This in an ancient, out of date, page that is kept here for legacy sake.
Click here for a more up to date Gold Tips page.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled guide:
Ok, you've got 6 figures in your gold account, you're decked head
to toe in epics dropped off the Auction house, or bought through contracted
guild raids, and you have every pet and every mount. You fully find
your stable of 85s and your guild looks to you for all their running
money. You don't need a gold guide, you should be writing one.
Now go away and get back to work.
This guide is for the other guy/gal who has problems scraping up enough
to meet expenses or who would like to buy their epic mounts and flyers.
While I do recommend a couple of gold guides (they cover different
areas) those are only for people who are serious about playing the
gold game. Want to make 100k
gold? Get Zygor. Just want to make enough to meet expenses, get
your mounts, and some decent gear? This page will be enough.
Gold and More:

Click for In-game Guides for all expansions: Leveling, Gold, Dungeons, Dailies, Pets, Classic, and more.
The Three Sources of Gold Aquisition
Basically there are three ways to get gold in the World of Warcraft
(and pretty much any other video game or MMO) and that's to complete
quests (and kill mobs,) sell stuff to the vendor, or sell stuff to other
players. While there are a few other bits where you can grab some cash
(such as opening chests & boxes) those three areas cover 99% of the gold
accumulation that you will ever do.
While quests and vendors are pretty clear, selling stuff to other players
involves gathering stuff that they might actually want to buy (and pay
a lot of money for.) Some of the items that you will (or could be) gathering
or creating for these sales are:
- Mats for enchanters through disenchanting of items
- Finding materials for cooking and other crafts: cloth, skins, ores,
herbs for the crafters: Alchemists, Scribes, Blacksmiths, Leatherworkers,
- Farming more exotic items for crafters, such as motes, crystallized
this and that, Volitile whatevers, and so on.
- Vanity items, such as wedding dresses, hats, tuxedos, name brand
gears, etc.
- Farming items from mobs, such as weapons, rep items, etc.
Piles o' Stuff Vs One-Offs
One of the things that effects the price you can ask for an item is how people actually buy that item.
Things like ores, skins, rep items, herbs, etc tend to sell in stacks and will have repeat
customers. Things like crafted items don't sell in stacks (even if they're stackable, like
Glyphs) and repeat customers, for the same item, are rare.
This becomes important when you're
posting your items on the Auction House (AH.) A scribe or Leatherworker
might pick up a dozen (or more) stacks of raw marerials at one time,
and come back for more later, so even if you don't have the lowest price
your items will sell (assuming you're not crazy high with the price.)
Any given character will only buy one each of any given crafted item. So when putting these
items up for sale there's more incentive to have the lowest price on that item. This is why
you will see all the glyphs sellers constantly undercutting each other. As a seller of materials
you don't have to play the undercutting game.
Even if the current price for raw materials is low, at the moment, you
will still sell your stuff if you price higher. Look at the AH over the
week and you'll see the prices vary. Keep your prices a little higher
and you'll make a lot more in the long run. If stuff is priced too low
then either wait of buy it out to resell later.
Ok, Let's Get Started with the Tips
- Roll yourself a dedicated Auction
House Banker.
Everytime you stop by town to lighten your bags you can mail the
worthwhile stuff to your banker and then get back to work. The banker
will do all your AH selling and buying, freeing up your
other characters to do whatever it is that they do.
- Buy the biggest bags you can afford, eventually
working up to those 20 slot Frostweave Bags. Go for the 22
slot Glacial Bags if you can (and think they're worth the price.) Do
the same for your banker. This will minimize your trips to town to
unload stuff and maximize your collecting time. Your bank also has
bag slots. When you get to the point that you're banking stuff you
will buy those slots and stick frostweave bags in them.
- 2a) Have your alt create a guild (paying 10g for each signup,)
then kick everyone, and use the guild bank space for your stash.
- Loot everything, always. Vendor the gray stuff and send all the white
(and better) stuff to your banker. If you're high enough level you can solo instances,
looting everything, and make a nice pile of gold selling the grey titled stuff to the vendor
and the better stuff on the AH. You might even find some nice blue (and maybe even purple)
items that you can sell for a high price.
- White items sometimes sell at a surpisingly high
price. Always check out the current prices on the AH on these items.
For example, the Farmer's Broom and Farmer's
Shovel are low level white weapons that are good for low level
PvP and they sell for several gold each. Bits used for crafting might
also sell very well. I remember being quite surprised at the price
that the "large
fang" sold for. Believe it or not white armor and gear actually
sells on the AH. Not for a lot, but definitely for more than a vendor
will pay youi.
- Grinding and Questing: If you're going to grind mobs in some area see
if you can pick up the appropriate kill quest(s) or quests that are in the same area. You'll
get the quest reward and the occasional items when completing the quest in addition to whatever you get from the mobs.
