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Arms Warrior PvP Guide

Arms Warrior PvP GuideHuman Female Arms Warrior in Season 11 GearUpdated for Warlords of Draenor 6.2

Warriors in Warlords have lost a number of abilities, several having to do with crowd control. (Fortunately, so has everyone else.)

Various abilities have also changed. See our Warrior changes in WoD post for all the changes, though some will be noted below. All of the changes were intended to streamline the character and reduce “button bloat” (from too many abilities.)

Even with all of the changes the Arms Warrior can lay down plenty of hurt. You got a Mastery buff in 6.2, so the affected strikes will all hit that much harder.

For Arms in instances and raids see: Arms PvE (Yes, Arms can PvE)

Now get out there and kill someone.


The Arms Warrior

Other Warrior Guides


The PvP Arms Warrior, Briefly

Undead Warrior in Season 11 gear
Fight me!

A brief overview of the Arms Warrior for PvP


  • see below for abilities, a build, and glyphs


  • Gem for Str (Red “bold” gems) or Str/Crit, whereever possible.
  • More gems



  • Any will do, but…
  • Alliance: Human (escape, bonus versatility) or Worgen (Spint, Crit.)
  • Horde: Orc (burst, Stun resistance) might be “best.”
  • Undead can escape effects and have a small passive heal and DPS add.
  • More Race info

Get Leveled Faster, even in Warlords


Arms PvP Build

Changing talents is easy and works just like changing glyphs. Bring up your talent page in-game, click the row you want to change, spend the indicated dust/powder/tome, and pick the new talent. Your trainer can also reset all of your talents at once.

Most of the Warrior talents have at least situation use. Depending on what you’re doing at the moment you might be swapping talents regularly. Our picks are checked, Best talent.

Arms Warrior PvP Talents for Warlords

Tier 1, level 15

How do you like to Charge? More often or more effectively?

  1. Juggernaut – Charge every 12 seconds. Never have to wait a long time for the next charge.
  2. Best talent Double Time – Charge twice, bang bang, but then has a 20 second recharge (which can hurt.) That double charge can be really useful, for example: you charge the mage, he blinks, you charge again. (Only one of the charges builds Rage, unless they are to separate targets. )
  3. Warbringer – Stuns the target for 1.5 seconds, instead of rooting. Great if you need that extra stun. The standard Charge cooldown is a bit long, but you get the stun/interrupt.

Tier 2, level 30

Which heal depends on your game. Second Wind is used by many, Impending Victory heals you right now. Note that abilities which increase your max health will increase the amount healed by these abilities.

  1. Best talent Enraged Regeneration – An active heal that just might be enough and it’s usable while stunned,  which makes it an obvious pick.
  2. Second Wind is pretty useless for PvP, as it’s a Leech. This means you are already at 35% or less health and you have to keep attacking to get any benefit from it. At 35% or less you’re probably about to be stun-locked, so will get zero leeching. Byte bye.
  3. Impending Victory – A cheap attack with a decent heal right now, which is why it’s the pick. Shorter cooldown than Enraged Regen, but not usable while stunned or against people out of range.

Zygor's Guide for Warlords or DraenorTier 3, level 45

  1. Taste for Blood – Gain rage as your Rend does damage.
  2. Best talent Sudden Death – a chance for your auto-attacks to cause your next Execute to cost no rage and be usable regardless of the target’s health. Procs surprisingly often. .
  3. Slam – whack the opponent, with your second and third whacks cause increasing damage and costing increasing amounts or rage, then it resets. Just doesn’t do the damage.

Tier 4, level 60

Area Effects – Stuns or Damage?

  1. Best talent Stormbolt is a ranged stun and does solid damage to targets immune to stuns. Facing casters? This is the pick.
  2. Best talent Shockwave damages and stuns all stunnable enemies in front of you, within 10 yards.
  3. Dragon Roar – Knock all nearby enemies back a bit and damage them. It’s not a stun, so skip this for most cases.

