury
  • Reforge Haste and Mastery to Hit (8%) > Expertise (to 26) > Crit

Gems & Enchants:

  • Bold red gems for Strength. Bold Queen’s Garnet (50 Str) or Bold Inferno Ruby (40 Str)
  • Ignore socket bonuses, and equip bold gems, unless the bonus is at least +20 Str.
  • Mystic gems for the resilience. Lightstone =s +50, Amberjewel is +40 Res.
  • Landslide on both weapons
  • More enchants and gems


Race doesn't count for a lot, but if you want every little bit...

  • Draenei for Hit and Heal
  • Worgen for Crit and Sprint
  • Orc for Blood Fury
  • all races


  • Gathering until 85. Pick two: herbalism (heal,) skinning (crit,) mining (Stam.)
  • All of the craftng profs have a "self only" craft that adds about 80 points worth of Strength.
  • If you can afford the 4.3 epic gems, then Blacksmithing gives you a glove and bracer socket to drop in the +50 Str gems.


  • Potions, foods, scrolls that add Strength (or Hit/Crit)

Leveling Fury


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4.3 Patch Notes

Here's what's in it for Fury. (See all the PTR patch notes here )

4.3: Warriors in General:

  • Charge (and related abilities) should now correctly path to a target even if the target moves during the Charge. This change should decrease the likelihood of the warrior Charging to a different location than the target.
  • Slam now uses a new character attack animation.
  • Colossus Smash now uses a new character attack animation.
  • Fury
    • Dual Wield Specialization no longer increases Physical damage by 5%. It continues to increase off-hand attack damage by 25%.
    • Furious Attacks now reduces the target’s healing received by 25%, up from 10%.

Race Choice

Alliance - Human is the only way to go.

Horde - Undead or Orc. The rest are, well, the rest.

Oh, you want a little more detail, do you? Well, since any and all races can be Warriors...

Draenei - Ok, squid face, here you go:

  • +1 to hit, self-only. As Fury you will want all the Hit you can get and this saves some rating points as your level gets higher.
  • Self heal - a nice little Heal over Time which you can use on others. Not that, as Fury, you'll be thinking about anything other than smashing in the other guy's head, but the heal is still there.

Dwarf - Ok shorty, here it is:

  • Stone Form reduces damage by 10% and washes away bleeds and such, which is pretty nice since you have no other way to do that.
  • Expertise with Maces is only useful if a mace is the best weapon available. Assuming it is then this ability will save a few points when setting your short self up for that end-game.
  • Archeology - you're kidding, right?

Gnome - truly the runts of the litter. Prone to being punted by everything else in the game. Except Goblins.

  • Shortness is a virture when other players try to click on targets. Not so much in PvE.
  • Increased mana pool. Lol wut?
  • Expertise with daggers and small swords. Yes, you should have been a Rogue. Really.
  • Engineering skill increased. Bombs man, BOMBS!

Human - The only real choice for Alliance Warriors.

  • Increased spirit. What?!? Warriors have no spirt and don't want any!
  • Bonus to rep gains takes just a bit off that endless rep grinding edge.
  • Expertise with swords and maces saves a few points when gearing for the end-game.
  • PvP escape trinket ability allows using the second trinket slot for something that adds Strength/stats (in PvP.) The "Every Man For Himself" ability has the same cooldown as the PvP trinket.

Night Elf - Your only other choice if you just can't be Human.

  • They look better in gear than any other race.
  • Fade into the shadows... why? To ambush Rogues? Actually, it's not a bad idea.
  • More difficult to hit. Nice for Tanks, but for you? You like getting hit.
  • Faster movement when dead.

Worgen (Cataclysm only) - Snuffling, flea ridden, snuffling...

  • +1% crit is good. You like crits.
  • Sprinting every three minutes is good.
  • Faster skinning? Why bother?


Blood Elf - The attack of the swim suit models.

  • Arcane Torrent is a useful area interrupt and silence.

Goblin - backstabbing, gnome biting, salesmen... Prone to being punted by everything else in the game. Except Gnomes.

