Updated for Mists of Pandaria, to 600 skill.
Tailoring is a very useful profession to caster classes such as warlocks, priests, and mages. It can also craft bags which everyone needs and can be paired with enchanting for a very nice combination. Working your tailoring skills can also make you some gold, especially at high level. If you want to powerlevel the profession, you should have plenty of gold to start with.
In addition to gear, you will be able to create hats and shirts and other clothes. Some of these sell for enough to make the effort quite worthwhile. Some want to wear something other than armor, on occasion, and some like to role-play. Take advantage of that.
Enchanting can be a decent complimentary skill. You will be making lots of surplus items which you can then disenchant into the pieces necessary to level that skill. Obviously you will be able to enchant your own gear as you level and upgrade your gear.
Profession perks: There are two perks, one of which is combat effective. You can embroider your cloak to provide an occasional large boost to a primary stat, such as Int. You can also create your own flying carpet.
- Lightweave Embroidery, self-only, sometimes procs 2k Int.
- Leg enchants that can add various stats and that others can use, as well as a self-only version that uses less int the way of materials.
- PvP and PvE gear sets
- A Flying Carpet.
There are no longer an tailoring specializations. All the trainers have all the same recipes, except for some dungeon/raid drops.
Mists of Pandaria Tailoring lifts the skill cap to 600 and your new title will be Zen Master Tailor. Lots of new tailoring recipes will become available for your use. Click here to skip down to the Mists of Pandaria tailoring section.
Some of the recipes will require bind on pickup items such as Spirit of Harmony. These items must be farmed and gathered by you, as they cannot (yet) be traded/sold. As of early M of P launch, these can drop from just about anything, but are pretty rare. You can level to 600 without getting any of these items, but you will want them (quite a few of them) if you’re going to craft the epic gear (item level 474.) All the epic gear requires a 600 skill.
Blood Spirits will be required for the 496 gear. These are found only by disenchanting raid weapons and can be placed in mining bags.
Imperial Silk is the new “special” Tailoring material. It can be made once per day with 8 bolts of Windwool cloth, or anytime with 5 bolts and three Spirits of Harmony.
One bolt of Windwool cloth requires 5 Windwool cloth to create.
In Game Gold Guide: Gathering, Farming, Auction House, and Crafting. Click Here Now.
Tailoring from 1 to 600:
Skill | Item to be created | Materials for one item |
1-75, Apprentice Tailor, Requires level 5, train up at skill 50+ |
1-45 | Bolt of Linen Cloth | 2x Linen Cloth |
45-70 | Heavy Linen Gloves | 2x Bolt of Linen Cloth Coarse Thread |
70-75 | Reinforced Linen Cape | 2x Bolt of Linen Cloth 3x Coarse Thread |
76-150, Journeyman Tailor, Requires level 10, Train up at 125+ |
75-100 | Bolt of Woolen Cloth | 3x Wool Cloth |
100-110 | Simple Kilt | 4x Bolt of Linen Cloth Fine Thread |
110-125 | Double-stitched Woolen Shoulders | 3x Bolt of Woolen Cloth 2x Fine Thread |
125-145 | Bolt of Silk Cloth | 4x Silk Cloth |
145-150 | Azure Silk Hood | 2x Bolt of Silk Cloth 2x Blue Dye Fine Thread |
150-225, Expert Tailor, Requires level 20, train up at 200+ |
150-160 | Azure Silk Hood | 2x Bolt of Silk Cloth 2x Blue Dye Fine Thread |
160-170 | Silk Headband | 3x Bolt of Silk Cloth 2x Fine Thread |
170-175 | Formal White Shirt | 3x Bolt of Silk Cloth 2x Bleach Fine Thread |
175-185 | Bolt of Mageweave | 4x Mageweave Cloth |
185-200 | Crimson Silk Vest | 4x Bolt of Silk Cloth 2x Fine Thread 2x Red Dye |
200-215 | Crimson Silk Pantaloons | 4x Bolt of Silk Cloth 2x Red Dye 2x Silken Thread |
215-220 | Black Mageweave Leggings | 2x Bolt of Mageweave 3x Silken Thread |
220-225 | Black Mageweave Gloves | 2x Bolt of Mageweave 2x Heavy Silken Thread |
225-300, Artisan Tailor, Requires level 35, Train up at 275+ |