Tier 5, level 75

All are good, it depends on who you’re with and who you’re fighting.

  1. Best talent Mass Spell Reflection – Everyone in your group gets Spell Reflection. This could be annoying to the opposition when fighting multiple enemies. A very nice pick for BGs.
  2. Best talent Safeguard – Intervene towards a party member, saving his butt while you eat that big hit. Also a nice gap closer.
  3. Vigilance protects a party member for 12 seconds, reducing their damage taken. The Warrior does not take that damage (though he used to.)

Tier 6, level 90

  1. Avatar – You transform into an unstoppable colossus for 20 sec, increasing your damage dealt and causing your attacks to generate extra Rage. While transformed you are immune to movement impairing effects.
  2. Bloodbath – for 12 seconds your attacks and their multistrikes do additional damage as a bleed over 6 seconds and also slow the opponent.
  3. Best talent Bladestorm for lots of damage. What’s better than a Spinning Warrior of Doom? When you spinning breaks CC and makes you immune to same for 6 seconds, that’s what.

Tier 7, level 100

  1. Best talent Anger Management for duels, 2s, 3s, etc. Reducing cooldowns is always good.
  2. Ravager for 5s and BG/RBGs. Keeping people in the area for the ten seconds might be an issue, hence better for BGs.
  3. Siegebreaker replaces Intimidating Shout. Slams the target, knocking them back and down. You lose your fear, so this one is out.


Useful Glyphs for Arms Warriors

Note that certain glyphs are exclusive with each other. This means that only one of them can be loaded at any one time. For example, the glyphs of Heroic Leap and Death from Above.

Major Glyphs

The first two are pretty important, the rest of situational, but can be very nice is the right place.

Some others to play with:

Minor Glyphs

These are all pretty much cosmetic, but there are one or two with some value.


Arms Warrior Stats for PvP

Warlords of Draenor did away with Hit, Expertise, Resilience, PvP Power, and reforging. You now have an “attuned stat,” which is mastery, and which comes from your level 90 Weapon Mastery ability, giving you 5% more Mastery from all sources.

You have two new stats, Multistrike and Versatility.

  • Stat Priority: Str > Crit = Mastery > Multi = Vers > Haste

In order of priority:

  • Strength – improves everything you need to do. Easily your best stat.
  • Mastery adds to the damage of your Mortal Strike, Colossus Smash, and Execute.
  • Crit, the more the better, even though it only does 150% damage in PvP (200% in PvE.) Your autoattack crits generate double the rage of normal autoattack hits.
  • Multistrike is a decent stat. It’s one chance to proc an additional attack at 30% effect, but that’s not actually much of a nerf. Why? 20% Multi actually only has a 4% chance of hitting twice in PvE. 10% has a 1% chance. So not much of a nerf.
  • Versatility adds to your offense, your healing, and (at half value) to your damage reduction.
  • Haste  Adds to white damage, due to more swings over time, and indirectly to your bleed damage (potentially more ticks over time,) plus your rage regeneration. All that and it’s still your worst stat. Try to avoid it, if you can.
  • Bzzzt! You don’t have any Int, Agility, or Spirit on your gear, right? Good.

Tertiary stats that appear on PvE gear do not appear on PvP gear. In addition, you can’t gem or enchant or otherwise stack them. The stats are Leech, Avoidance, etc.


Gems for Arms Warrior PvP

In Brief: gem for Mastery or Crit.

Season 2 Warlords PvP gear has occasional sockets, but only in gear that is randomly generated, such as from boxes won or Gladiator Sanctum work orders. The gear that you buy does not have sockets. All WoD gems will fit into any WoD sockets that are available.

For gear under item level 600

A good gem strategy to match sockets is this:

Note that the “perfect” gem cuts have the same stats as the regular gem. One of the other is likely to be cheaper, by far. Save your gold and grab the cheap one (they’re shown in the table, below.) If your cash flow is bad, such that you can’t buy the gems, then you should check out these gold secrets.