  • Rocket jump is a nice entry into the fight if your charge is unavailable. Some classes use it as an escape, but that would never cross your mind, right?
  • Rocket launcher is sort of the raspberry of attack abilities.
  • Increased Haste for a whirlwind of death, like you, is not at all a bad thing.
  • Increased Alchemy skill gets you into the better potions a bit faster, like those of Strength and ... well... Strength. Well, there's healing, too.

Orc - One of only two Horde choices for Warrior.

  • Enrage to increase damage. 'nuff said.
  • Resistance to stuns is always good and makes you just a bit more annoying to Rogues.
  • Damage done by pets is increased. Pets? You eat pets.
  • Increased expertise with axes and fist weapons? Well, if one of those is the best weapon, then cool, and it'll save a few points at the end-game.

Tauren - You're a giant teddy bear. Deal with it.

  • War Stomp is nice for PvP and a few PvE situations. It's an Area stun, which is just the thing for those characters who just need to hold still for a sec (or stop casting.)
  • Increased max health is good, but doesn't scale well at the highest levels.

Troll - Technically, not a bad choice, but the looks, mon... They should stay with their chants and drugs, er... incense.

  • Berserk increases attack speed, which is pretty sweet for Fury.
  • Regeneration is increased (out of combat,) but you'll probably never notice it.
  • Damage increase Vs Beasts is great when leveling, and useful for some PvE trash. Unfortunately, Gnomes (and Worgen) don't really count as beasts. Sorry.
  • Throwing weapons and bows (and your increased crit chance with them) have their uses, I suppose, but only briefly. Then you pull out the real weapons.
  • Reduced duration os "movement impairing effects" has it's uses.

Undead - The only other choice for Horde Warriors.

  • They just look the part, ya know?
  • The ability to remove fear, sleep, and charm is always nice in PvP, and comes in handy every now and then in PvE.
  • Consuming corpses is required in PvP. Just to rub it in.
  • Underwater breathing is handy for all those Northrend underwater quests.

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Fury Warrior Class Guide

Fury Warrior Talents for Cataclysm

A large part of what makes your Fury Warrior viable, having made the decision to properly gear, learn the correct rotations, and so on, is the talent build you choose.

This isn't the "be all and end all" of builds; no build is. As always, you can pick and choose which talents you agree with taking and perhaps drop a few points in more than a couple to pick up your own preferences. The pre-made build is only intended to provide a guideline to establishing your own personalized style and build. For example...

  • If you do a lot of dungeons/raids with a decent tank then you need less in the way of survival talents and can focus on damage.
  • If you're leveling then you want some general survival talents and utility talents.
  • PvP requires a lot more survival and control.

Try the basic builds, work out whatever you're missing or need to boost, and go from there.

Here's the build

If you're leveling your Warrior then take a look at our Warrior Leveing Page. To get to level 85 as fast as possible, see our recommended leveling guide, below.


Fury in Cataclysm

Whereas Arms is the two handed weapon expert, emphasizing precision, Fury is the berserking engine of destruction. Once you pick Fury, or any other talent spec, you are locked into that spec until you respec or dual-spec (see your trainer) or have spent 31 points in that spec. Once the 31 points have been spent then you can move into the ather specs, eg: Arms.

Upon choosing a spec you automatically receive certain abilities, below, and Mastery and Plate Specialization are learned from your trainer.

  1. Bloodthirst hits your opponent for high damage and heals you slightly. This is your initial Fury ability.
  2. Dual Weild Specialization: Increases the off-hand damage by 25%
  3. Precision: Increases your chance to hit by 3% increases your auto-attack damage.
  4. Mastery: Unshackled Fury - Various enraged/berserker abilities provide a benefit and this increases that benefit. Additional Mastery Rating increases that benefit even more.


Fury Warrior Level 85 DPS build (8/31/2)

(click to view this build)

This build is for pure DPS, so choices are made to reflect that.

Fury (31 Points)

  1. Battle Trance - Rank 3/3 - Your Bloodthirst, Mortal Strike and Shield Slam hits have a 15% chance to make your next special attack that costs more than 5 rage consume no rage.
  2. Cruelty - Rank 2/2 - Increases the critical strike chance of Bloodthirst, Mortal Strike and Shield Slam by 10%.

