Why level up in dungeons?
Mists of Pandaria is the latest expansion and it brings more dungeons to explore, more loots to discovers, and some pretty cool stuff.
Are you tired of runnning new characters all the way from 1 to 85
or 90 and doing the same old quests that you've done so many times before? Then
Dungeon leveling is the solution.
Why DO you want to do the dungeon leveling thing?
Easy: Better XP and better
gear and it can be faster (especially if you're the tank) than "regular" leveling.
Plus, if you're on a PvP server you get to miss the experience of high levels flying
down to your level 30 zone just to drop by and say "Die!"
Why wouldn't you want to dungeon level?
miss exploring the world, picking up fly points, seeing opposing players
and ganking them, rep points, and so on. Dungeon groups also tend to
move at something between a fast and frantic pace, and they'll expect
you to keep up.
If you like to group and you don't mind the pace (and the occasional jerk) then Dungeon Leveling is a good way to go.
It's easy enough to get a new character to level 12 or so. Now, imagine
avoiding all of those newbie quests where you have to get 5 of these
or 10 of those when nothing seems to drop. (How can zhevras run
around without hooves, anyway?) And don't you hate it when someone
just came through and killed all of the critters you need so you have
to wait out a long re-spawn?
Pick up a group and take your level 12 Horde
to Ragefire Chasm or your Ally to The Deadmines and rack up some good
XP. A change that came about with Cataclysm was to put all the quest-givers
just inside the entrance to each dungeon. You now longer have to go
all over the place to grab the dungeon quests, you just need to get
a group and, hop in, and they're all there.
The nice thing about those quests is that not only do you get more
XP for each dungeon quest you complete than for normal quests, but
you get better quest rwards and more XP from the Elite mobs you kill
in the dungeons.
Once you've leveled up a bit , just go on to the next higher dungeon. (See
dungeon chart below.)
Here we will show you the basics to get you started.
For more detailed guide to get from level 1 all the
way to level 85, 90, or whatever AND to get the Loremaster achievements AND to get the Dugeon Leveling Guide you
need to get Zygor's
How it works:
Anyone can do this. All you need is to find a group to complete the dungeons.
A 5 person team (made up of a tank, three dps, and a healer) is ideal for optimum
speed, and this is what you will get if you use the WoW Dungeon Finder.
(This is available for all 5-player dungeons. Hit "I" in-game to bring it up.)
Working with others can be a challenge, depending on your team, but it's always an interesting dynamic to work as a team in a dungeon. You may have to repeat some of the dungeons to gain enough XP to level up, but you can help out someone else at the same time.
You can just run through the dungeons and level up that way, but for the best XP you want to pick up the quests that are specific to each dungeon before you enter and then complete them.
Since Cataclysm launched most of the dungeon quests have moved inside the dungeons. You will be able to pick them up at the entrance.
Once you can do the Heroic Dungeons you can also work your way up
through three Achievements by using the Dungeon Finder to finish random heroic dungeons
as follows: "Looking For More" -
until you have grouped with 10 random players total; "Looking
For Many" - until you have grouped with 50 random
players total (earring you the title "The Patient"; "Looking
For Multitudes" - until you have grouped with 100 random
players total. The final Achievement also earns you the Perky
Pug non-combat pet.
Dungeon Rewards
Besides the XP gained by quickly killing lots of Elite mobs, you will
get the usual pick-up loot off the bodies, such as cloth and other
useful bits.
Bosses will drop one piece of blue quality gear and the final boss
of any dungeon might drop two items. Your team gets to roll on these.
- Need means that the item being rolled on is an upgrade
for your character (your primary spec.) If you roll need on
an item for your secondary spec (your have the dual talent build)
then you should ask the group if it's Ok for you to do that.
- Greed means that you just want the item to sell. Sometimes
the random mobs in the dungeon (the "trash") will drop green, and rarely
blue, items that can be resold.
- Disenchant means that someone in your party has a high enough
Enchanting skill do disenchant that
item into magical parts. The parts can then be used by an enchanter
or sold.
If you're using the random dungeon finder then you will get
a small amount of cash and a satchel