Gemming in Warlords PvP

  • Older (Mists of Pandaria) gems work until item level 600, but the item squish cut them down a bit. What used to be 160 Int is now 10, for example. The new Prismatic gems are 50 points of Mastery or whatever.
  • Older gems (Mists of Pandaria and lower) that used to code for Hit now do Crit, gems that had Expertise are now Haste.
Gem Priorities
Mists of Pandaria Gems, for gear under ilevel 600.
Meta Reverberating Primal Diamond: +14 Str & Increased Crit Effect
Red Bold Primordial Ruby: +10 Str
Yellow Fractured Sun’s Radiance: +20 Mastery
Smooth Sun’s Radiance: +20 Crit
Orange Inscribed Vermilion Onyx: +5 Str and +10 Crit
Perfect Inscribed Tiger Opal: +5 Str and +10 Crit
Skillful Vermilion Onyx: +5 Str and +10 Mastery
Blue Rigid River’s Heart: +20 Crit
Green Sensei’s Wild Jade: +10 Crit and +10 Mastery
Purple Etched Imperial Amethyst: +5 Str and +10 Crit
Perfect Etched Roguestone: +5 Str and +10 Crit
Cogwheel Requires an engie helm, such as this.
Smooth Tinker’s Gear: +38 Crit
Fractured Tinker’s Gear: +38 Mastery


Arms Warrior Enchants

In Brief: Enchant for Crit or Mastery

In Warlords, unlike with gems, enchants are available. However they are only for your weapons, neck, cloak, and rings and they are only for secondary stats, there are no Str enchants.

For gear under 600, the other enchants are still available.

Short on gold? Most of the enchants below have similar enchants available, of lesser value, for less cash. We’ve linked to a couple of these. Check with the rep vendor or the Auction House for others. If you want to buy the best enchants, fund all of your alts, donate to the guild, etc., but don’t have the cash, then see what the Tycoon Addon can do about about fixing your poverty.

Arms PvP Enchantments




Enchant Cloak – Accuracy: +12 Crit rating

Other enchants, for gear under item level 600.
Shoulders Greater Tiger Fang Inscription: +15 Str and +5 Crit
Chest Enchant Chest – Glorious Stats: +9 to all Stats
Bracers Enchant Bracer – Exceptional Strength: +15 Str
Enchant Bracer – Mastery: +25 Mastery
Gloves Enchant Gloves – Super Strength: +25 Str
Enchant Gloves – Superior Mastery: +25 Mastery
Belt Livingsteel Belt Buckle: Sockets your belt, pop in the best gem.
Leggings Angerhide Leg Armor: +19 Str & 11 Crit rating
Boots Enchant Boots – Greater Precision: +12 Crit rating
Enchant Boots – Pandaren’s Step: +10 Mastery and Slight run speed increase.


Arms Spec Abilities

  • You will be using Battle Stance most of the time, for the Rage generation value.
  • Defensive Stance, with its 25% damage reduction, will be used anytime you’re feeling enough pressure.
  • You do not need a shield  to use Shield Wall and Spell Reflection

Warriors lost some stuff in WoD, including your banners and Symbiosis (which would let you and your Druid borrow an ability from each other.) Here are your Arms specific abilities as they stand in Warlords. Dead or moved abilities are crossed out.