  3. Executioner - Rank 2/2 - Your Execute hits have a 100% chance to improve your melee attack speed by 5% for 9 sec. This effect stacks up to 5 times.
  4. Booming Voice - Rank 2/2 - Reduces the cooldown of your Battle Shout and Commanding Shout by 30 sec and causes those abilities to generate 10 additional Rage.
  5. Rude Interruption - Rank 2/2 - Successfully interrupting a spell with Shield Bash or Pummel increases your damage by 5% for 30 sec. There were reports that this was bugged, but it was fixed on 12/16.

  6. Flurry - Rank 3/3 - Increases your attack speed by 25% for your next 3 swings after dealing a melee critical strike. This is one of the reasons why Crit > Haste for Fury.
  7. Death Wish - Rank 1/1 - When activated you become Enraged, increasing your physical damage by 20% but increasing all damage taken by 5%. Lasts 30 sec.
  8. Enrage - Rank 3/3 - Your melee hits have a 9% chance to Enrage you, giving you a 10% damage bonus for 9 sec.

  9. Raging Blow - Rank 1/1 - A mighty blow that deals 110% weapon damage from both melee weapons. Can only be used while Enraged.
  10. Rampage - Rank 1/1 - Increases the critical strike chance of all party and raid members within 100 yds by 5%. In addition, improves your critical strike chance by an additional 2%.
  11. Heroic Fury - Rank 1/1 - Removes any Immobilization effects and refreshes the cooldown of your Intercept ability. While this is more useful in PvP it has its uses in raids.

  12. Meat Cleaver - Rank 2/2 - Dealing damage with Cleave or Whirlwind increases the damage of Cleave and Whirlwind by 10% for 10 sec. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
  13. Intensify Rage - Rank 2/2 - Reduces the cooldown of your Berserker Rage, Recklessness and Death Wish abilities by 20%.

  14. Bloodsurge - Rank 3/3 - Your Bloodthirst hits have a 30% chance of making your next Slam instant and free for 10 sec.
  15. Skirmisher - Rank 2/2 - Reduces the cooldown of your Intercept by 10 sec and your Heroic Leap by 20 sec.

  16. Titan's Grip - Rank 1/1 - Allows you to equip two-handed axes, maces and swords in one hand. Or take Single Minded Fury if that's your preference. Which is better? Mostly that depends on which weapons are available to you.

Arms (8 Points)

  1. War Academy - Rank 3/3 - Increases the damage of Heroic Strike, Cleave, Victory Rush and Slam by 15%.
  2. Field Dressing - Rank 2/2 - Increases all healing received by 6%, and the effectiveness of your self-healing abilities by an additional 20%.
  3. Deep Wounds - Rank 3/3 - Your critical strikes cause the opponent to bleed, dealing 48% of your melee weapon's average damage over 6 sec.

Protection (2 Points)

  1. Incite - Rank 2/3 - Increases the critical strike chance of your Heroic Strike by 10%, and gives your Heroic Strike criticals a 66% chance to cause the next Heroic Strike to also be a critical strike. These guaranteed criticals cannot re-trigger the Incite effect.

Glyphs are learned permanently so go ahead and buy all the Warrior glyphs and swap them in and out as necessary.


  • Glyph of Bloodthirst - Increases the damage of Bloodthirst by 10%.
  • Glyph of Raging Blow - Increases the critical strike chance of Raging Blow by 5%.
  • Glyph of Slam - Increases the critical strike chance of Slam by 5%.


  • Glyph of Cleaving - Increases the number of targets your Cleave hits by 1.
  • Glyph of Colossus Smash - Your Colossus Smash refreshes the duration of Sunder Armor stacks on a target.
  • Glyph of Death Wish - Death Wish no longer increases damage taken.


  • Glyph of Battle - Increases the duration by 2 min and area of effect by 50% of your Battle Shout.
  • Glyph of Berserker Rage - Berserker Rage generates 5 rage when used.
  • Glyph of Bloody Healing - Increases the healing you receive from Bloodthirst by 40%.