225-230 | Black Mageweave Gloves | 2x Bolt of Mageweave 2x Heavy Silken Thread |
230-250 | Black Mageweave Headband | 3x Bolt of Mageweave 2x Heavy Silken Thread |
250-260 | Bolt of Runecloth | 4x Runecloth |
260-280 | Runecloth Belt | 3x Bolt of Runecloth Rune Thread |
280-295 | Runecloth Gloves | 5x Bolt of Runecloth Rune Thread |
295-300 | Runecloth Headband | 6x Bolt of Runecloth 2x Rune Thread |
300-375, Master Tailoring, Requires level 50, train up at 350+ |
300-325 | Bolt of Netherweave | 5x Netherweave Cloth |
325-335 | Bolt of Imbued Netherweave | 3x Bolt of Netherweave 2x Arcane Dust |
335-345 | Netherweave Boots | 6x Bolt of Netherweave 2x Knothide Leather Rune Thread |
345-350 | Netherweave Tunic | 8x Bolt of Netherweave 2x Rune Thread |
350-375 | Bolt of Frostweave | 5x Frostweave Cloth |
375-450, Grandmaster Tailoring, Requires level 65, Train to next level at 425+ |
375-380 | Frostwoven Belt | 3x Bolt of Frostweave Eternium Thread |
380-385 | Frostwoven Boots | 4x Bolt of Frostweave Eternium Thread |
385-395 | Frostwoven Cowl | 5x Bolt of Frostweave Eternium Thread |
395-400 | Duskweave Belt | 7x Bolt of Frostweave Eternium Thread |
400-405 | Bolt of Imbued Frostweave | 2x Bolt of Frostweave 2x Infinite Dust |
400-405 | Duskweave Leggings | 8x Bolt of Frostweave Eternium Thread |
405-410 | Duskweave Wristwraps | 8x Bolt of Frostweave Eternium Thread |
410-415 | Duskweave Gloves | 9x Bolt of Frostweave Eternium Thread |
415-425 | Any of the Following Items | |
Ebonweave | Bolt of Imbued Frostweave2x Eternal Shadow | |
Moonshroud | Bolt of Imbued Frostweave2x Eternal Life | |
Spellweave | Bolt of Imbued Frostweave2x Eternal Fire | |
425-450 | Bolt of Embersilk Cloth | 5x Embersilk Cloth |
450-525, Illustrious Grandmaster Tailoring, Requires level 75 |
450-455 | Deathsilk Bracers | 2x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth 2x Eternium Thread |
455-460 | Deathsilk Boots | 3x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth 2x Eternium Thread |
460-465 | Deathsilk Leggings | 3x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth 2x Eternium Thread |
465-470 | Deathsilk Cowl | 3x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth 2x Eternium Thread |
470-475 | Spiritmend Belt | 4x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth 2x Eternium Thread |
475-480 | Spiritmend Boots | 4x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth 2x Eternium Thread |
480-485 | Spiritmend Leggings | 4x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth 2x Eternium Thread |
480-490 | Embersilk Bag | 15x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth 15x Hypnotic Dust |
Note: Each bag you create gives 5 skill points, so
it only takes two to reach 490 skill. |
485-500 | Spiritmend Robe | 6x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth 2x Eternium Thread |
500-505 |
You can skip the following recipes by creating Bolts of Windwool Cloth. 125 pieces of cloth will make the 25 bolts and you’ll be 525. This recipes goes green at 530 and grey at 535.Either of the Following Recipes | |
Vicious Embersilk Bracers | 6x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth4x Volatile Fire4x Volatile Water | |
Vicious Fireweave Bracers | 6x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth3x Volatile Fire3x Volatile Air | |
505-510 | Vicious Embersilk Shoulders | 6x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth 3x Volatile Water 3x Volatile Fire |
510-516 | Vicious Embersilk Belt | 10x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth 4x Volatile Water 4x Volatile Fire |
516-518 | Vicious Embersilk Gloves | 10x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth 4x Volatile Water 4x Volatile Fire |
518-520 | Vicious Fireweave Boots | 10x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth 4x Volatile Water 4x Volatile Fire |
520-525 | Either of the Following Recipes | |
Vicious Embersilk Boots | 10x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth4x Volatile Water4x Volatile Fire | |