Arms Spec Abilities
7 Execute – Hard strike, costs up to 40 Rage, usable only on low health enemies.
7 Rend – An old ability is back. Opponent bleeds over 18 seconds.
10 Mortal Strike – Your basic Bread and Butter strike, reduces enemy healing received.
10 Seasoned Soldier (P) – More damage with 2-handers.
14  Thunder Clap – blasts all nearby enemies and reduces their movement speed.
18 Slam – This is now a level 45 talent.
26 Whirlwind – Attack everything within 8 yards.
30 Overpower
30 Taste for Blood – this is now a level 45 talent.
46 Blood and Thunder – now Prot only.
50 Plate Specialization (P) – More Str is your reward for wearing all plate.
56 Die by the Sword – Big survivability boost for a few seconds.
60 Sweeping Strikes – Your melee attacks strike an addition opponent.
80 Inspiring Presence – Your entire group now gets 3% Versatility.
80 Mastery: Strikes of Opportunity has been changed to… Mastery: Weapon Master – More Mortal Strike, Colossus Smash, and Execute damage.
81 Colossus Smash – Smash the target and your following attacks ignore its armor for a brief time. Causes your opponent to also take a bit more damage for 30 seconds.
Shield Barrier – Absorbs damage for 6 sec, costs up to 60 Rage.
81 Sudden Death
83 Rallying Cry – 15% Health increase for 10 sec, 3 min cooldown.
87 Recklessness – Greater chance to crit with specials (eg: Mortal Strike.) 3 min cooldown.
90 Weapon Mastery – 5% more Mastery from all sources.

Arms Perks

After level 90 you will be getting Perks instead of Abilities, so no additional cluttering of your action bars. Perks are enhancements to existing abilities and are learned randomly from the list of remaining perks, ever two levels from 92 to 100.

So, not necessarily in order, you will eventually get:

  1. Enhanced Rend – more damage if Rend is on your target
  2. Enhanced Sweeping Strikes – lasts 5 seconds longer
  3. Improved Die by the Sword – additional 10% damage reduction
  4. Improved Recklessness – additional 15% crit while Recklessness is active.


Stuns and Control and Blood and “How to”

While Warlords zapped a number of abilities and changes or moved others, keep in mind that everyone is in the same boat. Charge in, smash and rend, and you’ll get it worked out.

If you’re not in a rated PvP instance then consider one of these for your opener and/or burst:

Stunning and Terrifying Moves

  • Charge – Roots your target, the Warbringer talent changes it to a stun.
  • Intimidating Shout – Target cowers, up to 5 others run away.
  • Lev 60 Talents:

Blood, Blood, and Still More Blood

Other Abilities

Skill Capped Makes PvP Easier


Bind at least your most used abilities to “easy to reach” keys and practice them until you don’t have to look.

  • Colossus Smash – CS – This provides moderate damage but more importantly debuffs the enemy, allowing you to bypass all armor for 6 seconds which increases damage potential. It also increases physical damage received by the target by 4% for 6 seconds. In an ideal world you would want this debuff up all the time but this is not realistic. The use of CS is essential for any burst attempts. Shifts you into Battle Stance.
  • Mortal strike debuffs the target’s healing.
  • Slam – Talent, 10 rage – This ability, if you took it, is where your burst will come from and provides decent damage. It is your primary way to dump rage and will be your go to ability for kill attempts. Generally you will want to only be using slam when you have built up between 75 and 100 rage. Slam benefits heavily from CS and our offensive CDs such as Recklessness and Avatar.
  • Execute – 10-40 rage – This can only be used when the target is below 20% health and is on the same GCD as Slam which is 1.5 seconds. This is your hardest hitting strike. Your Sudden Death talent will give you a number of Executes which can be used against targets of any health level.
  • Thunder Clap – TC – 10 Rage – AOE Ability that applies lower damage but also slows all targets in range.

Getting Around (Mobility)

You want to be spending as much time as possible in your target’s face. Besides the obvious, this let’s your Anger Management talent cycle faster, since you’ll be spending more Rage.

If you can anticipate what your opponent might do then you won’t waste your mobility. For example: charging in only to have your opponent blink/disengage away. Save your gap closers for when you need them.

  • Charge – Juggernaut gives you  the best cooldown for Charge, Double Time can do the “Bang Bang” charge, but then you wait the full 20 seconds to get once more Charge.
  • Heroic Leap – 40 yards, right now.
  • Intervene/Safeguard –
  • Bladestorm – break free of CC to get to your target.
  • Berserker Rage breaks some CCs and renders you immune for 6 seconds, on a 30 sec cooldown.

