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Fire Mage Burst

Fire Mage Rotation: How to Burst

Fire Mages live and die from their pyro procs, which result in instant, free, Fire Mage Rotationempowred Pyroblasts. No procs and the damge done falls of a cliff.

The “standard way” to do things is to fish for procs with Fireball or Scorch, get the Heating Up proc, boost it with Inferno Blast, and lob it at the target. Perhaps with an Alter Time in the mix to get another proc.

Then you fish for the next proc. Here’s how to get several Pyrp procs and do a lot more damage.

Note: While this guide is aimed at PvP it’s very applicable for PvE. The burst roations are the same.Read More »Fire Mage Rotation: How to Burst

Monk patch 5.4 changes

The Patch 5.4 Monk Changes

Undead Monk in Fire Charm gearSo what changed for Monks in 5.4? A bunch of little changes and tweaks. A buff or two and a couple of nerfs to things that might have been overpowered anyway. There are no new talents and no talents were eliminated. You gained no new abilities.

Brewmasters might have the biggest changes, with a Keg Smash nerf and the changes to Vengeance.

Scroll through the notes and check out the video, below, which covers all the changes and how they affect you.


  • Spinning Crane Kick now functions like a smart heal, healing the 6 most injured friendly targets within range, and minor guardians are no longer targeted (Wild Imps, Bloodworms, Snakes from Snake Traps, etc.). There has been no change to the total amount of healing granted by the ability, it just distrbutes the healing more effectively.

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Druid Patch 5.4 Changes

The Patch 5.4 Druid Changes

So what happened with Druids in patch 5.4? What are the changes, buffs, nerfs, and new abilities?

Patch 5.4 Druid Changes - Worgen Feral Druid, Cat Form

Scroll down, all the notes are posted, with links and some comments. Resto and Balance got the lion’s share of changes, Guardian Druids got nothing spefic to them, and Feral only a bit. But if you’re a Guardian and you tank you will want to pay close attention to the Vengeance changes.

I think Resto Druids will be quite happy, Balance a bit less so. At least both of them get Nature’s Swiftness as a one of their abilities. That’s a nice buff all by itself.

There are more links to info at the bottom of the page. Feel free to like or comment.

Skip to: General changes, Balance, Feral, Guardian, Resto, Talents, Glyphs, More.
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The Patch 5.4 Rogue Changes

The Patch 5.4 Rogue Changes and a Human Combat Rogue in T13 gearThe Patch 5.4 Rogue changes are mostly pretty good. Eviscerate does less damage, but a number of other buffs more than make up for that. You’re dodgier than before (Evasion buff,) get more from Recuperate, and got a number of positive changes to your talents. Combat even got a new ability.

PvP notes: Your (everyone’s) Resilience is now 72%, so geming for the stuff isn’t a good idea. Dodging is now better for all Rogues. The change to Killing Spree makes it a far more effective ability for single targets (PvE included) than before. Combat’s other buffs will help out, too. Assassination’s Dispatch and Mutilate now hit significantly harder, as do Sub’s Backstab and Hemo. Shadowstep’s cool down was reduced and the rage of Cloak and Dagger was doubled. The reduction in energy cost of Burst of Speed means that flag carrying in certain battlegrounds might be a lot more interesting. The new Glyph of Redirect makes your redirect ability a lot more useful. More 5.4 PvP notes.

Read More »The Patch 5.4 Rogue Changes

Death Knight Patch 5.4 Changes

The Patch 5.4 Death Knight Changes

The Patch 5.4 Death Knight ChangesThe Patch 5.4 Death Knight Changes don’t amount to a whole lot this time ’round. You got some nice buffs, a new talent (Riposte,) Anti-Magic Shell was the only real nerf, and the rest were tweaks. Check the glyphs, there are a couple which you will probably want to use. See below for details.

PvP: Resilience is now 72% and there are some other small changes. Go here for more. As for PvP gear, note that getting the two PvP trinkets gives you a nice Resilience bonus. You call if that’s enough to keep you from equipping a PvE trinket, but there are some pretty crazy PvE trinkets dropping in this patch (PvEexample Vs PvPexample.)

There are some remarks going around about how crazy the trinkets are this patch. The trinkets look like they’ve been fixed (nerfed hard) and are now in line with what you would expect, not that they aren’t pretty nice.
Read More »The Patch 5.4 Death Knight Changes

The Paladin Patch 5.4 Changes

The Patch 5.4 Paladin Changes

Why is it that Paladins always seem to get a larger number of changes than the other classes? You’ve got a whole slew of Patch 5.4 Paladin Changes this time around. Most are tweaks, but a few are bigger. Get our your character sheet and start scribbling.

Skip to: General notes, Holy, Protection, Retribution, Talents, Glyphs, Paladin Pages

The Paladin Changes for 5.4


  • Nice change: Sanctity of Battle now also affects the cooldown of Holy Shock.
  • Nuts: Seal of Insight no longer has a chance to restore mana on attacks. Previously it would restore 4% of base mana. For Protection is made up by Guarded by the light, see below, but Holy?
  • Nuts: Turn Evil now has a 15-second cooldown, up from zero, and the glyph is gone (it was: 0 cast time, 8 second cooldown.) A new talent allows it to be used on players (see talents, below.)

Read More »The Patch 5.4 Paladin Changes

mage 5.4 patch notes

The Mage 5.4 Patch Notes and Changes

The biggest change in 5.4 is for the Frost Mage. Your Mastery has changed. You no longer do increased Mastery damage Vs frozen targets. Now, a portion of the damage done by Frost bolt and Frostfire bolt is stored and your next Ice Lance will unleash those icicles. Your pet damage is also increased and various spells were buffed, such as Living BombIce Lance, and your pet’s Waterbolt damage.

Frost did get a nerf, Frostbolt‘s damage has actually been decreased a bit.

Mage Patch 5.4 Contents

Read More »The Mage 5.4 Patch Notes and Changes