of helpful goods when you complete the
dungeon. The satchel will always have a blue item it will often be
something your character can use. If you've run the same dungeon several
times then that item be simply be a duplicate of what you've seen before.
Just sell or disenchant it. You will not get this item if you are running
specific dungeons, you have to be using the random tool.
In the Cataclysm dungeons if you are wearing the Tabard of
some faction then you will get rep with that faction as you do those
Achievements are available for completing each dungeon and for accomplishing
things, such as the Pug reward, above.
Quests - all of the quest givers for most of the dungeons
have moved to just inside the dungeon entrance. You will be able to
grab all of them before you encounter your first enemy. To hand them
in you just run back to the entrance, or teleport out and then back
in. (Right click the green "eye" icon on your mini-map, you will see
an option to teleport out of the dungeon. Once out the option will
change to teleport into the dungeon. This will put you at
then entry point with all the quest givers. )
Note that some of the quest givers will move to the ending area of the dungeon when you complete it, saving you the trip back to the starting point.
These quests offer much better gear, cash, and XP than regular quests,
so do them.
The Dungeons:
Note that with the dungeon finder tool it's really meaningless to call
a dungeon Alliance or Horde. If your group ir running/riding to that dungeon (and
why would you???) then it has some meaning, especially if you're on a PvP server.
Just use the dungeon finder tool. Gather your group and then pick either random
or specific dungeons.
Classic Dungeons
Horde Dungeons |
Alliance Dungeons |
13-18 |
Ragefire Chasm |
15-20 |
The Deadmines |
15-21 |
The Wailing Caverns |
15-21 |
The Wailing Caverns |
18-22 |
Shadowfang Keep |
20-24 |
Blackfathom Deeps |
20-24 |
Blackfathom Deeps |
21-25 |
The Stockade |
Horde & Alliance Dungeons
23-28 |
Razorfen Kraul |
24-29 |
Gnomeregan |
27-36 |
Scarlet Monastery Graveyard/Library |
34-39 |
Scarlet Monastery Armory/Cathedral |
29-45 |
Uldaman |
42-45 |
Razorfen Downs |
44-47 |
Dire Maul |
46-49 |
Zul'Farrak |
48-51 |
Stratholme |
53-56 |
Blackrock Depths |
58 |
Blackrock Spire |
Burning Crusade Dungeons
Heroic (level 70) modes are available for all of these dungeons.
59 - 62 |
Hellfire Citadel: Hellfire Ramparts |
61 - 63 |
Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace |
62 - 64 |
Coilfang Reservoir: The Slave Pens |
63 - 65 |
Coilfang Reservoir: The Underbog |
64 - 66 |
Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs |
65 - 67 |
Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts |
66 - 68 |
Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad Foothills |
67 - 68 |
Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls |
67 - 75 |
Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth |
67 - 75 |
Coilfang Reservoir: The Steamvault |
67 - 75 |
Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls |
67 - 75 |
Tempest Keep: The Botanica |
67 - 75 |
Tempest Keep: The Mechanar |
68 - 75 |
Caverns of Time: The Black Morass |
68 - 75 |
Magisters' Terrace |
68 - 75 |
Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz |
Wrath of the Lich King Dungeons
Heroic modes are available for all of these at level 80.
69 - 72 |
Utgarde Keep: Utgarde Keep |
71 - 73 |
The Nexus: The Nexus |
72 - 74 |
Azjol-Nerub: Azjol-Nerub |
73 - 75 |
Azjol-Nerub: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom |
74 - 76 |
Drak'Tharon Keep |
75 - 77 |
The Violet Hold |
76 - 78 |
Gundrak |
77 - 78 |
Ulduar: Halls of Stone |
78 - 80 |
Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Champion |
79 |
Caverns of Time: The Culling of Stratholme |
79 |
The Nexus: The Oculus |
79 |
Ulduar: Halls of Lightning |
79 |
Utgarde Keep: Utgarde Pinnacle |
80 |
Icecrown Citadel: Halls of Reflection |
80 |
Icecrown Citadel: Pit of Saron |
80 |
Icecrown Citadel: The Forge of Souls |
Cataclysm Dungeons
Level 85 Heroics are available for all of these dungeons. Links are
to the heroic boss guides for these dungeons. Obviously youi're not
leveling at 85, but when the next expansion comes out you will
Want to use the instances to get leveled, fast?
guide will get your regular leveling going
at a very interesting rate and their guide is far superior
to the in-game quest helper.
Check out the dugi's
guide here and see if it's just the thing for your upcoming
collection of 85s. Also, if you click the tab at the top of their page
you will see that a new dungeon guide is being worked on and it will
be a free addition to their regular guide.