Vicious Fireweave Gloves | 10x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth4x Volatile Fire4x Volatile Air |
525-600, Zen Master Tailoring, Requires level 80, train up at 500Make sure you drop the extra pieces onto your Auction House alt for sale. You should be able to pick up extra gold by doing that. You can find the the Tailoring trainer in Pandaria here. Or portal back to your capital city. You can buy many of the new recipes from vendors in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Pandaria. The Contender’s gear recipes will cost 1 Spirit of Harmony each. You can get the spirits from world drops (very rare) or by doing daily quests when you hit 90. They are also available from the PvP vendor for 600 Conquest points each or you can farm them up with enough Tillers rep. In order to access this zone you will need to complete a quest chain. Once you have access to the vendors you will be able to grab the recipes (if you don’t actually have the tailoring skill you won’t be able to see the recipes.) You don’t need rep or to be level 90 to buy or make them. Here’s the starting point for the quest.
525 to 545 | Either of: Windwool Bracers or Windwool gloves, both of these recipes will actually take you to 570 skill before going green. | Bracers: 3x bolts of Windwool cloth each Gloves: 4x bolts of Windwool cloth each |
545-565 | WindWool boots. These go green at 582. | 4x bolts of Windwool cloth each |
550 | Imperial Silk – You will want to make as much of this as you can if you intend to craft the epic 476+ gear. | 8x bolt of Windwool cloth each (1/day,) or 5 bolts and 3 Spirits of Harmony (make at anytime.) |
555-575 | Windwool Hood or Tunic, they go green at 587. | 5x bolt of Windwool cloth each |
565-575 | Contender’s gear, Silk or Satin belt, footwraps, handwraps. The items start as green, so you’ll be making a few of them. | 4x bolt of Windwool cloth each |
575-590 | Contender’s gear, Silk or Satin Amice. These start as green skill items, so you will be making a few until you hit 590. | 4x bolt of Windwool cloth each |
590-600 | Contender’s gear, Silk or Satin Cowl or Raiment. These items also start as green, so you’ll be making a few of them. | 5x bolt of Windwool cloth each |
Congratulations on your maxed out Tailoring skill!
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there are, you need to go to the Vale of Eternal Blossums amd go to the horde’s shrine of the two moons or Shrine of the seven stars for alliance and find the tailoring vendor within. from what I can find all they sell are PVP gear tho that will help you get to 600 then you need to get your faction higher and go to the quartermasters and get patterns there.
Thanks. I did note the suppliers above. I’ll add in the start of the quest chain you need to do in order to access them.
Every freaking web site including yours tells what you need to level, but don’t you think the FIRST THING you need is the TRAINER NAME and where they are at to TRAIN over 525?
That’s a good point. I’ll update appropriately. Until then, you can always blip back to your capital city and get trained there. There should be a portal in that very first village in M of P. Set yoiur hearth in the village, portal over, train, portal back.
Update: as of 9/29 there are no tailoring trainers in any of the Pandaran zones, none that I can find anyway.
The starter are of MOP does not contain within it a tailoring NPC. Your only resource for the initial jump from 525-600 is an older world tailoring trainer. Once 600, faction with golden lotus for the 476 cloth dps hands/robe, as well as healer hands/robe. To make the Imperial silk you must ( i say again must be in silken threads village : Valley of the four winds. ” If you are looking to create the new epic bag, you ahve alot of rep grinding to do. In order to unlock the August Celestials rep ( which contains the new bag recipe, albeit only available once exalted with august, you must first attain revered with golden lotus.) Hopefully this information helps. Yours truly, realm first tailor :):):)
[Thanks, and Gratz on being the 1st on your realm! -Rog]