Your basic “rotation” will be something like this:

  • Generate enough rage
  • Keep Rend up at all times.
  • Colossus Smash > Mortal Strike > Whirlwind (Or Slam, )
  • Execute when Sudden Death procs or the opponent’s health is in range.
  • Thunder Clap if fighting more than one.
  • Execute takes priority over any ability if in range (enemy is 20% or lower.)


Gearing Up for Arms PvP

PvE or PvP Gear? In Warlords of Draenor the PvP gear has too ratings. One of the PvE and the second, much higher, is for PvP. For example, the honor gear is 620/675, that is: 620 for PvE and 675 for PvP. So you will want to be in the PvP gear as soon as possible.

There are three tiers of PvP gear in Warlords Season 2:

  • Wild Aspirant, which is 625/700 (+6 if Warforged.)
  • Wild Combatant (honor gear) which is 675/710
  • Wild Gladiator, which is 700/730

See above for enchants.

The section below will briefly cover gearing up.

Basic Gearing Before 90

If you’re just blasting through the levels then don’t worry about gearing too much. If you want to stick to any particular level then your heirlooms will be very good. If you don’t have the heirlooms then go to your favorite search engine and search on something like level 20 warrior twink.

Your PvP gear vendor is your friend.

Your Heirlooms will be as good as any PvP gear until 70, when you can buy the entire Brutal set for about 2k honor. This set will be better than your heirlooms for a few levels. You can buy similar sets, costing more honor, at 80 and 85.

Basic Gearing up at 90

  1. Your questing greens. Get rid of them.
  2. Buy the crafted malevolent gladiator gear from the Auction House or a friendly Blacksmith. Why? Even at ilevel 476 it’s a big step up from the questing gear, plus comes with PvP Power, so is better than comparable PvE gear.  (See our gold guide if you can’t afford this gear.) There are no weapons (or jewelry, though there is one trinket) in this set, so grab the best PvE two hander you can find.
  3. Or work the Timeless Isle for the 496 PvE set. Either way will get you started at level 90 into Draenor.

Level 91 is a bit different in that you can equip three pieces of crafted Draenor gear. This gear starts at 640 for the armor and 630 for the weapons. Each can be boosted by 75 item levels, for a price. This (maxed) gear is basically equivalent to the level 100 season 2 honor gear, and it’s better if you PvE.

Your Draenor Blacksmithing will give you access to everything you need.

Gearing up at level 100

In the Battlegrounds and in Ashran (the new PvP zone) you will win honor points, some Conquest points, and find the occasional strongbox. The latter may have pieces of Aspirant or Honor gear, maybe even conquest. So while you grind BGs for the points to buy your honor gear you will also be winning some items.

Which order to by gear is you call, of course, but there is a recommended order which will help you to get “up to speed” faster than otherwise.

Stats: Most of the armor slots have two items available, giving you a bit of choice in stats. Ideally you’ll have Mastery & Crit, but that won’t be possible for all items. There is another item available when you have the conquest points and “Revered” with your leader’s faction, which isn’t any higher level, but which has different stats. For example:

The honor weapons have no “points earned” requirement, while the Conquest weapons do. They require 7,250 accumulated points before you can buy them.

The big (expensive) armor pieces (chest, legs, head) have more stats (Str, etc.) than the lesser pieces, so will give you more power. Note that gem slots are not available from purchased items and only the weapon, cloak, neck, and rings can be enchanted.

  1. Consider buying the trinket pair first, for the 15% damage reduction.
  2. Honor: Buy your weapon(s) first, then a big piece and the gloves. That gives you the two piece set bonus.
  3. Conquest: Reverse the order. Buy a big piece & gloves, then the weapon.
  4. Both: Buy the other two big pieces for the 4 piece set bonuse
  5. “On Use” DPS trinket
  6. Shoulders
  7. Back, neck, rings, because they can be enchanted.
  8. bracers and boots
  9. Escape trinket. If you do not already have one then this should be first.