Get leveled fast AND
get the Loremaster!
Your Role in the Dungeons
You will be either a Healer, Damage (DPS,) or Protection (Tank.) If you're
doing random dungeons with the dungeon finder then your teams will
always have one tank, one healer, and three DPS. Your guild team could
have five healers, though that might mean that it will take a loooong
time to kill that boss.
- Be aware of your position and that of any nearby mobs or adds. Is there
an edge that you can fall off of (and into the lava?) Be aware of
- Let the tank do the pulling unless he says otherwise.
- Consumables. Mana potions, health potions, buffing foods, etc. Keep a decent
stock and use them.
- Be patient. If someone pulls before the tank is ready or casters/healers have
their mana back then the group might in trouble. Let the tank pull.
- Be aware of what mobs are Crowd Controlled (CC) and don't break the CC.
Your job is to do as much damage as possible to the
mobs (opposition.) But if you go crazy then you will do too much damage
too soon and the mobs will eat you. Then your group will make snarky
remarks and kick you out.
- Always let the tank attack first. Yes, I know that spell has great range
and you love to use it. Let the tank attack first and get the mob's
attention. Then you attack.
- Mobs, especially at higher levels, will often throw out area effect attacks
or some form of damage to random targets. Do the best you can to either
avoid this or interrupt the spell casting.
- Aggro can be an issue if you're doing enough damage to pull the mob away from
the tank. He might not be able to get it back before it kills you,
especially in Cataclysm dungeons.
- Many DPS types can put out a massive burst of damage when all the
stars align. That burst may guarantee that you get all the aggro and
die from it. Hold the burst until it's safe, such as when the mob is
nearly dead. Dead DPS characters do no damage.
- Especially in heroics and Cataclysm dungeons you should use your defensive
cooldowns as necessary and take survival talents (such as the Rogue's Improved
- Note that changes made in the 4.3 patch made it easier for tanks to hold aggro. Let the tank pull and then cut loose.
DPS Tactics:
- If it has a tail then attack from the side, otherwise from
- Puddles of putrescent goop (poop) on the floor? Move
out of it. And yes, the tank should be aware enough to pull the mob
out of the poop.
- Kill the adds! There are a very few cases where
you want to run from adds, but 95% of the time you kill them first.
- Are mobs casting spells? Interrupt (stun, blind, etc.) them,
if possible.
- Marked mobs: Usually the skull on a mob means "kill
me first!" Usually the "X" means "kill me next!" Make sure all
members of your group know and agree about what the marks mean.
- Crowd control: Got sheep? Sap? Other? Sometimes the tank
will want you to use it, othertimes not. Some tanks aren't sharp enough
to deal with it well when you do use it.
- Do you have aggro? Vanish, fade, feign death, etc. Do
Not Run Away! Run back to the tank if you have to run and can't shed
the aggro.
- Is there a Lightwell? Click
Your job is to keep everyone Hale and Hearty, but sometimes that's a bit tough.
The tank wants to leap into the next group, the ranged DPS wants to
pull everything, the melee DPS has issues with staying out of the
fire, and you looked away from the screen for three seconds. When you
looked back the tank was dead, the group was scattering, and those last heals you cast put out a lot of threat...
- Your main job is to heal the tank. If the tank is doing his job then then
rest of the group shouldn't be taking much damage.
- If the DPS runs over there to take on some mobs then let him
suffer the consequences.
- Communicate with your group. You are the
one group
member who has to pay attention to every member of the group. If
they're going nuts and you can't keep up then say something. If
you're running low on Mana say something.
- Preserving mana is important, particularly in Cataclysm dungeons. You may
want/need to learn about and use Triage.
Healing Tactics
- Heal the tank.
- Is massive damage about to hit? Start pre-casting that
long heal.
- Got aggro? Shed it, if you can, or run to the tank.
- Out of Mana? Say something!
- Getting interrupted? Get more range, if you can.
- Mobs casting stuff? Interrupt, if you can, and you don't
have to worry about not healing for a moment.
- Tank goes out of Line of Sight for whatever reason, follow
- DPS goes out of Line of Sight for whatever reason, sucks
for them.
The Tank
You're the life of the party and you want 100% of the attention of all the
opposition, at all times. Your #1 job is to make sure that happens.
Do it well and the DPS has it easy and the healer really only has to
worry about you.
- You have to keep an eye on all the opposition. At times the mobs may break