- Any of the gathering skills (mining, skinning, herbalism)
will keep you in the gold if you work them. Try and keep them maxed
at all times and never pass up a node, plant, or skinning chance. We
recommend Skinning and either Herbalism
or Mining. Why? You're going to be killing a bazillion critters while
you level anyway, so why not skinning?
If you're a skinner then skin everyting
you can, always. Sometimes other players will kill skinnable mobs and leave them there.
Skin 'em yourself. Sell the scraps, too.
Keep in mind that the Skinning
skill gives you a smal crit buff, Mining adds Stam, and Herbalism
a small heal.
- Cloth always sells, though you should check prices.
(Also look at the deposit costs, the Runecloth deposit is far higher
than that for Wool Cloth.) One day prices will suck, a few days later
they'll be better. Also consider stashing the cloth to level up your
first aid and that of your alts. Some types of cloth can also be turned
in for rep rewards. As you know, the cloth type dropped is dependant
on the mob level. Hit 25ish (humanoid) mobs for Wool
for example.
- Limiteds: You may have noticed that some vendors
sell items in strictly limited numbers. These limited
items often sell
for a lot more on the AH than it costs you to buy them. Always keep
an eye out for these and make a note when you find interesting limited
- Some green items will sell very nicely, others just don't. Who wants
a 2 hand sword with a Spirit buff, after all? You should disenchant green
and better items that don't sell and then sell the parts. If you have a stack of green
items and don't have Enchanting then you might be able to sell them to an enchanter
so that she can disenchant them. You can also work your banker up to level 10 and get Journeyman
Enchanting. That will allow you to disenchant things for awhile.
- Daily Quests: Starting at 70 you can do the various
daily quests. These pay gold, of course, and sometimes rep and various
items. If you are grinding rep with certain factions you will definitely
want to look into the dally quests. There are plenty of daily quests
in the new Cataclysm areas and these also provide rep to use to buy
some very nice gear.
The trick is to grab several of these quests that are in the same
area or easily follow one into the other, otherwise you spend too
much time traveling. The Isle of Quel'Danis or Tol Barad quests
are perfect for this. You can do the 10 quests in about an hour
(once you have the routine down) make a nice pile of gold, get rep,
and get a stack of stuff to sell to the vendor and AH.
Unlike some
other daily quests you don't need a flying mount to do
these. The level 85 quests are similar. You won't make as much
from dalies as you will from efficient farming or Auction House
games, but if you want the rep and/or don't care to play the AH
then go for it.
- Pricing: Remember, with cloth and the stacks of
stuff you gather (including enchanting materials) you do not have
to have the lowest price. Peolpe buy piles of this stuff and come back
for more, so don't shoot yourself in the foot by pricing it too low.
Price your stuff a couple steps higher than the lowest priced stuff,
it'll still sell. Heck, if some goof puts up a few stacks at a way low price just buy them all and repost them (now or later) at the right
- Addons: If you're a miner or herbalist you should
grab the Cartographer and Gatherer addons, from Curseforge, along with the WoWhead database that comes with Gatherer. This will
give you a map of the common locations where ores and herbs appear
and will make your gathering faster. (Note, the new WoW quest
tracking system doesn't play well with Cartographer as of this writing.)
- An addon like Auctioneer (free)
is really valuable, though some recommend other addons. The idea is that it will give you pricing
info so that you can price your items correctly when you post them
on the AH. With this info you will know if the current listings are
too low (and you should wait) or too high (post now.) has
a couple of other Auction addons, as well.
Bonus Tips for More Gold:
- Figure out what mats are needed for specific items, then farm those
mats. For example, if a particular potion is in great demand (perhaps
for raiding) then farm the mats for the alchemists to make those potions.
Check for item requirements.
- Have a "shopping basket" of items in your bank alt's bags. Then scan
the AH for those items, byuing up what's uderpriced (for reposting, perhaps
later.) For instance you might have a "basket" containing one of each
herb used for Inscription. Open the AH, shift+click each herb in turn
(shift+click posts the name of the item in the search field,) and hit
search. Buy up what's appropriate.
If youi find that no items are available, and you have stored a stash
of same, post them at a (reasonably) high price. You'll have a monopoly
(for a time) and should do well.
The Auctionator addon will let you create shopping lists so that you
don't have to keep stuff in your bags.
- Specific crafted items require specific quantities of mats, so sell
you stuff in those quantities. For example, Scribes mill herbs 5 at a
time, so if you're selling to Scribes sell your herbs in stacks of multiples
of 5. Or if Potion AbC requires six green pointyflowers then
sell your stash of green pointyflowers in stacks of six. Again,
check Thottbot for stack sizes.
- Make the intermediate parts for crafters. Scribes mill herbs into pigments,
then inks, then glyphs. So, if you have Inscription & Herbalism, you
can farm herbs, make inks, and sell the inks. Check your own server's
AH prices, you may find that a 5 stack of herbs sells for more than you
can sell the inks, or visa versa.