Arms Warrior Races for PvP

Pandaren Arms Warrior
Pandaren Arms Warrior

Go with what you like, even if it’s Draenei. None of the racials are that awesome, though the Humans being able to use two DPS trinkets is rather nice. Orcs are a solid Horde choice. Pandarens can be either Horde or Alliance.

The Best Race?

  • Human over all, for three trinkets and Versatility.
  • Orc if you need to be Horde.


  • “Bouncy” for less falling damage. Might be just the thing when you jump or get tossed off a cliff.
  • Better buffs from food.
  • Better rest XP, for faster leveling.
  • Melee range “stun” lasts 4 seconds. It takes you out of combat and breaks on damage. Definitely useful.
  • Choose either Horde or Alliance when leaving the starting area.
  • Good with cooking.


More or Less in order from Best to Least

Human – escape and versatility

  • the escape ability is nice for PvP, especially since it allows the use of two DPS trinkets.
  • Bonus Versatility adds +1% to your Versatility
  • The Human Diplomacy skill will allow for more rapid faction gain (very nice if you’re working towards any of the zillion faction in WoW)

Gnome – escape and higher Rage cap

  • Escape artist is very nice for PvP, as is their small size, and they get an increased mana pool.
  • More – +5% more mana, which isn’t really a concern for you.
  • Nimble – +1% more Haste, which is a decent stat.
  • Resistance – Gnomes take a bit less arcane damage
  • Engineer – Gnomes are good with Engineering.

Draenei more Strength

Worgen A bit more Crit and more movement.

Dwarf – wash away effects, more crit damage

  • Stone Form is a nice PvP talent, and occasionally useful elsewhere. It washes away bleeds, various magical effects, and adds a 10% damage reduction for a few seconds.
  • Might adds 2% to your critical damage (not crit rating.)
  • Resistance allows a small reduction to incoming Frost damage.
  • Explorer – Dwarves are good with Archeology.

Night Elf – a bit of Crit and Shadowmeld.

  • Shadowmeld requires you to stay still. It drops aggro and can be used in combat. If you time ‘meld just so you can break incoming spells.
  • Quickness makes you slightly harder to hit and slightly increases your run speed.
  • Wisp Form: Get back to your body faster.
  • Resistance for 1% less Nature damage.
  • WoD: Touch of Elune: Increases your Haste by 1% during the night. Increases your Critical Strike by 1% during the day.  Quickness also makes you 2% faster.


Orc – Burst cooldown and minor stun resistance.

  • Blood Fury increases melee and spell damage, the latter of which suits Warlocks just fine.
  • Hardiness allows a 10% decreased stun duration, which is nice for PvP.

Troll  – Berserk cooldown, reduced Slow duration.

Blood Elf – A bit of extra crit and an area silence.

  • Arcane Torrent is a nice spell interrupt with some PvP utility (silence only in PvP.)
  • Well ok, Blood Elves look good. A truly devastating Warrior ability. Really.
  • Acuity adds +1% to your Crit rating, which is we like.
  • Belves are good with Enchanting, via their affinity.
  • Belves take slightly less Arcane damage, via their Resistance.

Tauren – Stomp, more health, more crit damage.

  • War Stomp: Stuns up to 5 enemies within 8 yds for 2 sec.
  • Brawn: Critical strike bonus damage and healing increased by 2%. This is not crit rating, just extra damage.
  • Endurance: Increases your Stamina (scales with level).
  • Nature Resistance: Reduces Nature damage taken by 1%.
  • Cultivation: Herbalism skill increased by 15 and you gather herbs faster than other herbalists.

Undead – Escape, Drain Life

  • Underwater Breathing was gone (in Mists of Pandaria) and was replaced with a rather nice Drain Life ability, which will actually add a bit to your DPS numbers. This ability returned with Warlords and is now of indefinite duration. Useful when leveling and pretty nice for exploration, with occasional other uses.
  • Will of the Forsaken is a nice PvP skill (anything that breaks Fear, etc is a nice PvP skill.)
  • Cannibalize is useful when you just have to rub it in to that other player you killed. Maybe that’s good enough reason to go Undead.
  • Minor Resistance (here)  to Shadow damage.

