The GW World of Warcraft Guide List
This is a list of the WoW guides on this site. Also check the drop down menu bar above and our blog posts.
Class Guides
Scroll down to see all the links to our guides. Anything labelled “class guide” is an overview of that class and will also link to the individual specializations (specs) for that class. Guides are updated regularly. If one isn’t updated, or you would like to see one that isn’t here, then let us know or leave a comment.
Scroll down or use the links:
Death Knight Guides
Druid Guides
- Restoration healing spec, raiding
- Restoration PvP
Hunter Guides
Marksmanship: The bow (gun, etc.) is primary, the beast is secondary.
Beastmastery: The beast is primary, or at least equal.
Survival: Not so squishy now, are we?
Mage Guides
Arcane: Bursts of energy to nuke your opponent.
Fire: Burn baby, burn. For the Pyros in the house.
Frost: Chill out, here’s how.
Monk Guides
Paladin Guides
Holy: For the healers, and Paladins are very good healers.
Protection: not so much for damage, great for tanking.
Retribution: To lay down the hurt.
Priest Guides
- Priest Class Guide – Covering the basics of what you want to know abouit priests.
- Priest leveling guide – Priests are a bit slow in the leveling department, here’s how to make it faster and less painful.
Holy: Keep ’em all healed.
Discipline: A good mixture of offense, defense, and support.
Shadow: The Darth Vader build of priests.
Rogue Guides
Assassination: Master of Poisons
Combat: The Swashbuckler
Subtlety: PvP and not bad at DPS, either
Shaman Guides
Elemental: Using the forces of nature to fire death at the opposition
Enhancement: Face to face combat
Warlock Guides
Affliction: Dots and drainage, here’s how it works.
Demonology: The pet becomes mighty and you’re its master. You hope.
Destruction: Ranged nuking
Warrior Guides
Heroic Instance Guides
Profession Guides
Misc. Guides