Our Gold Guides
- Gold Guide
- Getting the gold at Low level
- Basic Gold Tips
- Gathering for Gold
- Grinding
- Bank Alt
- Networking
- Limited items
- Professions
- Auctioneer
- Addons
Auctioneer is the main addon to use.
It adds several function to the Auction House interface and make sresearch,
buying, and selling stuff easier.
Auctionator -
Makes shopping lists, makes buying stuff easier, has a sell tab which
is a little better than the default.
Mod - this one opens a window with all your mail listed, up to
50 items at a time. You can grab all the items, just the cash, or
pick and choose. Very nice and makes it much easier to get your mail,
especially when you're running a lot of auctions.
It's even nicer when you've made a lot of sales and you see all those
pretty gold sales, waiting to leap into your pockets.
Mod - OneBag3: This merges all of your bags into one. You can
configure size, rows, columns, and several other options. It takes
a bit of getting used to, at first.
Workshop adds auction-derived pricing
information for trade skills right into the trade skill recipe frame.
Each skill is evaluated for material costs and potential value of the
item created. These two numbers are listed next to each skill in an
easy-to-read format.
Panel - It comes with several features and then can add many
more through various modules. Several of these will be of use to
farmers and gatherers.
Refills - This is very handy if you have vendors that you visit
often. It requires some set up, but once you can do that it will
automatically buy stuff from that vendor when you open the "buy"
screen. This is especially nice when camping the Darkemoon Faire
Gold and More:

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