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Quickly Gearing Up in Patch 6.2

Undead Death KnightOne of the interesting things about Warlords of Draenor is the ability to get “geared up” faster than ever before. Whether getting geared that quickly is a wise game decision is open to question, but it does let the more casual player have a better shot at better gear than before.

For the more hardcore player there’s always the Mythic raids, Challenge Mode dungeons, and Arena PvP.

Warlords 6.2 will get you geared through the old dungeon, LFR, and battleground/arena system, but adds Apexis gear, Garrison missions, and Ashran.

Something for everyone.

Scroll down for the video.

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The 6.2 Patch Notes for the Various Classes. Buffed or Nerfed?

Patch 6.2, Fury of Hellfire, has arrived (June 23. ) This is official. So the class tweaks/buffs/nerfs below are pretty final. Except for the hotfixes. Buffed or Nerfed, that is the question, isn’t it? So let’s see.

Mastery got a lot of small nerfs and some basic strikes got buffs. Others got Mastery buffs and their attacked nerfed (Demonology!) I have no comments on whether any of the nerfs make any sense at all, especially to those Demo ‘locks.

There are a number of other changes in that patch, as well. This post just looks at the class changes and tweaks.

Drop down to the bottom to add your piece.

Updated for hotfixes through July 20.

Skip down to: Death Knight, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior

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Grabbing the Gold in Warlords

Make some of that WoW GoldWarlords of Draenor has all the usual gold making methods, such as gathering and crafting and playing the auction house. The only things new regarding those methods is the actual items found/made. Oh yes, and that crafting is much simpler than before.

The new idea, as you know, is the Garrisons. Among other things, they’re a source of pretty easy gold. If you have several garrisons, all level 3, you could easily be making thousands per week.

I don’t know whether Bliz will run with the garrison idea in the next expansion. Yeah, I know they say they won’t, but they said that about Flying pretty recently and then they said there will be flying. They’ve also changed their minds about a variety of things in the past, where they’ve said “definitely not” and later said, “Yeah, let’s do it.” Both factions on one server comes to mind.

Anyway, the Garrisons are a neat idea and I’m pretty sure that they’re something that Bliz will change someday. Why? You can pull 100-2k gold a day from your garrison and you don’t have to buy or sell anything. No gathering or skinning, no haunting the auction house, no endless crafting. Just check your mission table and hit the treasure missions. Gathering some ores and/or herbs and sell them off. Open up all your salvage and vendor or auction it.

Obviously for optimal results you will want to be level 100 and have a level 3 Garrison.

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Flying in Draenor, it’s Coming. Really.

Blizzard puts a lot of effort into its landscapes and world and the mobs and things that are placed there. It makes sense that they’d actually like people to explore those areas, right?

Of course, a few addons popped up showing you where all the treasures and rares were, but you still had to get there. Which was made more interesting if you were leveling on a PvP server. One can generally count on a few members of the other faction making that quest a bit more interesting.

A bunch of people, however, though differently. Naturally there’s the crowd that thought flying should be implemented immediately up entering Draenor, and another crowd (smaller) that agrees with the “no flying” rules. Blizzard says there has been “spirited discussion on the issue.” Heh. Nice euphemism. It’s a good think they have a thick skin, I think.

So in answer to this “spirited” discussion Bliz has come up with an interesting idea, which I like, but which will be a lot of work. No, probably a lot more work than that.

Read More »Flying in Draenor, it’s Coming. Really.

The Patch 6.1 Class Changes

Patch 6.1 has been around for a few days now. This is a summary of the class changes. All the other changes are on the Blizzard page.

As to the Why and Wherefore of the changes, here’s some Dev commentary:

Developer Commentary: A primary focus for class changes in Patch 6.1 is improving overall talent balance. Not every talent needs to be useful in every situation; and in fact it’s often better if they have strengths and weaknesses. But we do try to have each talent be useful in some situations, and make them close enough in value that if you really enjoy the gameplay of a talent you don’t feel like you’re dragging your group down by using it.

For these changes we focused primarily on tuning (tweaking numbers), and nearly all changes are buffs to underperforming Talents. The goal is to reach more variety of viable builds, without bringing down the existing popular choices.

Read on for the details.

Read More »The Patch 6.1 Class Changes

Buying Gold, the Blizzard Way

It’s “Coming Soon.” A means to pay real money, to Bliz, and, indirectly, get the gold.

“Players will be able to purchase a WoW Token through the in-game Shop for real money, and then sell it on the Auction House for gold at the current market price. When a player buys a WoW Token from the Auction House for gold, the Token becomes Soulbound, and the player can then redeem it for 30 days of game time.”

Want to “buy” some gold? Buy a token for cash from the in-game store and sell the token on the Auction House. When it sells you get the gold. The buyer gets the game time. How much will you get? Well… that going to be determined dynamically by current market conditions. This probably means that if there is a lot of demand then the gold price will float upwards, and visa versa.

Update: Patch 6.1.2 implemented the “buying gold” system. See below for their official video explaining how it all works.

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