Here's how to own the raid: Raiding 101, Detailed Walkthroughs For Every Raid, Complete Class Guides, Consumables, Enchants & Glyph Guide, Extra Bonus Guides. Click here now.




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PvP Fury Build for Cataclysm

See our Warrior PvP guide for a lot more general PvP info. Arms seems to be the main Warrior PvP choice at the start of Cataclysm, but if you like the feel of Fury don't let that stop you. A good Fury warrior will still stomp a fair Arms warrior. You just have to be bettter than the other guy. Of course, that applies to all successful PvPers. Like these guys.

Consider dual building - Arms for PvP and Fury for Leveling or PvE.

That said, here a 10/31 Fury build. As usual, your exact PvVP situation (arena, BG, do your teammates suck, etc.) will determine the value of some of the talents, but this is a decent starting point.

Level 85 Fury Warrior PvP Build (10/31/0)

(view this build)

Fury (31 Points)

  1. Blood Craze - Rank 3/3 - After taking any damage, you have a 10% chance to regenerate 3.0% of your total Health over 5 sec.
  2. Cruelty - Rank 2/2 - Increases the critical strike chance of Bloodthirst, Mortal Strike and Shield Slam by 10%.

  3. Booming Voice - Rank 2/2 - Reduces the cooldown of your Battle Shout and Commanding Shout by 30 sec and causes those abilities to generate 10 additional Rage.
  4. Rude Interruption - Rank 2/2 - Successfully interrupting a spell with Shield Bash or Pummel increases your damage by 5% for 30 sec. -
  5. Piercing Howl - Rank 1/1 - Causes all enemies within 10 yards to be Dazed, reducing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.

  6. Flurry - Rank 3/3 - Increases your attack speed by 25% for your next 3 swings after dealing a melee critical strike.
  7. Death Wish - Rank 1/1 - When activated you become Enraged, increasing your physical damage by 20% but increasing all damage taken by 5%. Lasts 30 sec.
  8. Enrage - Rank 3/3 - Your melee hits have a 9% chance to Enrage you, giving you a 10% damage bonus for 9 sec.

  9. Die by the Sword - Rank 2/2 - Increases your parry chance by 100% for 8 sec whenever you are brought to 20% health or less. This effect cannot occur more often than once every 2 min.
  10. Raging Blow - Rank 1/1 - A mighty blow that deals 110% weapon damage from both melee weapons. Can only be used while Enraged.
  11. Rampage - Rank 1/1 - Increases the critical strike chance of all party and raid members within 100 yds by 5%. In addition, improves your critical strike chance by an additional 2%.
  12. Heroic Fury - Rank 1/1 - Removes any Immobilization effects and refreshes the cooldown of your Intercept ability.

  13. Furious Attacks - Rank 1/1 - Your autoattacks have a chance to reduce all healing done to the target by 10% for 10 sec.
  14. Intensify Rage - Rank 2/2 - Reduces the cooldown of your Berserker Rage, Recklessness and Death Wish abilities by 20%.

  15. Bloodsurge - Rank 3/3 - Your Bloodthirst hits have a 30% chance of making your next Slam instant and free for 10 sec.
  16. Skirmisher - Rank 2/2 - Reduces the cooldown of your Intercept by 10 sec and your Heroic Leap by 20 sec.

  17. Titan's Grip - Rank 1/1
    Allows you to equip two-handed axes, maces and swords in one hand.

Arms (10 Points)

  1. War Academy - Rank 3/3 - Increases the damage of Heroic Strike, Cleave, Victory Rush and Slam by 15%.
  2. Field Dressing - Rank 2/2 - Increases all healing received by 6%, and the effectiveness of your self-healing abilities by an additional 20%.

  3. Deep Wounds - Rank 3/3 - Your critical strikes cause the opponent to bleed, dealing 48% of your melee weapon's average damage over 6 sec.
  4. Second Wind - Rank 2/2 - Whenever you are struck by a Stun or Immobilize effect you generate 20 rage and 5% of your total health over 10 sec.

Glyphs, Prime

  • Glyph of Raging Blow (Prime Glyph) - Increases the critical strike chance of Raging Blow by 5%.
  • Glyph of Bloodthirst (Prime Glyph) - Increases the damage of Bloodthirst by 10%.
  • Glyph of Slam (Prime Glyph) - Increases the critical strike chance of Slam by 5%.