Goblin – Jump away


Arms Warrior Professions for PvP

In Warlords all of the profession bonuses are dead.

Blacksmithing will let you make and three nice pieces of gear. Engineering has a lot of useful toys. Mostly the professions are now for that gear and gold making. If you have a level two garrison, a profession hut, and a follower workig that hut you can get some additional perks. None of these are usable in arena, except the Blacksmithing buff.

Arms Professions
Blacksmithing You can create keys, sharpening stones, useful gear, and cool looking gear for Transmogrification. Mail and Plate armor (640) and weapons (630) and the items to both reroll stats and boost the items to 715 for the armor and 705 for the weapons. Keys for locks, though not Draenor locks. Your garrison follower can give you two nice buffs:

  • Song of the Anvil – “Your armor and weapons do not lose durability from use for 4 hrs.” Just the thing for an extended tanking/dungeoning session, right?
  • Solace of the Forge might be helpful when leveling through Draenor, as a molten elemental will sometimes come to your aid.
Engineering Rockets, gliders, and other toys can be used in WPvP and regular BGs, not in rated PvP.
Jewelcrafting Mounts, jewels, jewelry (and you can boost it and reroll stats, just as with Blacksmithing.)
Inscription Make all your own glyphs and make staves and trinkets for your caster alts/buddies. Misc other items. Make the bits to boost and reroll those staves and trinkets.
Alchemy Make potions and flasks, transmute this into that. Get four free potions a day from your follower.
Enchanting Enchant stuff. Your follower will give you access to illusionary  enchants, which are transmogs for your regular enchants.
Tailoring Meh.
Leatherworking Meh. Your follower will let you make tents that boosts all of your stats by 10% for an hour. They’re account bound so you can ship them to all of your alts. You cannot use the tents in raids or rated PvP.
Skinning For making gold and supplying leatherworking.
Herbalism For making gold and supplying alchemy and Inscription. 
Mining For making gold and supplying Engineering and Blacksmithing.  


Leveling Your Arms Warrior Faster

Zygor's Guide for WarlordsOk, you’re not yet high enough level to raid or do the real Arenas. Maybe you’re even level 1. Have a plan to hit the level cap ASAP and get into that yummy end-game content? Or will you just aimlessly wander about the world, trying to decide where to go next?

To make your job a lot easier you should consider an expert leveling guide for your 1-100 blast.

You will never again wonder about where to go or what to do and your leveling will be faster, much faster.

Zygor’s Guide  nearly automates the whole leveling path, from start to finish, for your Warrior. Carve your way through the world and the content at a surprisingly crisp pace. Pick your starting point and the guide automatically updates and advances as you complete quests, it sets a waypoint arrow automatically, and includes the important quest info.

Take a break to do some PvP leveling, instances, or whatever and when you come back to the guide it will figure out what level you are and pick up from there. Automatically.  It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new to WoW or you’re decked out in Heirlooms and using Recruit a Friend, Dugi will get you to the level cap faster.

Boosted to 90? No problem. Zygor will get you to 100 quickly and easily.

And please not than Zygor’s is always updated for the latest patches and expansions, including Warlords of Draenor

Grab your copy here and get leveled!


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7 thoughts on “Arms Warrior PvP Guide”

  1. Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t one of the Orc racial’s a bonus to the use of all Axe weapons? Or does this not count in PvP?

  2. Nice guide however I suggest altering the link provided in the Inscription comments from Intellect to the Str version of shoulder enchants, to fit in with the class better.

    [(Face palm…) yeah, Warrior have no use for brains. I’ll have that fixed in a minute, thanks. -Rog.]

  3. great guide its just the talents aren’t updated to 5.1. Gagorder dosent work in pvp and second wind is 10x better. also shockwave’s better for PvP

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