free and chase someone else, do what you can to get them back.
- It's better to be a bit conservative than to bite off too much to chew.
Don't pull big groups unless you know your group can handle it.
- Listen to your group. The healer might be out of mana, among other possible
issues. You're the leader, communication is good.
- The DPS needs to know whether or not you mind their pulling the mobs or bringing
in extras. If you don't care for them doing that then let them die
a few times. They'll either learn or leave.
Tank Tactics
- Mark the #1 target with a skull. Everyone can focus on that and burn it
- Healer mobs are a good choice for that skull.
- Use your crowd control. Have mobs sapped, sheeped, etc., as necessary.
- Don't break the CC! Pull mobs away from the CCed mob.
- Make sure you fight away from CCed mobs.
- Taking too much damage? Pull the mob (kite) around the place.
- Puddles of putrescent goop (poop) on the floor? Pull the
mob(s) out of it so you and your melee DPS take less damage.
- Does the mob take damage from the poop? You might be able
to position the mob into the stuff for additional damage.
- Is the mob casting? Interrupt it, if you can.
- Use your stuns which will help slow down incomming damage
or stop a mob from running to the healer.
Suggested Talent Builds & Tips By Class
For suggested builds see the leveling guides linked to with each
spec, below.
For most of your low-level game
time you will probably find feral useful, because you will be able
to dps well, and, if the need arises, you will be able to switch out
of cat form and heal. This will allow you to queue in the dungeon finder
as dps or healer. See our druid leveling
spec for info on leveling
as Feral.
Balance Druids will, obviously, be ranged DPS and will
also be able to toss out the occasional heal. Restoration
Druids, while
being pretty sloooowwww at solo leveling will do just fine in the dungeons.
Beast Mastery gives you the most versatility. It allows you to solo
when you need to in order to get the dungeon quests, and at the same time allows
you to perform well as dps in a team. See our Hunter
leveling spec for builds and
This one is fairly self-explanatory. An Arcane build
is great for good damage output, as well as low threat generation,
but Fire and Frost can put down some pretty big numbers as well. See
our mage leveling spec page for a leveling build for each flavor of
Retribution is selected for similar reasons to the Druid
build. For lower levels (up to mid-40s) Ret allows you to dps, tank,
and heal well enough to be an asset to any team. You will be able to
queue as dps, healer, or tank, as you prefer, until the mid-40s when
you should decide which role you like the most. From that point on
you should go with a talent build that supports your chosen role. Holy is a perfectly viable option and Protection
Paladins can make excellent
With the Shadow spec you are able to solo and dps in teams moderately
well from about level 20 on. Prior to that, unfortunately, priests are just not
very good at anything. You will also be able to queue as a healer or dps in dungeon
finder up until you reach mid-40s, at which point you should start to spec for
the role you prefer, dps or healer. See our Priest leveling
spec for leveling info.
All of the Rogue specs are quite viable for dungeon leveling,
as DPS of course. Leveling as Combat is probably the easiest, but Subtlety has brutal openers and Assassination Rogues are pretty nice, too.
Like the Druid build, this leveling
shaman spec allows
you to do dps and healing. When you reach mid-40s you should start
choosing talents tailored to your play style with either dps or healing.
This pure destruction
build is aimed at total dps. Let's
face it, that's what you're good at. Make sure you use Ritual of Souls
at the beginning of every dungeon. Yo might want to get the minor glyph
for this spell to reduce the mana cost, too. Our regular Warlock
leveling spec is Affliction, but Demonology has its uses, too.
As DPS you can go with either the Arms
spec or the Fury
spec. Both will do quite nicely. If you want to do the tanking chores
then you will want to go with a protection
Dungeon Maps
The maps of most, if not all, of the dungeons are
now part of your regular mapping interface. Just hit "m" in-game, while
in the dungeon, to bring up the map of the dungeon.
Horde Dungeons
Ragefire Chasm 13-18

The Wailing Caverns 15-21 (also for Alliance)

Shadowfang Keep
Blackfathom Deeps 20-24 (also for Alliance)

Alliance Dungeons
The Dead Mines 15-20
The Wailing Caverns 15-21 (also for Horde)

Blackfathom Deeps 20-24 (also for Horde)

The Stockade 21-25

Horde & Alliance Dungeons
Razorfen Kraul 23-28

Gnomeregan 24-29

Scarlet Monastery Graveyard and Library 27-36

Razorfen Downs 33-38

Scarlet Monastery Armory and Cathedral 34-39

Uldaman 29-45

Ready for Shadowlands and all future expansions.