  • Glyph of Intercept (Major Glyph) - Increases the duration of your Intercept stun by 1 sec.
  • Glyph of Piercing Howl (Major Glyph) - Increases the radius of Piercing Howl by 50%.
  • Pick one to suit.


  • Glyph of Bloody Healing (Minor Glyph) - Increases the healing you receive from Bloodthirst by 40%.
  • Glyph of Command (Minor Glyph) - Increases the duration by 2 min and area of effect by 50% of your Commanding Shout.
  • Glyph of Battle (Minor Glyph) - Increases the duration by 2 min and area of effect by 50% of your Battle Shout.



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Skills and Stats

This section is dedicated to covering the numerous different stats you may wish to stack, hit rating, STR, crit, weapon expertise, etc.

Priorities (at 85)


  1. Strength
  2. Hit to 8%, until your total hit (including all bonuses and modifiers) is 8% . You already have 3% of this from your precision talent.
  3. 26 expertise, this is the cap. Amounts above this are useless.
  4. Crit -
  5. Hit - over 8%, this is your white damage
  6. Haste if SMF
  7. Mastery if TG

Titan's Grip values Mastery over Haste. Both are weak stats for any Fury Warrior and should be reforged into better stats.



Pretty much the same except for less Hit and the Stam/Res requirements.

  1. Strength
  2. Hit to 5%
  3. 26 expertise, this is the cap. Amounts above this are useless.
  4. Crit -
  5. Hit - over 8%, this is your white damage
  6. Haste
  7. Mastery
  8. Stamina - For PvP you'll want to put Stam pretty high on the above list.
  9. Resilience is completely useless for DPS, and essential for PvP. What it does it reduce incoming damage caused by other players.
  1. Reforge the lowest items on this table into better ones. Be midful of caps.
  2. Agility - Skip this. adds less Attack Power than Str, trivial crit, trivial dodge, and no longer adds armor.
  3. Int & Spirit are useless.
  4. Armor Penetration is dead in Cataclysm


Hit rating cap: There is a common misconception surrounding +hit.  The more you hit does not magically = more criticals. Instead, +hit simply decreases your chance to miss which increases your white damage, and eliminates misses from your specials. +Hit means you will hit more often and a few of those hits will be crits.

White damage is quite a bit of help, especially in long battles, as well as for building rage. Therefore, +hit is still a very valuable tool of guaranteed DPS increase, especially given the high miss chance of dual-wielding.

It used to be that stats, such as crit rating, would be more valuable than Strength, but with the way things scale in Caltaclysm this is no longer the case. Each point of Strength now adds 2 Attack Power and with Cataclysm the value of this scales (after level 80) much faster than crit.


Weapon Choice

Slow weapons hit harder and with few, if any, abilities requiring a fast weapon slow becomes the way to go. Your specials base their damage off the weapon's damage range, not the DPS, so they will hit harder than they will with the faster weapons.

Most of the Warrior specials are also Instant, so a faster weapon speed will not result in more specials.

Weapon Stats to look for are the same as above:

Weapon DPS > Strength > Hit to 8% > Expertise > Crit > Hit over 8% > Haste > Mastery

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Basically you should get your enchants besed on the priorities above.

Short on gold? Most of the enchants below have similar enchants available, of lesser value, for less cash. We've linked to a couple of these. Check with the rep vendor or the Auction House for others. Need more gold to get the better stuff? See our WoW gold guide.

Note: If you have Landslide on both weapons then their procs will stack.



Skip socket bonuses, unless they are at least +20 Str., and use a Bold gem instead.



1-85 Warrior Leveling Guide

One of the commonly seen questions in the forums and in the game chat is something like, "Where do I go to level...?" You can grind endless groups of mobs, which a Fury Warrior does very well, or you can follow the quests as you find them, perhaps looking for quest details on some website.

Or you can consider a full blown Warrior leveling guide and get to 85 much faster:

Now, imagine how fast this would be with heirlooms and RAF?

Click Here to get your own Dugi's Leveling Guide





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